How did Batman get PTSD?

Williams (2012) pointed out several symptoms of PTSD in the character, concluding that Batman can be diagnosed with PTSD because he witnessed the death of his parents as a child (Williams, 2012).
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How does Batman have PTSD?

Bruce watched his parents die. Still, he could do nothing. The police sirens, the crime scene hustle, media attention, all add to the severity of the trauma. But just the trauma isn't enough to diagnose PTSD.
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Why is Batman traumatized?

The continuity of Bruce's ostensibly happy childhood is violently interrupted by the tragic slaying of his parents, turning a potentially peaceable narrative into a deeply traumatic one; the Wayne murders not only end Bruce's blissful childhood but also instill in him the need to leave Gotham.
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Why is Bruce Wayne so depressed?

mostly off of the life he's had and the tragedy, trauma, etc. that he's experienced Batman has been depressed since then. Those of which consist of: 8 years of torture from Desaad, feeling the combined pain of Apokalypse on top of that.
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Did Batman ever get therapy?

Yes, a couple of different times. How did those times go, you ask? Well, let's see: Leslie Thompkins, otherwise known as “the woman who acted as the principal maternal figure in Bruce's life after his parents' death,” was actually his childhood therapist….
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The Mentally Handicapped Batman

What is Batman's childhood trauma?

In his youth Bruce Wayne witnessed the brutal murder of his father and mother by a street hoodlum. He vows to avenge their deaths by declaring war on all criminals and dons the bat cape and cowl to frighten his enemy. “And thus is born this weird figure of the dark … This avenger of evil.
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What disability does Batman have?

First up: “dissociative identity disorder,” i.e. what they used to call “multiple-personality disorder.” It could be argued Batman is a likely candidate for this illness, given that he leads separate lives as both Bruce Wayne and the Caped Crusader every day of his life.
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What was Bruce Wayne's fear?

As a child, Bruce's fear of bats stemmed from falling in a cave where he encountered the animal. He continued to harbor it as an adult, although Bruce used the very fear as his strength.
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Does Bruce Wayne ever cry?

Yes. Flashpoint Paradox. A letter from Thomas Wayne from an alternate timeline brought tears to his eyes.
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Is Bruce Wayne addicted to being Batman?

The thought that Bruce Wayne is addicted to being Batman is a prominent one among fans. In fact, many believe that Bruce Wayne is the artificial persona and Batman is who he really is. But this mindset is never really applied to his villains as much.
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Who hurt Batman the most?

Bane. Bane is known as the man who broke the Bat. This is due to his actions in the legendary Knightfall story, where he not only bested Batman in one-on-one combat but broke the hero's spine over his knee. Bruce Wayne would spend the next year in recovery before taking up the cape and cowl again.
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Why does Batman not like killing?

The answer lies in Batman's strict moral code, which he developed after witnessing the murder of his parents as a child. Determined to prevent others from experiencing the same tragedy he did, Batman vowed to never take a life, no matter how heinous the crime.
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Why does Batman have a limp?

At the end of The Dark Knight, while trying to save Commissioner Gordon's son and stop Harvey Dent, Bruce falls from a great height suffers a leg injury that leaves him using a cane throughout the beginning of Rises.
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Does Bruce Wayne have OCD?

Mental Disorder: After the death of his parents, Bruce suffered from immense trauma, and Leslie Thompkins was quick to diagnose him with acute anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other diagnoses. Along with conditions related to his trauma, Leslie also speculated he may be on the autism spectrum.
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How to be Batman mentally?

Having a razor sharp mind honed through meditation, contemplation, analysis, and detective work, using intellect and intuition in equal measure. Being like Batman means learning from mentors and trainers who are smarter and better than you, who have the real world skills you want to learn, whatever that may be.
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Do superheroes have PTSD?

Anti-heroes like Batman, Punisher, Rorschach, Wolverine etc are consistently portrayed as having PTSD and paranoia in varying shades due to tragic backstories.
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How many hours did Bruce Wayne sleep?

Batman never sleeps. Bruce Wayne on the other hand, has mastered a technique he learned that gives him a full night's sleep in one hour. One time, Alfred believed he had enough, so he turned off the alarm that wakes him, and he got a full sleep. Wayne Enterprises almost runs by itself.
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How many hours does Bruce Wayne sleep?

Some writers suggest Batman gets a full 6-8 hours, and just goes to bed when the sun comes up and crashes until the early afternoon. This is the case, for instance, in the Dark Knight Trilogy. It's also been suggested that Batman has trained himself to get a full night's rest in 3 hours of sleep (or so he claims).
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What is Batman's deepest fear?

Batman worries about things like his loved ones dying, failing to save Gotham, or his successors becoming evil. Unfortunately for the Dark Knight, these fears have often manifested in reality, with Bruce Wayne having to face his worst nightmares and push his mental limits.
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What is Joker's fear?

While fans got to hear many memorable quotes from Joker in Batman: Arkham, the series also revealed what his greatest fear is supposed to be. As it turned out, The Joker feared being forgotten more than anything else because it meant nobody was afraid of him anymore, rendering all his crimes void.
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Who was the only man Batman was afraid of?

Why Bruce Wayne Was Afraid Of Lex Luthor. Another reason Batman fears Lex Luthor is because he's the only villain who can match Bruce Wayne's resources. Even Batman's best villains often have to struggle and steal to enact their plans, which means Bruce will always have an advantage with the tools at his disposal.
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Why does Batman fear Superman?

While Superman himself does not pose a threat, his existence does. Bruce fears Superman because he feels he will bring danger to the planet, which he does albeit indirectly. Zod is responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, but he never would have thought to come to Earth if not for Kal-El.
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What is the Joker's mental illness?

The psychopathology Arthur exhibits is unclear, preventing diagnosis of psychotic disorder or schizophrenia; the unusual combination of symptoms suggests a complex mix of features of certain personality traits, namely psychopathy and narcissism (he meets DSM-5 criteria for narcissistic personality disorder).
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What is Harley Quinn's mental illness?

Personality Disorder, specifically, Histrionic Personality Disorder plays a key part in Harley Quinn's life. People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are “pervasive and excessive emotionally and display attention-seeking behavior” (Bornstein 1998).
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Why does Batman talk so low?

Keaton explained in an interview he thought it was necessary for batman to disguise his voice, saying “people know his voice. So I came up with dropping his voice down, as Batman it comes from a lower thing that he drops down into, a place he has to reach to become a quasi-vigilante.”
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