How did Harry become Agent Venom?

Becoming Venom Harry began attacking Peter, slowly changing more and more into a monstrous creature. After some time, Harry completely lost control and transformed into a massive, hulking creature, announcing himself as Venom. The symbiote slowly began to consume Harry, forcing him to attack Spider-Man.
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How does Harry become Agent Venom?

Because of the symbiote's influence on his personality, Peter refused to return the symbiote to Harry, even to save his best friend's life. Incensed, Harry extracted the symbiote from Peter and rebonds with it, transforming into Venom and wreaking havoc across New York City as Peter and Miles scrambled to stop him.
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How did Venom become Agent Venom?

After losing both of his legs in the war, Flash Thompson turns into the superhero Agent Venom after being bound to the Venom symbiote, which he controls via drugs. Eventually during an argument between him and Eddie Brock regarding the Venom symbiote, he became the new host of the Anti-Venom symbiote.
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Is Harry Osborn the Agent Venom?

Harold "Harry" Osborn (formerly known as the Black Suit Spider-Man, Venom and Anti-Venom) is Peter Parker's best friend, Norman Osborn's only son, Venom's first major host, and Anti-Venom's first and only host. He becomes Patrioteer in Season 4.
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What did the Venom do to Harry?

The venom had a violent effect on Harry, seemingly accelerating the disease rather than curing it. In pain, he crawled over to an Oscorp prototype exo-skeleton suit and glider. Upon putting it on, the suit healed the damages done to his system.
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Agent Venom And Scarlet Spider Not Getting Along For 3 Minutes

Did Venom ever bond with Harry?

The symbiote re-bonds to Harry, who is resentful that Peter initially kept the symbiote to himself due to its malevolent influence on him. Upon re-bonding with Harry, the symbiote transforms Harry into the monstrous Venom, who then kills Kraven the Hunter and creates symbiote nests around the city.
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Why did the symbiote choose Harry?

Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Harry Osborn are three characters in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 who eventually become hosts for the symbiote. Despite each of them being heroes in one way or another, however, the symbiote chooses them for a reason — specifically, on account of their consistently suffering mental health.
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Why is Harry Venom and not Brock?

Speaking to Gizmodo, Arfmann explained the studio's motivation behind making Harry Osborn the new Venom. As it turns out, the biggest reason to make Harry into Venom is his longstanding friendship with Peter Parker, which makes their eventual rivalry more dramatic.
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Who is stronger Agent Venom or Spider-Man?

Yes Spider-Man is weaker Venom (Eddie Brock Version). The symbiote that powers Eddie Brock multiplies it's hosts strength and Eddie Brock is obsessed with bodybuilding because of that reason.
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Does Harry become Anti-Venom?

Despite Spider-Man saving his life, Harry blamed him for everything that happened to him and his father. Harry swore revenge on Spider-Man and left. Harry as Anti-Venom.
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Why did Venom choose Eddie?

Venom came to empathize with Eddie's status as a "loser", eventually deciding to turn on its own kind and save the Earth from being invaded. The symbiote ultimately agreed to work alongside Eddie as a vigilante, to only hurt bad people despite its own confusion of how it can tell the difference of who is good or bad.
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Why is Venom obsessed with Spider-Man?

Most folks are familiar with the fact that the symbiote who would come to be known as Venom first bonded with Peter Parker. It got a taste of the power of Spider-Man and grew to love that power. It grew to love the feeling of the wind on its face swinging through the city. It loved the force behind every punch.
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Why does Flash hate Peter?

Flash doesn't hate Peter. In fact, shortly after they both meet Harry, the three of them all become friends (though it takes Peter and Flash a bit longer). Flash bullied Peter in high school (because he was being bullied at home), but as he matured he grew out of that.
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How many times has Harry become Venom?

No, Harry Osborn has never been Venom in the comics.

After the symbiote was destroyed, Harry took a piece of the suit and was crowned the "Black Suit Spider-Man", and became a favourite of New York denizens as he took ample opportunity to humiliate Peter Parker.
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Who killed Agent Venom?

As Agent Anti-Venom, he goes up against many foes such as the Poisons and the symbiote Maniac, but the most notable is Red Goblin, a Carnage-possessed Green Goblin, who kills Flash in a flash of light using his gauntlets.
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Did Harry know his dad was a green goblin?

When Peter tries to kill Norman as revenge for Norman killing Peter's family, Harry intervenes and saves his father. After Ben and May were killed by Norman, Harry discovered his father was cursed into an uncontrollable Goblin, and caused him into killing both Peter's uncle and aunt against his will.
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Why does Eddie Brock hate Spider-Man?

Brock later bonds with the Venom symbiote to seek revenge against Spider-Man under the belief that the webslinger ruined his journalism career, only to be defeated and separated.
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Why is Venom the weakest symbiote?

Venom, although the most famous Symbiote, is not the most powerful; other Symbiotes such as Toxin and Anti-Venom surpass him in strength. Tthe most powerful Symbiote is a literal god of darkness, with the ability to destroy Celestials.
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Did Venom get Eddie Brock pregnant?

One of the most tragic and weirdest Venom stories is how the symbiote made Eddie Brock pregnant, and this pregnancy created more chaos than Carange.
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Did Eddie and Venom have a child?

Dylan Brock is the son of Eddie Brock, Anne Weying, and the Venom symbiote. When Anne bonded to the Venom symbiote, the will of the Symbiote Hive caused her codex to incarnate into a human form, with the intent of having the ensuing human/symbiote hybrid destroy their god Knull.
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Is Dylan Brock Venom's Son?

Unaware of his true parentage, Dylan met Eddie when he appeared on Carl's doorstep looking for help. Under the belief they were siblings, Dylan asked Eddie to use Venom to kill Carl for his abusive behavior. Around this time, Eddie learned the Venom symbiote had manipulated his memories and realized Dylan was his son.
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Why didn't Spider-Man give Harry his blood?

Knowing that Peter had taken photos of the hero, Harry asked him to get in touch with Spider-Man. Later, Spider-Man appeared in Harry's home but refused to give him his blood regardless of what Harry offered him, as he believed his blood would have a negative effect on Harry if it wasn't compatible.
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Has Peter ever been Venom?

In Ultimate Spider-Man Issue 35 Peter is using the power of "The Suit" to track down a criminal and when he gets a hold of him he absolutely loses it and when he does the suit begins to change form and adapt to his rage to look like none other than Venom.
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Why didn't Venom get Carnage's powers?

His power came through his independence from Venom; Venom is not able to take on the same properties as Carnage due to his physical makeup being more complicated.
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