How did Hawkeye come back to life?

When the Scarlet Witch inadvertently alters reality, Hawkeye is resurrected with no memory of previous events. When young mutant Layla Miller gives several heroes (including Hawkeye) the ability to remember, he is horrified at the Scarlet Witch's actions. Hawkeye shoots Wanda in the back with an arrow.
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Who saved Hawkeye's life?

After Vision is awakened, the Avengers return to Sokovia to stop Ultron. There, Barton reunites with Romanoff, participates in the battle against Ultron, convinces Maximoff to become an Avenger, and is saved by Pietro who sacrifices his life to shield Barton and a Sokovian child from Ultron's gunfire.
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Did Wanda resurrect Hawkeye?

This friendship was severely tested when the Scarlet Witch killed Hawkeye and later brought him back to life. Clint Barton died in 2004's Avengers #502, by Brian Michael Bendis, David Finch, Danny Miki, Frank D'Armata, Albert Deschesne and Richard Starkings.
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How did Hawkeye survive?

During the final battle of Sokovia, Hawkeye's life was saved by Pietro, who sacrificed his life in the process, after which Barton chose to retire.
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How did Hawkeye become Hawkeye?

So who is Hawkeye? After losing both of his parents in a car accident, Clint Barton ran away from an orphanage and joined a carnival, where he was trained to become a master archer. In the carnival world, he developed his alter ego Hawkeye, the World's Greatest Marksman.
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Clint where’s nat?

Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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What makes Hawkeye so special?

While Clint Barton has no superhuman powers (with the exception of the period when using Pym particles as Goliath), he is at the very peak of human conditioning. He is an exceptional fencer, acrobat and marksman, having been trained from childhood in the circus and by the criminals Trick Shot and Swordsman.
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What Avengers survived the snap?

Note that all the members of the original Avengers team — Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye — survived Thanos' attack. Presumably they will unite one last time in Avengers: Endgame to reverse the curse.
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Which Avengers died in endgame?

Tony Stark: Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) sacrificed himself in order to save the universe at the end of Avengers: Endgame. He uses all the Infinity Stones to wish Thanos (Josh Brolin) and his army out of existence, but exerts so much strength that he dies in the process.
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Why is Natasha dead at the end of Black Widow?

Eventually, though, Natasha gets the upper hand on Clint for long enough to make her decision final, and go through with it. She leaps off the cliff, sacrificing her life for the Soul Stone.
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Is Wanda more powerful than Thanos?

Both WandaVision and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness displayed Scarlet Witch's reality-warping abilities, which make Wanda one of the most powerful beings in the entire MCU. It is safe to say that Phase 4 Scarlet Witch would have defeated Thanos, even if the Infinity Stones were involved.
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Why is Hawkeye deaf?

At one point in his comics history, Hawkeye was 80% deaf in the aftermath of a big battle. He was held captive by a villain named Crossfire, and while fighting another villain named Mockingbird, he bit down on a sonic arrow, which stopped the fight but permanently damaged his hearing.
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Who killed Hawkeye?

Murdered by Yellowjacket

Barton was then taken into the compound and locked up in a glass cell, with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents standing watch outside. While he was sitting on the floor, Hank Pym flew down to him and injected him with a toxic substance that killed him.
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What is Hawkeye's wife's secret?

Hawkeye's finale made canon for the MCU something fans have been theorizing about for quite some time: not only is Hawkeye/Clint Barton's (Jeremy Renner) wife Laura Barton (Linda Cardellini) a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, she's actually Agent 19, also known as Mockingbird.
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How many kids does Hawkeye have?

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clint Barton has kept his past and private life a secret, like any good spy. Known only to his closest confidantes, he is married to Laura Barton and together, the couple have three children, Cooper, Lila and Nathaniel.
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Which Avenger is the only one who could calm the Hulk down?

The Avengers found that a certain lullaby, typically said by the Black Widow, was able to calm the Hulk and help him revert back to Banner, when the Hulk's strength was no longer needed.
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Who kills Captain America?

Crossbones snipes at him while Sharon Carter (Agent 13; Cap's girlfriend), who has been brainwashed by Doctor Faustus, posing as a S.H.I.E.L.D. psychiatrist, delivers the killing shot. Overwhelmed with guilt, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Tony Stark and Black Widow hunt Captain America's murderers.
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Who finally kills Thanos?

In the aftermath of his failure, Thor had a new-found determination to kill Thanos and undo the Snap. The remaining Avengers converged on the Titan's home to find him wounded and the Infinity Stones destroyed. Seeking vengeance, Thor raised Stormbreaker and, with one fell swoop, beheaded Thanos.
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Which avenger died first?

The first of the original Avengers to die is none other than Scarlett Johannson's Natasha Romanoff. She sacrifices herself on Vormir to get the soul stone (in the same way as Gamora), leaving Hawkeye heartbroken.
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Could the Snap have killed Thanos?

Consider: if Thanos' snap had killed half the universe's population at random, there would have been a fifty-fifty chance that Thanos himself would have been erased in the process, leaving the Infinity Gauntlet behind.
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Who disappeared when Thanos snapped?

The Russo brothers also revealed that, despite not appearing in Infinity War, Betty Ross and Sif were blipped as well. In a mid-credits scene in Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018), Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne, and Janet van Dyne are blipped, leaving Scott Lang stranded in the Quantum Realm.
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Did Groot survive the Snap?

Groot. Groot was another victim of Thanos' snap following the Battle of Wakanda. He turned to dust with Rocket by his side and uttered one more "I am Groot" before he vanished. James Gunn revealed that this translated to Groot calling Rocket "Dad." They were finally reunited during Avengers: Endgame.
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Who is Hawkeye's nemesis?

Crossfire – A former CIA agent turned subversive supervillain and arms dealer. The closest thing Hawkeye has to an archenemy.
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What is Hawkeye's weakness?

Weaknesses: 80% deaf due to an injury sustained while in Crossfire's captivity, but his hearing was restored during his rebirth on Franklin Richards' Counter-Earth. He was again deafened by the Clown, who jammed Hawkeye's own arrows into both of Hawkeye's ears, causing damage to the middle and inner ears.
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