How did Ron have a rat?

Scabbers was the pet of Ron Weasley in the first three instalments of the series. He originally belonged to Ron's brother, Percy, but when Percy was given an owl as a reward for becoming a prefect, Scabbers was handed down to Ron.
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Why did Ron have a rat?

Scabbers was Ron Weasley's pet rat. Passed down throughout the family, by the time he came to Ron, Scabbers was living up to his name with patchy fur and a distinct preference for sleeping. Although Scabbers was a loyal companion to Ron, the rat wasn't all that he seemed and was in fact hiding a terrible secret.
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How did the Weasleys get the rat?

It's my guess that Percy found him when playing in the orchard. He probably felt sorry for the rat, which would have been wounded (the missing finger/toe) and starving. He probably took it home to feed and fix up. He likely kept it a secret from his parents, but may have sought help from either Bill or Charlie.
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Who gave Ron his rat?

"Scabbers is Ron's pet rat, a hand-me-down from his brother Percy. Ever since the Weasley family's trip to Egypt, Scabbers has been looking quite off-color.
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How did Ron get Scabbers into Hogwarts?

1991-1992. In 1991, Scabbers had become an unaware Ron Weasley's pet, and was taken aboard the Hogwarts Express by Ron.
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Why Was Ron Weasley Allowed a Pet RAT at Hogwarts? - Harry Potter Theory

How did Sirius know Pettigrew was Ron's rat?

In 1993, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban after seeing a picture of Pettigrew's rat form in a Daily Prophet article about the Weasley family's trip to Egypt.
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What was Ron's spell to turn Scabbers yellow?

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow was the incantation of a most likely nonsensical and non-existent spell fabricated by George Weasley that could supposedly change Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers's fur colour to yellow, but did not have such effect.
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Who killed Peter Pettigrew?

In the spring of 1998, during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, in a moment of rare mercy, he hesitated to strangle Harry Potter when Harry reminded him of his life debt. The silver hand Lord Voldemort had given Pettigrew interpreted his hesitation as weakness or disloyalty, and strangled him to death.
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Why does Ron have scars?

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

When the thoughts soared at him, they started to wrap themselves around Ron's arms, nearly suffocating him. When the battle ended, Madam Pomfrey said that it would leave a scar, since nothing left deeper scarring than thoughts.
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Why was Ron puking slugs?

Nothing says Hallowe'en horror more than slug slime mixed with Ron Weasley's vomit, right? Poor Ron was only trying to curse Draco Malfoy for calling Hermione a Mudblood.
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When did Ron start liking Hermione?

Ron first began to show signs of romantic interest in Hermione in their second year; he was irritated by her crush on Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, became so angry when Draco Malfoy called her a "Mudblood" that he tried to hex him, and was even more upset than Harry when she was one of the Basilisk's victims.
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Why does Hermione call Ron Ronald?

She always calls him Ronald in the movies (and most definitely not in the books) because the scriptwriter was totally in love with her character, and transferred all the good lines and attributes he could from other characters to her. Calling Ron by his full name is Luna's thing.
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What is Ginny Weasley's pet?

Arnold - A small, purple pygmy puff, Arnold is the beloved pet of Ginny Weasley. She buys Arnold from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and he is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
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What was Ron's owl's name?

Pigwidgeon is a Eurasian Scops Owl. In the Harry Potter books, Pigwidgeon is gifted to Ron Weasley from Sirius Black partly as an apology for taking away Ron's beloved pet rat. Pigwidgeon is a tiny hyperactive owl that Ron is both proud of and annoyed by.
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Did Ron actually eat slugs?

Rupert Grint stated that vomiting slugs was the most challenging scene to film in that movie: "I think coughing up slugs was quite hard. Ron has a scene where he has to cough up these giant slugs. I had this giant slug in my mouth loaded with slime and I spat them out. I think it was plastic.
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Why did Ron's eyes turn red?

Harry spoke the word "open" in Parseltongue, causing the locket to spring open. Inside the locket's picture windows were two eyes that resembled Tom Riddle's eyes, before his soul-severing caused his eyes to turn red. The locket then began to mentally torture Ron mocking his greatest fears.
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Did Lavender actually like Ron?

It wasn't a love potion. Lavender had a crush on Ron, and when they went out, he was just so excited to have someone actually like him like that, so he just went with it.
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What was on Ron's nose?

Ron Has Dirt On His Nose Because The Weasley Travel By Floo

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Hermione points out to Ron that he has dirt on his nose. The reason why he has dirt on his nose is because his family travels by using Floo Powder, which is introduced in Chamber of Secrets.
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Who killed Remus Lupin?

Remus fought at the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May 1998, during which his wife was murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange. Remus was also murdered by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov, during the first half of the same battle. His death was possibly avenged by Filius Flitwick.
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What house was Umbridge in?

Under the influence of her father, Dolores grew up despising her mother and brother for their lack of magical abilities. She was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and hated her time at the school due to never being given any positions of power.
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What was James Potter's Animagus?

Werewolves might be dangerous to humans, but they don't attack other animals; so Lupin's friends found a way to stay together as a kind of pack. James's Animagus form was that of a stag, which earned him his nickname, Prongs.
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Why did Rons' rat spell not work?

That's because what he wanted was to turn a rat yellow, but Scabbers wasn't a rat. Scabbers was actually, as we know, Peter Pettigrew, an unregistered animagus hiding out as the Weasley's pet rat.
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What spell did Wormtail revive Voldemort?

An ancient piece of dark magic, Voldemort's regeneration potion restored the wizard to a true and whole bodily form. The ingredients used were typical of very dark magic and included the bones of Voldemort's father, flesh from Wormtail, his servant and blood from his enemy - Harry Potter.
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Why did Scabbers choose the Weasleys?

15. He Chose The Weasleys As Owners To Avoid The Death Eaters. After Pettigrew faked his demise, he chose to live as a rat in order to both keep up his lie as well as to avoid the Death Eaters. At this stage, many of Voldemort's followers were unknown to the authorities and lived amongst the common-folk.
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