How did Harry Potter's dad get the cloak of invisibility?

James inherited the Cloak from his father, Fleamont Potter, who inherited it as a descendant of Iolanthe Peverell — a granddaughter of Ignotus Peverell. The Cloak passed down through generations of the family until it reached James and then Harry.
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Who gave Harry's dad the Invisibility Cloak?

Harry is defended from the Perveril family, and Ignotus Perveril was the owner of the invisibility cloak. He passed it down to his son, who passed it to his son, who passed it on to his son, and so on it went for many generations, until it finally was given to James Potter by Harry's grandfather.
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How did Snape know Harry had an Invisibility Cloak?

Snape definitely knew because in book 4 when Harry sees crouch in Snapes office, he's in his invisibility cloak. As soon as snape sees the golden egg and the map he says 'potters here' to mad eye. Potters here. This is his egg and he's in his invisibility cloak.
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How did Dumbledore know Ron and Harry were under the cloak?

Behind the scenes

In a chat with fans on, J. K. Rowling answered a fan's question of why Albus Dumbledore was sometimes able to see Harry under the Cloak of Invisibility, explaining that he used the Human-presence-revealing spell with non-verbal magic.
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How do we know Dumbledore gave Harry the Invisibility Cloak?

Yes, in the first book of the series, "Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone," headmaster Albus Dumbledore gifts Harry an invisibility cloak, which belonged to Harry's deceased father, James. The gift included a note: "Your father left this in my possession when he died.
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How James Potter Got the Invisibility Cloak - Harry Potter Explained

How were the Potters so rich?

The Potters' generational wealth is traced back to their ancestor, Linfred of Stinchcombe, who amassed a great fortune through his medicinal services and inventions of healing potions.
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Why did Dumbledore have James Potter's cloak?

Dumbledore came into possession of the Cloak of Invisibility after asking James Potter if he could examine its magic. Dumbledore was very interested in the Deathly Hallows, and he suspected James Potter's Invisibility Cloak might be one of these artifacts, which he confirmed while the Cloak was in his possession.
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Did Dumbledore realize Harry was a Horcrux?

Dumbledore knew about Horcruxes. He knew how they were formed, what happened after that, etc. He probably got to know Harry was a Horcrux when he saw the Scar on Harry's forehead, but maybe he wasn't sure.
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How did Harry know he was a Horcrux?

After witnessing Nagini kill Severus Snape, Harry collected a string of memories from the dying man. During a one hour ceasefire, Harry discovered that he was an unintended Horcrux from Snape's memories. In order to destroy Voldemort, he had to allow the Dark Lord to kill him.
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Can dementors see through Harry's invisibility cloak?

As explained in the 3rd book, Dementors cannot see at all. They recognise the presence of people by sensing their emotions. An invisibility cloak makes the wearer only invisible, but doesn't block their thoughts or emotions. So, these cloaks are useless against Dementors.
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How did Sirius Black get the invisibility cloak?

Harry's son James Sirius Potter inherited the Cloak of Invisibility. His younger brother Albus Severus stole it from James when he needed to hide from bullies, or from Professor McGonagall.
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Are there other invisibility cloaks in Harry Potter?

Only one Invisibility Cloak, the third of the three Hallows, and supposedly the Cloak of Death himself, does not suffer the ravages of time, and cannot be damaged by magic. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are uncomfortably aware at this point that the Cloak in Harry's possession matches this description perfectly.
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How did James Potter save Snape?

While in school together, Sirius once tricked Snape into almost entering the Shrieking Shack while Lupin was there, transformed into a werewolf. James realised the danger and stopped Snape, saving his life; this is the incident Dumbledore referred to at the end of the first book.
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Did Severus love Harry?

In the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie, Snape showed how much he loved Harry, providing him with his memories and showing that he saw Lily in him, his last words echoing this: "You have your mother's eyes."
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

His father was a muggle.

His father was neglectful and sometimes abusive, which may have contributed to Snape's disdain for Muggles. At some point during his school years, he decided to reject his father's name entirely, giving himself the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince" with his mother's maiden name instead.
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Did Voldemort ever realize Harry was a Horcrux?

Notably, Voldemort appeared to be entirely unaware of this split, as he later created a seventh Horcrux in his quest to have six, and continued to target Harry Potter despite him now holding part of Voldemort's own soul.
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Did Sirius know Harry was a Horcrux?

His help at the Ministry of Magic might result in a smoother mission. Thanks for A2A. No. Sirius had no idea that Harry was a Horcrux, and I think that is one of the kindest things that was done.
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What happens to Umbridge?

After Voldemort's defeat by Harry at the Battle of Hogwarts and the restoration of the Ministry of Magic by the new Minister, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Umbridge was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban for her crimes against Muggle-borns.
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Did Harry survive because he was a Horcrux?

Voldemort being a Horcrux for Harry is unlikely because creating a Horcrux requires splitting one's soul through murder. Harry survived the second Killing Curse because a piece of Voldemort's soul lived inside him, and when Voldemort cast the curse, it only killed the piece of his soul inside Harry.
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Why didn't Dumbledore use a Horcrux?

Dumbledore knew a lot about magic, including dark magic, enough to know not to use it, especially for such a purpose as to preserve your soul or get rid of a part of it due to guilt.
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Why did Dumbledore give Harry the snitch?

The Golden Snitch

Scrimgeour: "'To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts, as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill'… I noticed that your birthday cake is in the shape of a Snitch.
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Why does Dumbledore wear Muggle clothes in Fantastic Beasts?

Why did Dumbledore wear muggle clothes in the Fantastic Beast series? - Quora. The costume designers did this intentionally as they wanted Dumbledore to seem like a young, refreshing, and cool professor that students would feel comfortable talking to and becoming close with.
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What did Dumbledore see in the mirror?

In September of 1927, the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Albus Dumbledore looked into the mirror and saw his former best friend, Gellert Grindelwald, indicating he still had lingering feelings for him, as well an old memory of himself and Grindelwald in a barn where they made a blood pact; swearing an oath ...
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