How did Harry survive Avada Kedavra in the Forest Quora?

He and Harry, both had Lily's protection inside them(blood),which wouldn't allow Voldemort to kill Harry. Therefore, when Voldemort hit Harry with killing curse,it destroyed the horcrux inside Harry instead of killing him.
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How did Harry survive Avada Kedavra in the forest?

The Elder Wand, which Harry mastered, protected him during the Battle of Hogwarts and prevented Avada Kedavra from killing him. Voldemort's use of Harry's blood inadvertently kept Lily's protective charm alive and allowed Harry to survive the Killing Curse in the forest.
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How did Harry survive Avada Kedavra when he was a baby?

Lily Potter then shielded her infant son when Voldemort unleashed the Killing Curse, causing it to bounce back and disintegrate his physical body. Harry survived but was left with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead and a nickname: "The Boy Who Lived."
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How can Harry live if he's a Horcrux?

Voldemort being a Horcrux for Harry is unlikely because creating a Horcrux requires splitting one's soul through murder. Harry survived the second Killing Curse because a piece of Voldemort's soul lived inside him, and when Voldemort cast the curse, it only killed the piece of his soul inside Harry.
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What saved Harry in the forbidden forest?

A centaur named Firenze rescues Harry and carries him back to Hagrid.
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How Did Harry Survive Voldemort's Avada Kedavra in the Forbidden Forest? - Harry Potter Explained

Why did Malfoy's mom save Harry?

Narcissa may have been many things; she was cruel and distant and happy to watch her family return to Lord Voldemort's side as he rose again, but she was also self-sacrificing; she loved her son and her husband and she thought nothing of putting herself in danger to protect them.
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Why wasn t Harry killed in the forest?

Answer and Explanation: Voldemort fails to kill Harry because he offered himself as a sacrifice for his friends. This act of true love shielded him from the death curse, just as Lily's sacrifice shielded him when he was an infant.
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Was Harry immortal if he was a Horcrux?

However, this is because most Horcrux containers are inanimate objects, not living things. If a living thing were a container for a Horcrux, killing the person or animal would also destroy the Horcrux, since no magic can bring dead people back to life. So, Harry was still able to die in regular ways.
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Did Voldemort realize Harry was a Horcrux after he killed him?

Voldemort wasn't aware of Harry being a pseudo-horcrux because he didn't plan it, and Harry didn't know either until Voldemort “killed” him, but he actually killed the piece of soul kept in him.
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Was Harry technically a Horcrux?

The rest of Voldemort's mutilated soul fled. However, this parasitic fragment of Voldemort's soul that attached to Harry did not make him a true Horcrux, since it was not created intentionally and the necessary parts of the Horcrux creation process were not carried out.
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Why did Lily's sacrifice save Harry?

On the other hand, Lily was offered the chance to step aside because Voldemort had promised Severus Snape that he wouldn't kill her unless she got in his way. Her conscious refusal to comply with Voldemort's demand was why unusually strong magical protection was conferred upon her son.
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Was Neville the chosen one?

The prophecy is mentioned throughout the series, however, it never exclusively mentions that Harry is The Chosen One and suggests Neville was another option. However, one theory explains why, in reality, this wasn't possible.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Did Ron try to use Avada Kedavra on Nagini?

Simple answer is, that's only in the movies. They often play fast and loose with things that might look or sound cool in the moment but make no sense in the overarching story. Ron never casts Avada Kedavra at Nagini in the books.
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What spell killed Bellatrix?

In the final movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2, Molly first hits Bella with a spell that freezes her, most likely Petrificus Totalus. Then, she launches another one that shatters her entire body into pieces, which could be expelliarmus, bombarda, stupefy, or any spell that can produce such an effect.
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Who invented Avada Kedavra?

The Killing Curse was created in the early Middle Ages by Dark witches and wizards. Primarily, the curse was used to quickly slay opponents during a duel. In 1707, the Wizards' Council was restructured into the Ministry of Magic, which allowed for more strict restrictions on certain types of magic.
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Did Dumbledore realize Harry was a Horcrux?

Dumbledore knew about Horcruxes. He knew how they were formed, what happened after that, etc. He probably got to know Harry was a Horcrux when he saw the Scar on Harry's forehead, but maybe he wasn't sure.
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Did Hermione know Harry was a Horcrux?

IT was when Harry and Hermione were on their own without Ron, and were hunting for the Horcruxes, its when Harry used to wake up with terrible headaches in themiddles of the night screaming sometimes. Hermione's research into Horcruxes at that time concluded Harry was Voldermot's Horcrux.
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Why isn't Harry the eighth Horcrux?

Voldemort only intended 7 soul pieces including his own soul piece, meaning 6 horcruxes then Voldy himself. Harry was the unintended 8th horcrux, due to his souls being so unstable by being split more than once.
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Why didn t Harry use Avada Kedavra to destroy the Horcruxes?

Harry never used the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, due to his moral stance against murder and his personal connection to its victims.
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Which Horcrux was killed last?

Nagini is the last Horcrux that Voldemort created and the last one to be destroyed. During the final battle of Hogwarts, Neville pulls the sword of Godric Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat and beheads Nagini, destroying the last Horcrux.
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Why did Narcissa say Harry was dead?

On confirming Draco's very much alive status, she plainly lied that Harry Potter was "dead". This action of hers was both very crucial and important, not only for Harry's survival but for Voldemort's final defeat as well, thus ensuring Harry was again protected by a mother's love, although indirectly.
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Why did Harry see a doe in the forest?

Horcrux hunt

It was during their stay in the forest that Severus Snape anonymously delivered the Sword of Gryffindor to Harry by placing it inside the frozen lake that resides in the forest and using his Patronus, a doe, to guide him to it.
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Did Hagrid know Harry was alive?

Why didn't Hagrid know that Harry was alive when Voldemort told him to carry him back to Hogwarts? Firstly, he was overwhelmed with emotion. He didn't think about checking the pulse. Secondly, Harry was considerably small with respect to Hagrid.
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