How did Thanos get the purple stone?

Well, actually, that's not technically true, as the mad, bad Titan already has one of the mighty gems plugged into his Infinity Gauntlet by the time the film opens: namely, the purple Power Stone. It's later explained by Thor that Thanos “decimated” the planet Xandar and retrieved it from the care of the Nova Corps.
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In which movie does Thanos get the Power Stone?

While he got the remaining four from different battles, he already had Power Stone with him. The Power Stone was last seen in Xandar in Guardians of the Galaxy. As per Jim Starlin, Avengers: Infinity War would have shown Thanos acquiring the stone in Xandar after a battle in a 45-min sequence.
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How did Thanos get his first stone?

In 2018, Thanos in his quest for the Infinity Stones, went to Xandar to retrieve the Power Stone. After decimating Xandar and the Nova Corps, he acquired the Power Stone and inserted it in the Infinity Gauntlet. He then used the Stone to torture Thor and to obliterate the Statesman.
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How did Thanos get the stone from Nova Corps?

Casualties. The Massacre of the Xandarians was an immense slaughter orchestrated by Thanos to obtain the Power Stone. Thanos arrived on Xandar where he proceeded to wipe out half of the Xandarians and obtained the Stone, which had been under protection by the Nova Corps.
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How did Thanos get the stone from Guardians of the Galaxy?

The Power Stone was on Xandar after the events of the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Offscreen before the movie started, Thanos attacked Xandar to get the stone. The Space Stone had been held by Asgard until Asgard's destruction. It was with Loki who was with Thor, the Hulk, and the Asgardian refugees.
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Why can't Red Skull get the Soul Stone?

Red Skull was cursed to become the guardian of the Soul Stone for over seven decades, rendering him unable to leave the planet throughout these years, only able to advise those who came onto the planet seeking the Soul Stone.
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How is Thanos stronger than Hulk?

Thanos Beat Hulk Because He Was A More Skilled Fighter

Hulk's defeat could be because Thanos possessed the Power Stone, but with Thanos never pulling it out in the fight, the Russos believe that he didn't need it to win. Despite his great strength, pre-Avengers: Infinity War Hulk did not often fight with a strategy.
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What Stone did Thanos get from Thor?

The blue Space Stone, aka the Tesseract: The second Infinity Stone to be collected by Thanos is the Tesseract, which was originally on Asgard with Thor and his family.
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Who had the Power Stone before Thanos?

It was used by Eson the Searcher until it was forgotten for millenia in the planet Morag inside the Orb. The Orb containing the Power Stone was coveted by Thanos, who employed the Kree warrior Ronan the Accuser to bring it to him.
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Why did Heimdall save Hulk?

In turn, Heimdall chose to save Bruce Banner because, even in his Hulk-induced rage, he knew where his allegiances lay. Hulk fought Hela's wolf and army to save the remaining Asgardian population selflessly. Onboard the ship, he even tried to defeat Thanos, but he was overpowered.
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How did Thanos know Stark?

According to. “He's aware of Stark from the original Battle of New York as the person who undid the plan,” said Russo about Thanos knowing Stark. The makers also explained the connection between Stark and Thanos in regards to what they want to achieve: a path for a better future.
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Who gave Thanos the Soul Stone?

On Vormir, they encounter the Stone keeper, Red Skull. Thanos reluctantly sacrifices Gamora in order to fulfill the requirements to obtain the Soul Stone once the Red Skull explains to them that the Stone requires the sacrifice of a loved one to earn it.
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Why didn't Infinity War show Thanos getting the Power Stone?

As for why the Power Stone sequence was cut from Infinity War, Starlin told Near Mint Condition that it was due to not wanting to give the movie an Avengers: Endgame-level runtime.
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What is the strongest Infinity Stone?

Arguably the most powerful of the Infinity Stones, the Reality Stone affords whoever commands it near absolute control over reality itself.
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How did Loki survive Thanos?

From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death. At the end of the film, Loki was seen careening through space to his apparent death, only to resurface during the end credits scene.
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Which stone did Thanos give Loki?

The Mind Stone was one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, representing the element of mind. It was previously owned by Thanos inside his Scepter who lent it to Loki for the Chitauri Invasion.
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Is there a black infinity stone?

Bor once created the Black Infinity Stone which was later transformed into the Asgardian goddess of death Hela.
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What Stone does Thanos stop Loki?

In Thanos' Possession

Though Loki attempted to use the Tesseract as a distraction long enough for Hulk to defeat Thanos, the Titan managed to best the gamma-beast and claimed the Space Stone, shattering the Tesseract in the process.
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Could Thanos beat Odin?

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos? Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.
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Why was Hulk so weak in Endgame?

Exposure to so many enemies along with his trip through space may have weakened the Hulk to the point that he could bond with Bruce in Endgame, thus making the Professor persona appear much weaker. However, after snapping his fingers, the gamma burst should have raised his levels.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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What Infinity Stone does Deadpool have?

When handed the Infinity Gems, Deadpool is the only truly omnipotent character in the Marvel Universe, One Above All included. Deadpool decided that for his use alone, he would craft a seventh Infinity Gem, calling it the Continuity Gem, given that he is the only one who understands his...
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Are there 13 Infinity Stones?

According to the Collector, the Infinity Stones were six different singularities existing before the beginning of the universe. Once the universe was created, they were scattered.
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What is Thanos weapon made of?

Mjolnir, Stormbreaker, and Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet are all forged from Uru. An ore that resembles stone with apparent metallic properties, Uru could also be imbued with magic energies. While the sword could be made from Uru, it doesn't appear to have been fashioned by the Dwarves of Nidavellir.
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