How did Deadpool get his powers?

Rather than a Wolverine blood transfusion, Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is pumped full of an unnamed serum that awakens any latent mutant genes present in the victim's body. It turns out, Wade was born with a healing factor that never manifested itself. After the serum, Ajax tortures Wade until his mutation shows itself.
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Who gave Deadpool his abilities?

Like Wolverine, Deadpool is (or is thought to be) Canadian. The original story had him joining the Weapon X program after being kicked out of the U.S. Army Special Forces and given an artificial healing factor based on Wolverine's thanks to Dr. Emrys Killebrew, one of the head scientists.
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How did Deadpool get his immortality?

Deadpool's immortality lies in his cancer and regeneration ability. According to the comics, cancer triggered his healing powers. As a result, the cancerous cells regenerate just like the normal, healthy ones do.
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Why is Deadpool's skin messed up?

While Deadpool operated without scars for a short time, his healing factor began to react to his cancer, causing scarring akin to his live-action adaptations.
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Why does Deadpool have so many powers?

Like Wolverine, Deadpool gains his powers after being experimented on as part of the Weapon X program. The mercenary eventually evolved into the funny, fourth-wall-breaking character who has been popularized largely thanks to the Deadpool movies.
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Deadpool (ORIGINS + POWERS) Explained

How did Wade turn into Deadpool?

Rather than a Wolverine blood transfusion, Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool is pumped full of an unnamed serum that awakens any latent mutant genes present in the victim's body. It turns out, Wade was born with a healing factor that never manifested itself. After the serum, Ajax tortures Wade until his mutation shows itself.
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What is Deadpool's weakness?

Deadpool is easily one of the most powerful characters Marvel has. The fast-talking gunman seems almost fearless on the battlefield, but in reality, there's a lot that scares the Merc with the Mouth. There are two things though, that scare him above all: cows and clowns are a Deadpool weakness.
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Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Can Deadpool defeat Thanos?

It's been proven to be a difficult task to defeat the Mad Titan Thanos in the comics. The character has even decimated the entire Marvel Universe before. Deadpool has also done such a deed, but pit them both in a real fight to the end and Deadpool will stand victorious.
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Why does Deadpool hate Wolverine?

Behind the jokes and the usual insanity, Deadpool ain't just depressive, but also very bitter. He has a grudge against the world, and has a grudge against himself. But he also has a grudge against Wolverine, and that's where his “hatred" of him comes from, if and when it's shown; It's jealousy.
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What happens if Deadpool's head is cut off?

Between lost limbs and even decapitation, Wade Wilson has managed to sprout back up. And in most cases, it seems that his head is the key to regeneration success, seeing as it often has to be attached back onto his body to actually heal decapitation.
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Did Thanos lift Deadpool's curse?

also, thanos removed his curse, in deadpool vs thanos, thanos confirmes that his curse made deadpool immortal, but then removes his curse and kills deadpool .
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How can Deadpool be killed?

First and foremost, Deadpool can be killed (sort of) by decapitation – if his head is removed from his body, he won't be able to regenerate. Similarly, if his entire body is destroyed at a cellular level, there's no way for him to come back to life.
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Can Deadpool have babies?

Deadpool is one of many heroes in the Marvel universe that has managed to have numerous children throughout his comic career. Some of his most notable offspring have included a child he had with Lady Death named Deathpool and a son made from his and Wolverine's DNA named Junior.
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Who is inside Deadpool's head?

Though it initially seems that only Deadpool regenerates and survives, he eventually realizes the two actually regenerated as one being, with Madcap becoming one of the "voices" within Deadpool's head (explaining the appearance of a new, "extra" voice in Deadpool's appearances in Wolverine: Origins and Deadpool vol.
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Who was Deadpool cursed by?

Months later, T-Ray, now an agent of Thanos resurrects Deadpool, who has been killed in a fight with Weapon X, using an artifact Thanos gave him to create many copies of Deadpool. Thanos is jealous of Deadpool's relationship with Death and T-Ray is to "curse him with immortality" so that he may never see Death again.
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Who is more powerful than Deadpool?

On that occasion, Wolverine proved he was stronger than Deadpool, who still went as Weapon XI at the time. The tilt between the former Team X members ended with Wolverine decapitating his foe, seemingly ending their rivalry.
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Can Deadpool beat Wolverine?

There's no doubt Deadpool could beat Wolverine in a one vs. one bout. Surely, time is a ruthless master, and The Merc with the Mouth appears to cope better with aging than the X-Men member.
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Did Deadpool defeat Thor?

Deadpool Killed Thor In The Most Genius Way (With His Own Hammer) - IMDb. As Deadpool killed the Marvel Universe, his murder of Thor with the God of Thunder's own hammer remains one of the Merc with a Mouth's most brutal kills.
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Why can Loki lift Mjolnir?

Loki also finally becomes worthy of Mjolnir, which he discovers when he reaches for it during a battle with the newly belligerent Thor. Loki once again became someone who has lifted Thor's hammer when it began to grow too heavy for Thor himself.
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Can Spider-Man lift Thor's hammer?

If Marvel fans have ever wondered if Spider-Man was worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, the answer is yes. Just NOT the Spider-Man you think… Although he didn't really meet Thor beyond a couple shared scenes in Avenger's Endgame, Spider-Man has shown he's actually a big fan of the Thunder God.
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Can Superman lift Thor hammer?

Yes, as a shock to many, Superman has briefly lifted the mighty hammer in a phenomenal crossover with Marvel and DC Comics.
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Who can Deadpool beat in a fight?

Deadpool might have his fair share of comedic moments in the Marvel universe, but the mercenary's powers allow him to be one of the strongest Marvel characters, proficient enough to defeat and kill major Marvel heroes ranging from Captain America to The Fantastic Four.
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What Deadpool eats?

Here are seven examples of Deadpool's foodie passion.
  • He Has An Unhealthy Love Of Chimichangas.
  • He Loves Bingeing On Pancakes.
  • Sometimes He Just Needs A Pizza.
  • Tacos Are Everything.
  • He's An Emotional Eater.
  • He's Picky About Certain Foods.
  • Fans Love His Obsessions As Much As He Does.
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Why can't Deadpool be killed?

In the comics nope, deadpool can't be killed as he's banned from the realm of death by thanos.
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