How did Logan get his daughter?

Over the course of the movie, we learn that Laura was born in a lab. She was created using Logan's DNA and carried to term by a surrogate. Technically, Laura isn't Logan's daughter; she's his clone. Either way, they're connected by blood, and Laura's powers are virtually identical to Logan's.
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How Laura is Logan's daughter?

She was grown in the Weapon-X laboratory using Logan's cells. She was then placed inside a surrogate mother, born naturally and allowed to grow to teenage years. Then Laura went through the same adamantium grafting Logan experienced. She is technically a clone, but Logan treats her as his own flesh and blood.
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How is Logan the father of Laura?

Her biological father was Wolverine, having been created with DNA samples acquired by the Alkali Lake team, and thus she shared his healing factor and retractable claws.
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Who is the mother of Logan's child?

In the comics, X-23's mother was Doctor Sarah Kinney, a woman who worked at the revamped Weapon X project that conducted experiments on mutants. Dr. Kinney suggested they try to create a female clone of Wolverine and was forced to be a surrogate for X-23.
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How did transigen get Logan's DNA?

Rice father ) ,, but in the post credits scene we saw some men from Essexcorp who took Logan's blood sample and DNA from Stryker's Lab. Later on Alkali Transigen worked on his DNA and created X-23 ( shown in Logan ).
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LOGAN (2017) Movie Clip - Laura Speaks for the First Time |FULL HD| Marvel Superhero Movie

Why were no mutants born for 25 years?

In Logan, which takes place in 2029, it is stated that the US put chemicals in the water supply 25+ years ago that prohibited the birth of new mutants. As many have pointed out, this seemingly contradicts the ending of DOFP, where various mutants younger than 19 can be seen attending Xavier's school in 2023.
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Why have no new mutants been born in Logan?

As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility, that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce.
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Is Logan's daughter the new Wolverine?

In the comics, Laura is the female clone of Logan/Wolverine. In the Earth-17315 timeline, she is Logan's biological daughter. In one of the comics, Laura has taken up the mantle of "Wolverine"; after the death of Logan.
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Did Storm and Wolverine have a child?

History. Torrent is the daughter of Storm and Wolverine on Earth-9811 - an alternate reality where the heroes and villains assembled by the Beyonder to fight in the conflict known as the Secret Wars never left Battleworld, the patchwork planet created by the Beyonder for them to fight on.
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Who is Logan Roy's first wife?

Logan's Wives: Wife #1, Caroline, Marcia.
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Is Laura Logan's biological daughter?

It is revealed later that she is not a clone, but the biological daughter of Wolverine. Like her father, Laura has a regenerative healing factor and enhanced senses, speed, and reflexes. She also has retractable adamantium-coated bone claws in her hands and feet.
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Why does Laura have foot claws?

She naturally has bone claws inside her feet (and the horrible scientists ripped them out without anesthetic, coated them in adamantium, and then reinserted them). In Logan, the claws are totally artificial, so the real reason she has them between her toes is because that's how Laura looks in the comics.
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Why is Laura mute in Logan?

For most of the film, she is silent, with emotions shown only by the movement of her eyes, the occasional head nod and loud screams when she pops her claws. Laura seems like she may be mute — perhaps she is too damaged by a childhood in which she was trained to be a weapon.
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What happens to Logan's daughter?

And by the time the credits roll, the Wolverine has sacrificed his life to save Laura's soul. With his dying breath, Logan asks his daughter not to become a monster like him. In turn, Laura recognizes Wolverine as her father and vows to be a better person.
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Who is Laura's biological mother in Logan?

He later revealed to Laura that he had discovered that part of her genetic makeup came from Sarah herself, making Sarah not just Laura's surrogate, but her biological mother.
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Does Laura have adamantium in Logan?

Comics readers will frequently see her incorporate her foot blades into more elegant martial arts attacks, emphasising kicks and distant strikes, where Logan is more of a brawler. Also, only Laura's claws are coated in unbreakable adamantium, rather than her entire skeletal structure.
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Who is the secret daughter of Wolverine?

Rien possesses all the magical abilities of her mother, Sylvie D'Arqueness, along with her mutant heritage from her father, Wolverine. Regeneration: Reine's body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissue and organs at a rate which exceeds that of any normal human.
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Who did Wolverine have a baby with?

Daken: Dark Wolverine #1. Art by Giuseppe Camuncoli. Daken is the mutant son of Wolverine and his deceased wife Itsu, possessing superhuman abilities similar to his father (e.g., healing factor, retractable claws) as well as pheromone manipulating powers.
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How many babies can Wolverine have?

In the winter wolverines primarily rely on carrion; throughout the year, wolverines feed on small and medium-sized animals such as voles, squirrels, snowshoe hares, and birds. Wolverine litters are born between February and April.. No litters larger than four have been reported in the wild and average 2-3 kits.
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Does Wolverine and Jean have a child?

Kate, aka Shine, was the daughter of Wolverine and Jean Grey, who formally began a romance. Moving past Scott, Wolverine and Jean were loving parents to their daughter (who developed her own ability to generate blinding auras of light) and found peace as major staff members at the Xavier Institute.
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What movie is Wolverine's daughter in?

She is the daughter of British actor. Keen made her acting debut in 2014 alongside her father with the television series The Refugees, where she played Ana "Ani" Cruz Oliver. Keen starred in the 2017 film Logan as Laura, the mutant child of Wolverine.
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Will Laura become the new Wolverine?

Marvel recently announced that Laura will star in a limited series titled X-23: Deadly Regenesis this March. Since Resurrected-Laura is keeping the Wolverine title, we can assume that the limited series will star Vault-Laura, who will be going back to the X-23 codename.
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What was Logan dying from?

Fall of the X-Men

In addition, due to this decreased state of healing, he is slowly dying from adamantium poisoning.
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Why can't Logan regenerate anymore?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him. Adamantium poisoning may also have turned into the cause of his healing factor's increasing failure.
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Did the corn syrup affect Logan?

then he distributed the mutant herding virus. through corn syrup in sports drinks, fast food cereals and more. so every time Logan ate, he unknowingly weakened himself even more.
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