How did Peeta help Katniss family?

Katniss recognizes him instantly, knowing that he is the boy who, five years prior, purposely burned bread and gave it to her to save her family and herself from starvation - an act that gave her the hope and courage to feed her family. For this, his mother gave him a black eye for being so clumsy. Peeta at the parade.
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How did Peeta Mellark help Katniss?

Even though they don't speak and Katniss doesn't consider Peeta a friend, he saves her life when they are 11 and she is starving behind the bakery. He gives her a loaf of bread, one that he burned on purpose, and ever since that moment Katniss has felt like she owes Peeta.
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How did Peeta save Katniss and her family?

How did Peeta save Katniss and her family? Peeta purposely burned some bread, so his mother would have him throw it to the pigs. Instead, he tossed some to Katniss because her family was starving and had nothing to eat.
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How did Peeta help Katniss after her father died?

She essentially credits Peeta giving her the two loaves of bread years earlier with restoring her hope and saving her after her father's death. Without this act, she thinks she and her family may have starved, and she also thinks about how Peeta was present when she realized she would have to take care of her family.
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What did Peeta give Katniss to help her survive?

When Peeta comments on how Katniss is a survivor, she reminds him of how she often needs help in order to survive and knows that he remembers the bread he gave her when they were children. This foreshadows the help that she will need later on, hopefully help that will come from Peeta during the Games.
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The Entire Life of Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games Explained)

Why is Katniss so obsessed with Peeta?

Peeta Mellark served as Katniss' crucial confidant, seeing as he went through it all firsthand, not once, but twice. Despite the terror he faced, Katniss viewed Peeta as a symbol of comfort and salvation.
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Why does Katniss want to save Peeta so badly?

Instead, Katniss wants to protect him and bring him home because she has strong feelings for him, even though she isn't sure what those feelings mean. Gale's hug and kind words when she returns home are a direct contrast to her newly established plan to save Peeta because of her feelings for him.
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Why did Katniss's mother marry her father?

Katniss and Prim's mother is from a wealthier merchant class within District 12, but she moved to the Seam to marry their father for love.
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How did Peeta betray Katniss?

He has betrayed her and is betraying all of District 12 by buddying up with the Careers, whom she calls the "Capitol's lapdogs." She decides that if the Careers don't kill him, she'd be more than happy to. Then, she wonders why Peeta hasn't told them about her bow and arrow skills yet.
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Did Peeta's dad love Katniss mom?

Long before Peeta risked punishment from his mother by throwing Katniss some bread, his father had pointed the girl out to him and explained to his son that he had once been in love with her mother.
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Who saved Katniss family from starvation?

Katniss volunteers to take her sister's place. The other tribute is Peeta Mellark, a baker's son who once saved Katniss' family from starvation by sneaking them bread. Guards put Katniss and Peeta on a train for the Capitol.
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Did Peeta's father want to marry Katniss mother?

His father pointed her out and told Peeta he had wanted to marry Katniss's mother, but she ran off with a coal miner who sang so well even the birds would stop and listen.
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Why did that lady sacrifice herself for Peeta?

Given that she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Peeta, it's safe to assume that the Morphling was committed to the rebel cause. Like the other victors, she knows the power that Katniss has as a lightning rod for the rebellion, and she knows that Katniss will not help without Peeta.
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Why does Peeta lose his leg?

Peeta urges Katniss to run and stays to fight fellow tribute Cato while she escapes. He survives the encounter with Cato but suffers a stab wound on his leg. He camouflages himself into the rocks and mud alongside a riverbank, slowly dying of blood poisoning until Katniss finds him days later.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

No one on earth could endure the torture that Peeta went through without being horrifically traumatized, but the fact that he was so forthright about his love for Katniss didn't do him any favors in that department either.
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Why did Peeta paint Rue?

Peeta used the dyes to paint a picture of Rue after Katniss covered her with flowers when she died. He says he wants to hold them accountable for killing Rue, and Effie tells him that that kind of thinking is forbidden. Katniss then tells the team she hung a dummy of Seneca Crane.
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Did Haymitch betray Katniss?

Toward the end of the novel, Katniss realizes that Haymitch has been keeping information from her and using her to help the rebellion, causing her to feel extremely betrayed. On the other hand, his goals are generally good ones.
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Is Peeta a traitor in Mockingjay?

He says that the rebels and Capitol supporters must not fight, and he asks everyone to lay down their weapons. The interview ends, but not before Katniss realizes that Peeta's support of a cease-fire makes him a traitor of the revolution.
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Did Peeta actually tell Katniss to run?

Their roles as star-crossed lovers help them gain sponsors and survive the games. Once the games begin, Peeta forms alliances with the Careers, which Katniss does not initially realize is part of his plot to protect her. After Peeta tells Katniss to run from Cato, Cato stabs Peeta in the thigh and leaves him for dead.
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How old is Prim when she dies?

She was only 13 years old when she was killed in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, and her youth only makes the tragedy that much harder for Katniss to bear after everything else she had suffered. Prim's death is a truly heartbreaking moment.
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Why is Haymitch a drunk?

Due to the horror of his Games, his grief over his family's and girlfriend's deaths, and the overwhelming guilt he felt from being obligated to participate in the Games he hated while each and every one of his mentored tributes died in them, Haymitch turned to alcoholism to cope with his issues and feelings.
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Why didn t Katniss like her mom?

Katniss has a conflicted relationship with her mother. Following her father's death, her mother fell into deep depression and now rarely speaks. As a result, Katniss has a difficult time feeling love and affection for her mother, even as she recognizes that her mother is a kind and intelligent woman.
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Why did Katniss not end up with Gale?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Why does Snow hate Katniss?

Snow can't stand to see a young woman betray a young man's affection—his view of what happened 65 years ago. And so he takes out his old, festering wound on Katniss.
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Did Katniss ever love Peeta?

Does Katniss love Peeta? Katniss not only ends up with Peeta, she even confirms that she loves him in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 epilogue.
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