How did Palpatine hide in plain sight?

Some dark siders can conceal their appearance with the Force, hiding physical signs of corruption like yellow eyes and aged features. Palpatine's yellow Sith eyes may have been hidden through a dark side illusion, potentially masking his true form from the Jedi.
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How did Emperor Palpatine hide?

Basically, the Force itself was afraid of what Palpatine would become if trained as a Jedi or Sith so the Force created a shadow or “void” in the Force that hid Palpatine and allowed him to stay hidden for years. This was ultimately why the Jedi never detected Palpatine and only accidentally by the Sith.
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How did Darth Sidious go undetected?

Luckily though, he was strong enough to make expert use of a relatively common Force ability: Force Concealment (also known as Force Stealth). With Force Concealment, Palpatine was able to completely hide his presence in the Force, while still being able to cloud the Force for the Jedi.
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How did Palpatine mask his presence?

Force Clouding was a Force technique used by the Sith, particularly those who belonged to the Order of the Sith Lords to mask their Dark side powers when in the presence of the Jedi.
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Why didn t Palpatine heal his face?

Palpatine chose to keep his face as a symbol of the Jedi's treachery and as a way to appear weak to his enemies.
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Why Palpatine Was Glad Tarkin Died on the Death Star - Star Wars Explained

What did Palpatine fear?

Thus, while Qui-Gon was less powerful than the likes of Yoda and Mace Windu, Palpatine feared him more. In simplest terms, he was a wild card, and with the Sidious executing an intricate decades-long plan to seize power and destroy the Jedi, a wild card was something he just couldn't afford.
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Why didn't Kylo Ren have Sith eyes?

However, joining the Sith means declaring loyalty to the dark side, which Anakin did before his eyes turned yellow. This may explain why Kylo Ren, torn between the light and dark, didn't have yellow eyes in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, as killing his father split his spirit even more.
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Why didn't Dooku have Sith eyes?

While Dooku may be powerful enough to hide his Sith eyes, there is another reason for his unusual appearance. Dooku's eyes were never yellow because he did not have the same motivation and emotions as other Sith. Dooku was an idealist who left the Jedi because he thought they had lost their way.
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What mental disorder did Darth Sidious have?

One of the most notable examples of a psychopath was Palpatine who, in reality, was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. He displayed superficial charm, hiding behind the guise of a kind, mild-mannered Senator from Naboo and maintaining this demeanor as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
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Who did the Jedi think Sidious was?

The Jedi were unable to secure further information on Sidious throughout the Clone Wars despite their suspicions that the "Second Sith" could be someone in the inner circle advising the Supreme Chancellor, with such people as Sate Pestage and Mas Amedda as possible suspects.
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What does Palpatine hate?

Summary. Palpatine's true source of power comes from his intense hatred for everyone in the galaxy, which only fuels his strength. Not only that, but the more people hate Palpatine, the stronger he becomes as well, making inspiring hatred a crucial part of increasing his strength.
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Why is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

The most agreed upon theory, started by Reddit user Lumparoo in 2016, is that Jar-Jar is a powerful Force-user conspiring with Darth Sidious. In addition to this, some believe he either trained, or was supposed to become Supreme Leader Snoke, or that he is a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis.
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Why wasn t Dooku called Darth?

Sidious may have given Dooku the title of Darth Tyranus, but because the Jedi Order knew him as Count Dooku, greatly preferring to not indulge his role as a Sith, they continued to call him by that name.
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Why didn't Dooku use his Sith name?

Why didn't Count Dooku have a Sith name? He did have a sith name it was Darth Tyranus. However Count dooku was quite different compared to the other sith in the fact that he didn't really submerge himself fully in the dark side and that's why he never had sith eyes.
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Has a Sith ever had a blue lightsaber?

After his reincarnation, Darth Sidious aka Palpatine used a blue-bladed lightsaber when he fought Luke onboard his Super Star Destroyer Eclipse. Ultimately, Sith who wielded colors other than red were usually looking to disguise their dark affiliations.
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What disorder does Kylo Ren have?

I suggest that when Ren's emotional outbursts, impulsivity, and unstable self-concept are looked at more closely, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that he suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and that perhaps he is simply not just a cold-hearted villain after all.
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Did any Sith turn to the light side?

Darth Sajar (Legends)

A Dark Lord of the Sith and a member of the Dark Council, Darth Sajar was very powerful in the Force. He eventually became a Sith Lord during the reign of the Sith Empire, but before long, he came in contact with a Jedi Master who helped him turn to the light.
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Which Jedi did Palpatine fear?

She may have not been a powerful Jedi warrior, but few can say Jocasta Nu didn't play a vital role in Star Wars history, showing just why she scared Emperor Palpatine so much.
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