How did Palpatine know Luke was Vader's son?

Instead of being in the life suit, Vader looks like an older Anakin who never received the devastating injuries, and Padmé and Luke (who struck down Palpatine) are by his side. It's during these visions Palpatine realizes Luke - who he only knew as the Rebel who destroyed the Death Star - is Anakin's son.
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How did Darth Vader know that Luke was his son?

Vader was hunting down the pilot who blew up the Death Star, and hired Boba Fett to find them. Boba was unable to, but he did give Vader a name: “Skywalker.” This, combined with his knowing Luke was Force-sensitive and had been trained by Obi-Wan, was what made him realize the truth.
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Did R2 know Luke was Anakin's son?

R2-D2 was present when Padmé gave birth to Leia and Luke, so he knew Luke was Anakin's son – but what he didn't know was that Anakin became Darth Vader. In addition to that, Anakin's fall was surely a painful event in R2-D2's life, one that he definitely wouldn't like to remember or even talk about.
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How does Darth Vader find out Leia is his daughter?

Darth Vader didn't learn he had a daughter until Return of the Jedi, when he stood before Emperor Palpatine. The Emperor's power probed Luke's mind, attempting to goad him to fall to the dark side, and he discovered Leia's existence. "Sister," the Emperor taunted.
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Why did Palpatine fear Luke?

So Palpatine was afraid that Luke would join Darth Vader and kill him, and they would rule the Galaxy together. The rule of two said that there is only a master and a apprentice. One to have the power and the other to crave it.
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How Palpatine Discovered Luke was a “Skywalker” and Darth Vader’s Son! (Legends)

Who is more powerful Sidious or Luke?

Sidious was able to take on his previous apprentice and the apprentice of the apprentice. Sidious was able to defeat three master Jedi with ease but the battle would come down to who was stronger with the force and that contest is way to one sided in favors of Luke.
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What Jedi could beat Palpatine?

One of the most skilled Jedi ever with a lightsaber, Mace Windu remains the only Jedi to defeat Emperor Palpatine in a duel in Revenge of the Sith.
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Did Leia know she was Padme's daughter?

She figured out her mother's identity after Return of the Jedi, when she learned she was the daughter of Anakin Skywalker; it didn't take Leia long to connect the dots between Anakin and the senator of Naboo he had spent so much time with during the Clone Wars, who died under mysterious circumstances on the day Leia ...
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Does Leia ever know Vader is her father?

Alderaan's princess knew she had been adopted by Bail and Breha Organa after the Clone Wars, but she had no idea who her parents were. That was until Luke Skywalker told her the truth - that he was the son of Darth Vader, and that she was his sister.
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How did Anakin not know Leia was his daughter?

Perhaps the strongest factor in Darth Vader's inability to sense his own daughter when she was standing right in front of him was denial. Darth Vader simply couldn't allow himself to believe that Anakin Skywalker's children had lived.
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Did Vader recognize C-3PO?

in the Dark Horse comic series star Wars Tales, which is now part of legends, it's revealed that Darth Vader did recognize C. 3PO on Cloud City. when 3PO was shot by Stormtroopers, his parts were brought before Vader. because the Imperials thought he could hold valuable.
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Why didn t R2-D2 tell Luke Vader was his father?

secondly, in Legends, R2 was given programming that actually restricted him. from sharing any information with Luke or Leia. about their parents or relation to one another. this was all part of the plan. to conceal this information from the twins.
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Why does C-3PO not remember Anakin?

Obviously, C-3PO does not recognize Vader because his memory was wiped at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
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When did Vader realize that Luke was his son?

In the post-2014 canon universe, the story that reveals Darth Vader discovering Luke Skywalker's identity (and thus the fact that the Death Star's destroyer is his son) is issue 6 of 2015's Star Wars comics by Marvel, which takes place sometime shortly after A New Hope.
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Is Luke more powerful than Vader?

Many fans declare that Luke won the confrontation because he nearly killed Vader, but that's technically not true. Vader was far more powerful than Luke and easily could have bested him. So, knowing that Vader wasn't allowed to kill Luke drastically changes the equation.
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Why didn't they change Luke's last name?

The two recognize Luke's similarities to Anakin and try to prevent him from sharing his father's fate, but they let him remain Luke Skywalker instead of having him go by Luke Lars out of respect for his grandmother, Shmi Skywalker.
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Do Luke and Leia know they are twins?

Luke and Leia only discovered they were twins in Return of the Jedi despite being Force-sensitive. Could they have known earlier in Star Wars? Luke and Leia never sensed that they were twins until Return of the Jedi despite both being sensitive to the Force.
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Did Leia know who Anakin was?

It wasn't until Bloodline that Leia began to truly understand Anakin Skywalker, in a situation where she too felt tempted. "She'd always wondered what had led her father to turn to the dark side," Leia reflected, "to become Darth Vader. She'd imagined it came from ambition, greed, or some other venal weakness.
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Does Leia know Padme is her mother?

Yes, they did. Eventually, Leia contact her good friend Pooja Naberrie to discuss her mother so they definitely knew about Padmé Amidala and the fact she was their biological mother. did luke and leia ever figure out who their mother was?
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Who is Luke Skywalker's sister?

Luke Skywalker, his twin sister Princess Leia Organa, and their father Darth Vader are central characters in the original Star Wars film trilogy.
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How does Leia remember her mother?

Star Wars manga Leia: Princess of Alderaan resolves Leia's apparent plot hole in Return of the Jedi, suggesting her false memories were a result of Force visions. Leia's childhood visions of the past explain why she believed she had memories of her mother, integrating them into her subconscious.
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What did Vader do to Leia?

Here, Vader employs mind-altering drugs and subliminal suggestion in his sessions with the princess, which make Leia believe that her skin is on fire and her flesh being torn apart, causing the same reaction the real thing would. An altered version was presented in the current Star Wars canon.
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Which Sith can beat Yoda?

More cunning and devious than all but the most attuned Force-sensitive beings, Darth Bane could more than likely defeat Yoda in a battle of both strength and wit.
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What Sith is stronger than Palpatine?

These factors combined seemingly indicate that Star Wars' Darth Plagueis was more powerful than Palpatine, although the latter's ability to manipulate others gave him a significant edge over his Sith Master.
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Could Dooku have beaten Sidious?

Dooku was powerful and extremely skillful with his lightsaber, to the point he easily beat Anakin and Obi-Wan. Still, Dooku was less powerful than both of his masters – Darth Sidious and Yoda. The Battle of Geonosis set Palpatine's ultimate plan in motion, and it is considered the first battle of the Clone Wars.
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