How did Hela lift Thor's hammer?

The God of Thunder has finally proven himself worthy to wield Mjolnir, and he throws it straight at Hela, eager to defeat her. To his surprise, Hela catches it in her outstretched arm, using her dark magic to manipulate the enchanted hammer, and then turns Mjolnir upon him.
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How is Hela able to lift Thor's hammer?

Odin's enchantment on Mjolnir in the beginning of Thor made it so only those worthy could wield its power. The most plausible explanation for Hela being able to hold and destroy Mjolnir is that Odin's death weakened the enchantment and she was too powerful for it.
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How is Hela so powerful in Thor?

However, as Odin's first born and most loyal and faithful servant, Hela was the original wielder of Mjolnir. Drawing enhanced strength and power from Asgard itself, at one point, Hela was the most powerful warrior in all Nine Realms, unmatched in every way.
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Did Hela have Mjolnir before Thor?

Mjølnir is a powerful enchanted war-hammer forged by the Dwarves for the Asgardian Royal Family, and was used by Odin before he passed it down to Hela and then Thor. The hammer was used extensively by Thor as his primary weapon until it was destroyed by Hela in 2017.
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Did Hela destroy Mjolnir in the comics?

When Odin dies, Thor's sister Hela escapes from her prison. Thor throws Mjolnir at her but she catches and destroys it.
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How Did Hela Break Thor's Hammer || Unanswered Questions ep - 6 || ComicVerse

Could Thor have beaten Hela?

Thor realized he was not going to be able to defeat her, and in an interesting turn of events, he ended up restoring Surtur's power by having Loki drop the crown in the Eternal Flame. This unleashed Ragnarök, which was the only way to defeat Hela as Asgard was her power source.
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Can Hela break Thor's Stormbreaker?

Stormbreaker survived a full blast from the IG utilizing all of its stones. Actually, not only did it survive, it overpowered it. Unless you think Hela's grip and innate powers is more destructive than all those stones combined then the answer is no, she can't destroy Stormbreaker.
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Did Thor make Hela pregnant?

Modi Thorson was the son of Thor and the goddess of Death, Hela from the Ultimates timeline. The story of his conception and birth begins with the aftermath of an event called Ultimatum, which is also considered to be one of the worst event comics ever.
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Could Hela defeat Thanos?

Thanos Had The Infinity Gauntlet

Naturally, the clearest and most obvious reason why Thanos would win in a fight with Hela would be his Infinity Gauntlet. In the Mad Titan's possession, it would be incredibly difficult for Hela to defeat him either in a straight fight, or some other means.
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Is Hela really Odin's daughter?

After barely escaping their initial encounter with Hela, Thor and his trickster half-brother Loki discover that Hela was not only Odin's true firstborn but also the original wielder of Thor's hammer Mjolnir.
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Who is stronger, Odin or Thor?

Odin is basically Thor and all the other Asgardians rolled into one—though he's even wiser, more experienced, and minus one eye. As the default King of Asgard, Odin is easily the most powerful being in his realm.
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Who can beat Hela easily?

Apart from the Fire Demon, Odin was the only being capable of doing any significant harm to Hela, effectively banishing her to Hel. Superhuman Speed: Hela was fast enough to slay several Einherjar before they could react and was able to keep up with and outpace Thor and Valkyrie in combat.
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Who is more powerful Hela or Hulk?

No, incredible hulk cannot defeat hela. Well for an example the mightiest weapon Mjolnir can only lifted by some people and not hulk. But hela is strongest by proving that she is mighty by breaking mjolnr into peices.
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Can Loki lift Mjolnir?

Loki is confirmed to be worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, for the first time in official Marvel canon. In The Immortal Thor #5, Loki confidently catches and wields the hammer, showcasing his growth and heroism.
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Is Hela stronger than Thanos?

Contrary to popular belief, Hela - and not Thanos - is the MCU's most powerful villain, as indicated by a scene in Avengers: Endgame. When Thor met the Mad Titan for the first time in Avengers: Infinity War, he was fresh out of a conflict with Cate Blanchett's Hela, the Goddess of Death.
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Is Hela physically stronger than Thor?

She is much stronger than Thor due to her sheer physiology. Children in the same family don't often have equal strenght, even if they trained the same way. Even if her strength is come from training, Odin would not make the same decision.
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Which avenger can defeat Hela?

Odin has beaten Hela and had his son resurrected many times, and she has yet to succeed in taking retribution.
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Could Hela beat Superman?

Nowhere in the movies is Superman able to tank a bladed weapon from a superhumanly strong opponent. Assuming we're talking DCEU and MCU versions, then Hela wins this. Yes, she's not as fast as Superman and he'll give her quite a thrashing, but nothing Superman does will keep Hela down for long.
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Could Hela beat Odin?

We can conclude that Hela is not more powerful than Odin. Its just that Odin was already weak and she waited for Odin to die before she tried to take Asgard.
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Did Thor sleep with Hela?

Hela agreed to release him under two conditions. The first was that she wanted an heir, so the two had sex and Thor impregnated her.
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What is Hela's weakness?

She also releases her spirit as an astral projection, which retains much of her powers. Hela is weakened without her cloak—so much so she cannot keep herself standing or cast magical power. It's theorized that without her cloak, she cannot leave her two realms.
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Is Hela actually Loki's daughter?

Hel is the queen of the afterlife realm of Hel in Norse mythology. She is the daughter of the god Loki and giantess Angrboda and sister of Fenrir the wolf and Jörmungandr the World Serpent. Although often referenced as a goddess, Hel is more of a half-goddess and jötunn, an entity from Jotunheim, realm of the giants.
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What's stronger, Mjolnir or Stormbreaker?

Stormbreaker has the additional power to summon the Bifröst, allowing Thor to teleport anywhere in the Nine Realms. Screen Rant has identified Stormbreaker as the more powerful of the two, based on this ability, as well as it being a much larger and edged weapon.
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Does Thor prefer Mjolnir over Stormbreaker?

It seems Thor enjoys both weapons; after all, he seemed very happy to find out he was still worthy in Avengers: Endgame. But as mentioned before, it appears that he prefers Stormbreaker out of the two, and rightfully so, because it gives him the best advantage over his enemies - in ways that Mjolnir doesn't.
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Does Thor love Mjolnir more than Stormbreaker?

In the end, Thor is able to coexist with both hammers, with Mjolnir being treated more as pet or a treasure, something he loves and handles with care that ties him to the events that made him into a great hero, while Stormbreaker becomes like a child, carrying the future as it is wielded not by him, but by someone he ...
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