How accurate is Oppenheimer movie?

I was relieved to find it is largely historically accurate and although a few factual distortions creep in, they aren't huge. The moral quandaries faced by Robert Oppenheimer and the other physicists on the Manhattan project are handled well – this is no glorification of the bomb.
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Is Oppenheimer movie difficult to understand?

While Oppenheimer is tough to keep straight with all the people and events and switching between past and present during three hours of drama, it's very simple once it's over.
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How accurate was the Truman scene in Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer accurately showcases President Truman's derogatory remark towards him, although the film's portrayal differs from the actual events. President Truman disliked Oppenheimer's suggestion and saw his response to the devastation caused by the atomic bombs as a sign of weakness.
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Was the Trinity test in Oppenheimer accurate?

While audiences were blown away by Nolan's vision of Oppenheimer and the Trinity test, the question remains, exactly how realistic was the movie's depiction of the first A-bomb blast? According to one nuclear expert, the movie got it largely right, but not perfect.
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How does Japan feel about Oppenheimer?

"Oppenheimer" has generated backlash in Japan, for what critics argue is its failure to fully grapple with the destructive reality of the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and its celebration of the “father of the atomic bomb.”
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Everything Oppenheimer Gets Right And Wrong About The True Story

Was the atomic bomb good idea in Japan?

Supporters of the bombings generally believe that they prevented an invasion of the Japanese mainland, saving more lives than they took by doing so. Opponents contend, among other arguments, that the bombings were unnecessary to win the war or that they constituted a war crime or genocide.
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Was it a good idea to use the atomic bomb on Japan?

The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was justified at the time as being moral – in order to bring about a more rapid victory and prevent the deaths of more Americans. However, it was clearly not moral to use this weapon knowing that it would kill civilians and destroy the urban milieu.
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How far away could the Trinity test be seen?

Despite their goal of secrecy, the blast was visible up to 160 miles away. Witnesses from as far as Albuquerque and El Paso described a huge fireball and mushroom cloud.
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Is Trinity test site still radioactive?

Quartz is the only surviving mineral in most trinitite. Trinitite no longer contains sufficient radiation to be harmful unless swallowed. It still contains the radionuclides 241Am, 137Cs and 152Eu owing to the Trinity test using a plutonium bomb.
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What did Oppenheimer say to Einstein?

What Oppenheimer Really Meant When He Said "I Believe We Did" To Einstein. The final moment of Oppenheimer is a mini-montage of modern nuclear weapons being activated across the world and the whole of Earth being torched, which is exactly what Oppenheimer meant by "I Believe We Did," and exactly what he was afraid of.
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Why did Truman not like Oppenheimer?

President Truman disliked Oppenheimer's suggestion and saw his response to the devastation caused by the atomic bombs as a sign of weakness. Oppenheimer's family confirmed that Truman did not like him due to his advice and the remark about having blood on his hands, which the President found objectionable.
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Why Lawrence did not testify Oppenheimer?

He did not oppose the investigations of Oppenheimer or others, tending to distance himself from those under investigation rather than supporting them. He said he was unable to testify at the Oppenheimer hearing because of illness. On April 26, Lawrence suffered a severe colitis attack.
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Did Oppenheimer meet Einstein?

Oppenheimer Met Einstein In Real-Life In 1932

However, long before the two physicists met during Oppenheimer's tenure at the Manhattan Project, they first encountered one another at The California Institute of Technology. J.
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Why is Oppenheimer movie controversial?

Some controversies surrounding Oppenheimer include the use of the Bhagavad Gita during a sex scene and the censorship of Florence Pugh's nudity in certain countries. The age gap between Florence Pugh and Cillian Murphy in the movie has also been a point of controversy.
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Who was smarter Einstein or Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer was a genius, whose practical application of Einstein's theory, as well as others, completely reshaped our world, and continues to, but Einstein's scope of understanding was so far reaching, far beyond (mere) nuclear fission or fusion.
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How disturbing is Oppenheimer?

Along with captivating audiences with its puzzling ideas and thought-provoking story, Oppenheimer also had a profound emotional impact on viewers. The haunting and disturbing nature of the movie is brought out by Nolan's ability to elicit strong emotions and impactful conversations.
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Is Hiroshima still radioactive today?

The radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today is on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth. It has no effect on human bodies.
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Why is trinitite illegal?

Once the site was opened, after the war, collectors picked it up in chunks; local rock shops sold it and still do. Concerned for its residual radioactivity, the Army bulldozed the site in 1952 and made collecting Trinitite illegal.
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Did people get sick after Trinity Test?

Trinity Test Created an Ongoing Health Crisis

Over the next several decades, people who lived through the blast began to develop cancer, heart disease and other health problems.
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Was anyone hurt in the Trinity test?

The world's very first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico in 1945 in an experiment known as the Trinity test. Movie "Oppenheimer" focuses on the scientist who developed the bomb, but hundreds of local New Mexicans were harmed by the test's fallout.
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Could civilians see the Trinity test?

Fallout of the Trinity Test

The light from the explosion was so bright it could be seen more than 280 miles from the test site, as far as Amarillo, Texas. Nearby residents reported falling from the shock wave, while ranchers recall warm “snow” falling on their cattle and onto their crops for days.
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How far away could the Hiroshima bomb be heard?

Curiously enough, this sound was not distinctly noted by those who survived near the center of the explosion, although it was heard as far as 15 miles away.
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How did Japan forgive the US?

The American occupation of Japan ended in 1952, after the U.S. and Japan signed a security treaty for a “peace of reconciliation” in San Francisco in 1951. The agreement let the U.S. maintain military bases there, and a revision in 1960 said the U.S. would come to Japan's defense in an attack.
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Was Hiroshima a crime against humanity?

Peter Kuznick, director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University, wrote of President Truman: "He knew he was beginning the process of annihilation of the species." Kuznick said the atomic bombing of Japan "was not just a war crime; it was a crime against humanity."
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Why did America not nuke Germany?

While the bomb was being developed, the assumption was the first targets would be in Germany. That didn't happen because Germany surrendered May 8, 1945. The first Atomic bomb was not tested until July 16, 1945 and the first weapon was not ready for delivery to target until August 1945.
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