How did Abomination make Hulk bleed?

If you remember the fight scene between Hulk and Abomination, then you also remember the scene where Abomination is digging his exposed elbow bone into Hulk's chest, causing him to bleed and get seriously injured.
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Who made the Hulk bleed?

During the Battle of the Rainbow Bridge, the two take their fight to the water, and Fenris rag dolls Hulk before biting into his leg, making him bleed.
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How did Fenris make Hulk bleed?

Superhuman Strength:

They were able to engage him in a brief, albeit vicious battle. Fenris' jaw strength allowed their to bite through Hulk's durable flesh, drawing blood.
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What happens to the man who drank Hulks blood?

Well there is a scene in “The Incredible Hulk” Where banner's blood got mixed in a drink and Stan lee ends up drinking it and turns into a Abomination/Hulk type creature and starts creating havoc in the city, killing innocents…………………………………
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How did Bruce Banner bleed in She Hulk?

Jen climbs out of the car in one piece, but she's cut up and bleeding all down her arm. She crawls back into the car and frees Bruce from his seatbelt, but he's more worried about other things. The collision destroyed the inhibitor on his arm and he's bleeding out Hulk blood everywhere. However, it's too late.
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Only Two MCU Villains Have Ever Made Hulk Bleed

Can Wolverine make Hulk bleed?


Despite the mutant's enhanced senses, the Hulk somehow sneaks up on him. Wolverine manages to do some damage, though, actually making the Hulk bleed.
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Who drank Hulks blood?

But when he accidentally sliced his thumb open and unwittingly spilled some of his blood into a bottle of soda, the bottle made its way to the home of Lee's character, who drank it, only to contract radiation sickness shortly after.
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Why can't Hulk get drunk?

Bruce explains that Hulks metabolize alcohol at an incredible rate and thus cannot get drunk, thus their drinking sessions are, "All buzz, no barf." The "buzz" experienced while consuming alcohol is a stage of drunkenness. If they cannot get drunk, they cannot get a buzz.
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What did Hulks dad inject him with?

Blonsky was injected with a small dose of the mothballed original Super Soldier Serum and later was injected with Bruce Banner's blood causing him to transform into the Hulk-sized Abomination.
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Can Hulks blood make anyone a Hulk?

As it stands, there is a genetic component that allows Jen and Bruce to be Hulks, but also anyone with their blood can become one also.
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Can Skaar turn human?

Just like his old man, Skaar's power increases with rage, and he can take on a human form when calm or unconscious. However, Skaar's human form is technically only half-human, as his mother, Caiera, was one of the Shadow People, a race of Sakaaran natives.
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What did Heimdall do to Hulk?

Heimdall sent Hulk away from Thanos' wrath instead of Thor. While he knew Thor better, his decision was a strategic move according to this fan theory.
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Do bullets hurt the Hulk?

Because of the thickness and strength of the Hulk's skin, it's nearly impossible for any form of artillery to hurt him. Sure, everyone's seen bullets bounce off of the Hulk, but when we say he's bulletproof what we really mean is he's BULLETPROOF.
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How did Hulk spit out a bullet?

Originally Answered: So in Avengers banner mentions how he shot himself in the mouth and Hulk spit the bullet out how did that work? Did banner die transform into Hulk and Hulk spit the bullet out? He just turns into the Hulk faster than the bullet can kill him. It's happened in the comics.
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Can bullets hurt Thor?

Bullets don't affect them as much as they hurt humans, but Asgardians are not bulletproof. They just have really good armor.
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Who is the Hulk's real father?

Dr. Brian David Banner was the abusive husband of Rebecca and father of Bruce Banner, who would later be known as the Hulk.
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Why is Hulk afraid of his father?

Within the Marvel Universe, Hulk has shown intense fear for Brian Banner, and Bruce's father often takes the blame for Hulk's lack of control. Brian convinced his son that he was a monster and killed Bruce's mother, Rebecca. Eventually, Bruce killed his dad in self-defense.
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Why does Abomination have gills?

Powers and abilities

In contrast with the Hulk, he retains his intellect after transforming and cannot change back into human form. He also possesses gills, enabling him to breathe underwater. Due to extreme pain, cold, or bereft of oxygen, he could enter into suspended animation for long periods.
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Who is Hulk afraid of?

While many people believed that Hulk was afraid of Thanos after his beat down, the directors confirmed in an interview that Hulk was not afraid of Thanos, but rather was sick of being a punching bag for Earth, and thus did not want to come out. The Hulk has no cause to fear anyone, except the Void.
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Who is the weakest Hulk?

  • Of all the different incarnations the weakest Hulk is either Mr. ...
  • Grey Hulk ( Mr. ...
  • Joe Fixit" is a Grey Hulk (not the original) that worked for a time as a Las Vegas enforcer. ...
  • Also the original Grey Hulk could only transform at nighttime and would return to Bruce Banner at Dawn. ...
  • Grey Hulk.
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Why is Skinny Hulk skinny?

The Hulk is an actual entity and not just a manifestation of Bruce Banner's mind. They are both connected to a supernatural realm called the Below-Place. Without Bruce Banner and gamma energy, the Hulk is shown to be extremely lean and has excess skin, challenging the commonly held image of the character.
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Was Hulks dad abusive?

Brian abused Bruce and his mother, Rebecca, before he ultimately murdered his wife as she tried to escape from him. That trauma shook Bruce so deeply that it led him to develop alter identities as the Hulk.
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Who was purple Hulk?

It has been a part of Marvel Comics since 1966. By accident, Happy gets injected with the blood of Hulk in What If...? Post getting injected with Hulk's blood, he transforms himself slowly taking the shape of Purple Hulk.
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Who did Hulk eat?

Eventually, Hulk, along with Wolverine, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Power Man, Giant-Man ate Silver Surfer and later Galactus. Colonel America also ate Silver Surfer but was killed by Red skull in an last showdown between Zombie villans and heroes for eat galactus.
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