How did Katniss become deaf?

The explosions knock the wind out of Katniss and cause her to lose hearing in both of her ears. She knows that the Careers will be coming back to see what's become of their camp, but she can't stand.
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Does Katniss ever get her hearing back?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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Is Katniss permanently deaf in her left ear?

In the book, blood streams from Katniss' ear, leaving her permanently deaf in her left ear. She doesn't regain hearing until the Capitol fixes her with a replacement aid after winning the Hunger Games.
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What was Katniss and Peeta's disability?

Like the film's portrayal of Katniss' hearing loss, Peeta's leg injury is shown on screen. Due to an earlier leg injury, he is unable to outrun the mutts as easily as Katniss and can't climb to safety as smoothly as she can.
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Why does Peeta lose his leg?

Peeta urges Katniss to run and stays to fight fellow tribute Cato while she escapes. He survives the encounter with Cato but suffers a stab wound on his leg. He camouflages himself into the rocks and mud alongside a riverbank, slowly dying of blood poisoning until Katniss finds him days later.
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After Fighting To End Affirmative Action In College Admissions, Asian Americans Fear Being Rejected

Why was Peeta so skinny in Mockingjay?

I went on the CGI diet, computer-generated images. They just sucked my face down in post-production. There you have it, folks. With the move of a mouse and a stylus, our Peeta was shrunk down via computer cleanse, not juice cleanse.
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What did Peeta do to Katniss neck?

As she approaches him, Peeta wraps his hands around her neck and throws Katniss around the room. He begins to strangle her, nearly killing her. He is wild, unable to be stopped, at least until Boggs knocks him out with a metal tray.
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What mental illness does Katniss Everdeen have?

While she manages to escape both Games with her life, she is left suffering significant psychological distress and displays symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
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What mental illness does Katniss have in the Hunger Games?

Katniss Everdeen, heroine of The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, is said to have PTSD, demonstrated by the psychological effects of her traumatic journey through life.
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Why does Katniss rarely sing?

Katniss rarely sings because it reminds her of her father, but she now remembers a morbid song that her father taught her: “The Hanging Tree.” This moment in the story is significant in multiple ways.
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Why does Cato say I'm dead anyway?

What does he mean by this? It means that during the arena, during his killing spree, he realizes that there's more to life than killing, and he's just a pawn in the whole scheme of things. He realizes that he's a cruel person the capitol created, and he wouldn't mind dying because he wasn't alive on the inside anyways.
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How was Thresh killed?

Feast and Death

Furious, Thresh attacks Clove, killing her by slamming her in the cornucopia until she died. As Thresh leaves, he takes not only his own backpack, but Cato's as well, forcing Cato to chase him instead of Katniss. When they fight, Cato manages to kill Thresh. However, in the film, he was eaten by mutts.
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Why was Haymitch punished?

Haymitch Abernathy, the mentor for Katniss and Peeta in The Hunger Games, won his own Hunger Games through smart tactics and outsmarting his opponents. Winning the Hunger Games came at a great cost for Haymitch, as President Snow ordered the death of his family and girlfriend as punishment for his rebellion.
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Does Peeta have a disability?

It is so rare that we see a main character in mainstream media who has a disability that is not a focus of the story, and this is why I was so disappointed in the movie. In the book, Peeta is an amputee, but that is merely a part of who he is and does not take over the storyline in any way, shape, or form.
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Who betrayed Katniss?

Katniss feels betrayed, most of all by Haymitch, who used her and Peeta. Eventually she wakes to find Gale there. He's badly injured and tells her the Capitol bombed District 12 after the Games. He got Prim and Katniss's mother out in time, but the District 12 is gone.
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What does Peeta whisper to Katniss when they reunite?

Then, he opens his eyes. He has camouflaged himself in mud, leaves, and vines. He jokes with her, whispering that it's okay to kiss him since they're madly in love, but once Katniss begins to clean him in the stream, she can see how weak he is.
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What mental illness does Peeta have?

People who suffer from PTSD can also experience trouble sleeping, which both Katniss and Peeta deal with, exhibit self-destructive or reckless behavior or can be aggressive and irritable. Both tributes also have trouble controlling themselves and often react aggressively to situations that upset them.
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What did Katniss do to Rue when she died?

Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) bears witness to Rue's (Amandla Stenberg) death and makes the Three Finger Salute after singing her a lullaby.
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Why does Katniss drug Peeta?

While there was a chance of Katniss getting medicine to help Peeta at this feast, he didn't want her risking her life against the other tributes just to save him. By tricking Peeta into consuming the sleep syrup (which knocked him out cold), Katniss was able to retrieve the medicine and save his life.
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What is Katniss Everdeen's fatal flaw?

For example, Katniss Everdeen has a fatal flaw of valuing others (beginning with her sister) and putting herself last. She does this numerous times, especially with Peeta. This major flaw in her character nearly gets her killed several times. She must overcome it to survive.
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Why is Katniss wearing a wig?

2. Jennifer Lawrence's Katniss Wig Was Stolen! The natural blonde had to wear a brunette wig in the final two installments of the franchise due to hair damage after dying her tresses for the first two films. It turned out that one of her castmates was all about Katniss' wig, too.
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What disease does snow have in Hunger Games?

In Mockingjay – Part 1, we find out from former Hunger Games victor Finnick Odair (Sam Claflin) that President Snow rose to power by poisoning his enemies. He would drink from the same cup to deflect suspicion, then take an antidote. But the repeated exposure left him with bloody sores in his mouth that never healed.
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Why did Peeta call Katniss a mutt?

While a prisoner of the Capitol, Peeta was hijacked into believing that Katniss was not human, but in fact one of the Capitol's mutts. Conversely, Johanna Mason suggested that the Capitol's torture replaced Peeta with an "evil-mutt version" of himself. This sentiment was later echoed by Katniss.
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Why did Katniss fake her love for Peeta?

Katniss here's this and understands that even though she may not love Peeta (then) that it's one less person who has to die. (At least that's what I have always thought.) Katniss realizes that if she pretends to be in love with Peeta people will want the capitol to let them survive.
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What did Snow do to Johanna?

Johanna Mason was the axe wielding victor of the 71st Hunger Games from District 7. Snow would later orchestrate the slaughter of her entire family as punishment for her defiant nature.
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