How did Merlin learn magic?

According to the legend, Merlin was born to a human mother and a demon father. He gained his magical powers from the demon. Some stories said that Merlin was evil. Others said that he was good, despite his demonic background.
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How did Merlin get his magic?

Merlin's traditional biography casts him as an often-mad cambion, born of a mortal woman and an incubus, from whom he inherits his supernatural powers and abilities.
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Is Merlin the only one born with magic?

Some, such as Morgana, appear to be born with a natural aptitude for magic while others, such as Gaius, can learn to utilize it through years of study. Merlin appears to be an anomaly in that he was born with magic and could use it instinctively from birth (The Dragon's Call).
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What type of magic user was Merlin?

Not sure if my spells would even work on some of them. Yes, Merlin was a wizard or Wise One, and in his day, he would have been known as a Druid. As we see it today, there were two broad classes of people practicing magic in ancient Britain, the witches and the Druids.
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Did Arthur ever find out Merlin has magic?

Arthur was unaware of Merlin's powers until the very last episode of season 5 ("The Diamond of the Day: Part 2). In one of Merlin and Arthur's best moments, both men share a beautiful but bittersweet conversation as Arthur's discovered everything Merlin had done and sacrificed for him.
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What Is The Truth Behind The Legend Of Merlin | Merlin - The Legend | Chronicle

Why didn't Merlin tell Morgana about his magic?

Instead of telling her about his powers in order to comfort her about her own, he tried to help without showing he actually understood her fear. As a result, it is Morgous instead of Merlin who teaches Morgana about magic and its purpose, so Morgan's learns to use her power for evil instead of for good.
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Why did Merlin lose his powers?

Unbeknownst to him, Lenore had kept the sword hidden from him but told him that it had been destroyed. After the sword was removed from his body, Merlin lost his magic, though he tried to keep that hidden from others in order to keep up the appearance that he is still very powerful.
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What happened to Merlin after Arthur died?

Avalon: In some versions of the legend, it is said that after King Arthur's death, he was taken to the mystical island of Avalon to be healed or to await his eventual return.
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Who has the strongest magic in Merlin?

The 10 Most Powerful 'Merlin' Characters, Ranked
  • 8 Alator.
  • 7 Mordred.
  • 6 Morgause.
  • 5 Nimueh.
  • 4 Cornelius Sigan.
  • 3 Kilgharrah.
  • 2 Morgana.
  • 1 Merlin.
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Did Merlin have children?

In the actual legend Merlin never married, nor did he have any children - though the woman Nimue did indeed cause his downfall by seducing him. Here, Merlin breaks his vows of celibacy before the story of Arthur begins (which we learn in a brief prologue) and is punished for it by the gods.
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Who gave birth to Morgana in Merlin?

Morgana is born in Camelot to Uther Pendragon and Lady Vivienne. Growing up in the household of Gorlois, Morgana and Gorlois are led to believe that they are father and daughter.
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Why is Merlin so special?

Geoffrey's Merlin was the semi-human child of a Welsh Christian princess and a demon. He could see into the depths of the earth, and could interpret the motions of the stars; he could also, if he chose, reveal his knowledge to powerful kings, although he was never under their control.
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Why is Merlin a dwarf?

Merlin is the leader of the F7, a group that combats monsters and beasts on Fairy Tale Island. However, after Merlin and his comrades accidentally mistake the Fairy Princess for a witch and attack her, they are cursed to become green dwarfs whenever people look at them.
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What was Merlin's sin?

Merlin is a cool and calculative member of the Deadly Sins who bears the Sin of Gluttony, symbolized by the Boar symbol tattooed above her neck, normally in the form of an attractive raven-haired woman in skimpy clothing, Merlin is a 3000-year-old witch known as the "Daughter of Bérialin" as her true name is ...
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Why is Merlin obsessed with Arthur?

The relationship between Merlin, and his master, Arthur, has progressively formed and developed over the course of time into a very, very close bond. They, according to divine prophecy, share an interlaced destiny, both being opposites of the same coin.
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Why is Merlin black in The Winter King?

He added: "I know that some people thought Merlin couldn't possibly be Black, but since watching the series I've actually found some mediaeval documents that claim that he was 'dark' – and they're talking about his skin colour. "So I think [the casting director(s)] actually were ahead of the curve on that one.
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Does Arthur accept Merlin's magic?

Arthur was indoctrinated to believe magic led to people becoming power-hungry and evil. All his brushes with magic ranged from annoying to traumatizing. It took the time for him to become practically brothers with Merlin. It took time for him to get to the point where he might slightly accept him for his magic.
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What makes Merlin so powerful?

Merlin was recognized for his mastery of charms, being called the "Prince of Enchanters." He was also an expert on defense against the dark arts, non-verbal forms of magic, and the creation of spells. In fact, he defeated one of the most terrifying dark wizards to ever exist, Morgana.
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Could Merlin see ancient magic?

Ancient magic: While it is unknown whether Merlin possessed the rare ability to perceive traces of ancient magic and an innate gift for wielding it, like Percival Rackham and Isidora Morganach had, if his portrait's rebuke towards the denizens of Hogwarts Castle in the 20th century for having "abandoned the ways of ...
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Why did Merlin end so abruptly?

Why was the TV series Merlin canceled? They always planned it the way it was. It wasn't canceled it just ended. The writers always said they only ever planned for five seasons.
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Why did Merlin get canceled?

"As soon as Arthur knows that Merlin has magic, we felt the format of the show was over," Capps explains. "Because the format of the show was that he had to hide it. It's the end of the story – or the end of this version of the story."
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Who is Merlin's wife?

Merlin later makes some tellings of the future, and is allowed back into the forest. Before he leaves, however, he goes to talk to his wife. His wife's name was Gwendoloena, and she lived together with Merlin's sister.
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Why did Mordred hate Merlin?

Nonetheless, Mordred revealed a dark and vengeful personality when he told Merlin that he would never forgive or forget him after Merlin led Arthur and his knights to Mordred's camp and tried to stop him from escaping.
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What is Merlin's weakness?

Weaknesses: Merlin is sometimes too playful for her own good. Her magic has an extremely brief but exploitable casting time.
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Why did Merlin go mad?

Both the Myrddin of the early Welsh poems, then, and the Merlin of Vita Merlini, were depicted as wild men and prophets. Each of them had taken part in a battle which caused him to slip into madness, and to flee into a forest where he lived as a wild man.
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