How are Cinderella and her step sisters different?

But Cinderella is different from her stepsisters because she is pleasing and they are mean. They are also different because Cinderella sleeps on a thin mattress in the attic and her stepsisters sleep in a lavish bedroom.
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How are the stepsisters described in Cinderella?

Disney describes them as simply "spoiled, awkward, and ungainly." In the two direct-to-video sequels, Cinderella II and Cinderella III, it is revealed Anastasia is less cruel-intentioned than her older sister, stuck under her mother's thumb and acting out of frustration at not having love of her own.
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Is Cinderella older than her stepsisters?

Cinderella was 19 years old in her original movie, in between the ages of her two cruel stepsisters, both of whom were fixated on finding a husband. Because Cinderella's movie was set in the 1800s, it does make sense that her stepsisters would be obsessed with finding a husband at their ages.
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Why do the stepsisters and stepmother call her Cinderella?

Each night when the girl's work was finished, she was so weary that she would sit right down in the chimney corner among the cinders. So the stepmother and the stepsisters began to call her Cinderella.
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Why Cinderella was ill treated by her step mother and step sister?

It was mostly because of jealousy. The stepsisters were jealous of Cinderella because she was everything they weren't; beautiful, talented, kind, made friends easily, etc. The Stepmother was jealous because Cinderella's dad loved her more than his second wife, and for the same reasons the stepsisters didn't like her.
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Why Only ONE Of Cinderella’s Stepsisters Turned Good...

Does Cinderella forgive her stepsisters?

In the end, when Cinderella forgives her stepsisters, she takes them to the castle with her and helps them find husbands, rather than leave them behind to punish them.
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How are the stepsisters punished in Cinderella?

On their wedding day each of the stepsisters, wishing to stay in good graces, walked alongside Cinderella. However, two white pigeons sitting on Cinderella's shoulders pecked out their eyes, and they were punished with blindness for their cruelty.
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Why does Cinderella's stepmom hate her?

Lady Tremaine was animated by Frank Thomas. In the 2015 live-action remake of the 1950 animated film, Tremaine is portrayed by Cate Blanchett and is given a backstory where she hears Ella's father say that he loved his first wife more. This explains her hatred toward Cinderella.
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Did Cinderella have evil stepsisters?

This week's Villain's Gallery focuses on three evil-doers from “Cinderella” – Lady Tremaine (Cinderella's stepmother), and her stepsisters Anastasia and Drizella.
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Why did Cinderella's stepmother marry her father?

After deciding that his dearly beloved daughter needs a mother's care, Cinderella's father marries Lady Tremaine, a proud and confident woman with two daughters from her first marriage, Drizella and Anastasia.
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Who is the oldest Disney princess?

They were given an official number in the franchise line-up based on the chronological order in which their films were released, starting with Snow White as the first and original Disney Princess, with Cinderella being the second, followed by Aurora and so on.
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What is Cinderella's full name?

However, in the Disney film, "Cinderella" is truly her name by birth. The Live-Action remake, however, uses the original story's revelation that her original name is Ella, and some Disney-issued storybooks also use this as well.
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What age was Moana?

Moana's age, 16, is less of an issue in her story as it doesn't include a romantic plot, but it still relies on a young girl to overcome dangerous challenges and save the world. Disney princesses have always had an age problem, with characters as young as 14 falling in love, defying parents, and getting married.
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What character trait does her stepmother and stepsisters has?

The stepmother and stepsisters are vain and cruel, caring only about themselves and spending a large amount of time worried about their appearances. Cinderella is kindhearted and forgiving.
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How would you describe Cinderella's stepmother?

Stepmother is the mother to Anastasia and Drizella and the stepmother to Cinderella. She is cold, cruel, and calculating. She is unhappy with her place in life and is determined to use her daughters to get where she wants to be: the Palace. She is threatened by Cinderella's kindness and the effect it has on people.
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Is Rapunzel Cinderella's stepmother?

In this season, Rapunzel is Lady Tremaine, the wicked stepmother to Cinderella.
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Did Cinderella forgive her stepmother?

She can now forever turn her back on them without another word. And yet, before she leaves, she addresses her stepmother, the woman who has treated her so terribly, and says three simple but incredibly powerful words: “I forgive you.”
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Did the evil stepmother killed Cinderella's father?

Despite this, at least in the 2015 live-action remake, it's stated that Cinderella's father didn't die due to Lady Tremaine's fault and rather contracted an illness and passed away.
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What did Cinderella's mom say to her before she died?

Have courage and be kind. These are Cinderella's gentle mother's last words to her daughter before she dies. This message is simple, direct, and at the heart of the movie.
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Who are the villain sisters in Cinderella?

After her father dies, she is forced into servitude in her home and is constantly tormented by her evil stepmother, Lady Tremaine, and two stepsisters, Anastasia and Drizella.
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Are both Cinderella's parents dead?

Often overlooked, however, is how the story began. Cinderella's Mother died when Cinderella was a child. Cinderella's Father remarried and shortly after, he also died. Cinderella's Evil Stepmother then stole Cinderella's inheritance and enslaved Cinderella in her own home.
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Did her stepsisters agree with Cinderella to go the ball?

Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters forbidden her to go to the ball, unless she finished all of her chores. Once Cinderella finished her job, she showed up to the festival, and danced with the prince.
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What is the real story behind Cinderella?

The earliest recorded tales is by Strabo a Greek who recorded the story of Rhodopis between 7 BCE and 23 CE. She was a young Greek courtesan who attracted the attention of the Pharaoh when an eagle flew off with her sandal and dropped it in his lap.
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Why was Cinderella crying?

One day, it is announced that the prince will hold a royal ball and invites all the ladies of quality in the kingdom. Cinderella wants to attend, but her stepmother makes her stay home to clean the whole house. Cinderella cries as her stepsisters leave, but then is surprised by the appearance of her fairy godmother.
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