How bad was Elizabeth Taylor scoliosis?

Not only had Taylor's spinal curve worsened to 53°, but she was also experiencing back pain so severe at times it would cause her to fall to the ground.
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What type of brain Tumour did Elizabeth Taylor have?

​​​​​​​The tumor was a meningioma the size of an orange. The singer Sheryl Crow, the actresses Elizabeth Taylor, Mary Tyler Moore, Kate Walsh and Maria Menounos are some celebrities diagnosed with the same type of tumor in the brain: meningioma. One of the most frequent among adults and that affects more to women.
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Did Elizabeth Taylor have purple eyes?

Legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor's eyes were famous for being stunningly beautiful and distinct. Widely known for having the most striking eyes in Hollywood, Taylor had what appeared to be rare, natural purple irises.
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What was the cause of Elizabeth Taylor's death?

After many years of ill health, Taylor died from congestive heart failure in 2011, at the age of 79.
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How many illnesses did Elizabeth Taylor have?

Over the years, her catalogue of ailments included a brain tumour, skin cancer, pneumonia and she underwent three hip replacements. One of the most debilitating of her ailments was scoliosis, or curvature of the spine. Taylor was born with the condition and suffered back problems all her life as a result.
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The Devastating Health Issues That Killed Elizabeth Taylor

Did Elizabeth Taylor have C sections?

Later, while under sedation for a caesarean section, she was given a tubal ligation without her knowledge. As a child actress and product of the MGM studio system, Elizabeth was given pills to pep her up and pills to calm her down – starting her on a path that would see her in and out of rehab in later years.
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Did Elizabeth Taylor have double eyelashes?

Taylor's twin-set of lashes are thought to be the result of a genetic mutation at the FOXC2 gene. (Funny that a woman most men would describe as "foxy" was possibly affected by the FOXC2 gene!) An extra row of eyelashes is known medically as distichiasis (pronounced dis-tic-key-i-asis) and it's a rare disorder.
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What is the rarest eye color?

Red and violet are the rarest eye colors. When they do occur, they're generally found in people with albinism, a rare genetic disorder that prevents the body from producing melanin. Since there is no melanin (or pigmentation) in the eyes, the blood vessels in the eyes become visible.
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What illness did Elizabeth Taylor have during Cleopatra?

Elizabeth Taylor's most dramatic health moment occurred half a century ago. While filming the epic flop “Cleopatra” in Rome, she contracted pneumonia and underwent an emergency tracheotomy so she could breathe.
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Who did Elizabeth Taylor leave her money to?

All other terms of Taylor's revocable living trust have remained private, as intended. It's rumored that the trust passed the majority of her assets to her children, grandchildren, and to various charities. Taylor's AIDS work saw her address the General Assembly at the United Nations.
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What is the prettiest eye color?

One thing these survey results have in common is that light-colored eyes — green, gray, blue, and hazel — are named as the most attractive eye colors in the world. In one large survey of more than 66,000 people, green was chosen as the most attractive eye color.
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What is the rarest hair and eye color combination?

According to an article by evolutionary biology professor Mark Elgar, PhD, of the University of Melbourne, blue-eyed redheads are the absolute rarest, with 0.17% of the population having that combination of hair and eye color. So if that describes you, you're most likely one in a million—or more!
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What ancestry has hazel eyes?

Anyone can be born with hazel eyes, but it's most common in people of Brazilian, Middle Eastern, North African, or Spanish descent. When eyes are hazel, they are brown mixed with amber and green. In some cases, there are shades of gray, blue, and gold within the iris too. Brown eyes may also have some green in them.
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Where is Elizabeth Taylor's grave?

Taylor's final resting place at Forest Lawn -- the same place of burial for her longtime friend Michael Jackson -- is in the memorial park's Great Mausoleum "sheltered beneath a soaring marble Michelangelo angel," Morrison said.
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How many husbands did Elizabeth Taylor have?

And, well, she must have loved playing that part, because Liz would infamously walk down the aisle eight times (to seven husbands, marrying Richard Burton twice) over the next 40 years. Her first wedding took place in 1950, at the age of 18, and she didn't stop until her last stint as bride in 1991, at the age of 59.
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What syndrome did Elizabeth Taylor have?

Elizabeth Taylor had scoliosis and suffered back problems all her life. In October 2004 she underwent spinal surgery to repair seven compression fractures in her spine. “My body's a real mess,” she stated in a 2004 interview at the age of 72. “I've become one of those poor little women who's bent sideways.
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Was Elizabeth Taylor born with hair?

The Early Years. Elizabeth Taylor was born in London, 1932, to a prominent American art dealer and former stage actress. Taylor was born with a thick layer of black hair covering her body, a rare condition known as hypertrichosis. She also had a double row of eyelashes.
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Did Elizabeth Taylor have lymphedema?

And it turns out that 7 percent of people with lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome also suffer from congenital heart disease. Taylor had a history of heart problems; she had surgery in 2009 to repair a leaky valve, and her death on March 23, 2011, was caused by congestive heart failure.
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How many times did Elizabeth Taylor give birth?

Taylor has four children, three she gave birth to and one she adopted.
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When did Elizabeth Taylor have a hysterectomy?

Had a tubal ligation at age 25 and a hysterectomy when she was 36. First actress to earn $1,000,000 for a movie role (in Cleopatra (1963)).
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Did Elizabeth Taylor have a child with Richard Burton?

Richard Burton

Though their fiery first marriage fizzled, Taylor and Burton (who had adopted a daughter, Maria, born in 1961) gave wedded bliss another shot — briefly — and remarried on Oct. 10, 1975. Some joked that Burton simply wanted to be near all the jewelry he had given his ex.
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What is the least attractive eye color?

Brown eyes, on the other hand, are the most common eye color, yet respondents to the study found them to be the least attractive. The possibility of altering the color of one's eyes from brown to hazel with the use of safe laser eye color alteration surgery is no longer a pipe dream.
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