How did the Anti-Life Equation get on Earth?

If we follow the comics, then no one carved it. Rather because Darkseid found the right Universe and the right Earth, that is the center of the Multiverse, then the Anti-Life Equation was simply there.
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Where did the Anti-Life Equation come from?

Jack Kirby's original comics established the Anti-Life Equation as giving the power to dominate the will of all sentient and sapient races. It is called the Anti-Life Equation because "if someone possesses absolute control over you — you're not really alive". Most stories featuring the Equation use this concept.
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How did Darkseid not know the Anti-Life Equation was on Earth?

In the ensuing battles, all those who had fought by his side on Earth had died. And that's why Darkseid had no recollection that the "world that fought back" was also the one where the Anti-Life Equation.
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Who figured out the Anti-Life Equation?

History. Originally, it was said to have existed in the mind of ""Billion-Dollar" Bates, who took it to his death. Darkseid continued to search for it, and recently obtained the full formula.
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How did Lex get the Anti-Life Equation?

When Darkseid attacked Earth in retaliation for his death at Superman's hands, Metron took Lex Luthor to the Source Wall, beyond which lay the Anti-Life Equation. He warned Luthor that only a 12th level intellect could solve it and hope to survive, to which Luthor cockily replied that he was "over-qualified".
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What Is The Anti-Life Equation?

Can you resist the Anti-Life Equation?

Powerful and strong-willed beings like Superman can resist the Equation; however, if the formula is imparted in a moment of weakness, even they would not be able to resist the Equation's wearying-induced control.
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Is the Anti-Life Equation stronger than the infinity gauntlet?

In short, the Infinity Gauntlet is probably much more powerful, but the Anti-Life Equation is a far worse and more dangerous tool for domination.
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Who is immune to the Anti-Life Equation?

One character who was able to resist the Anti-Life Equation was Flash, or rather the Speed Force, as it allowed him to negate the effects of the equation. Superman was another hero who was unaffected by the Anti-Life Equation, most notably in Final Crisis where Superman states it did not get everyone.
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How does Earth have the Anti-Life Equation?

If we follow the comics, then no one carved it. Rather because Darkseid found the right Universe and the right Earth, that is the center of the Multiverse, then the Anti-Life Equation was simply there.
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Who can beat Darkseid with Anti-Life Equation?

It's this power that allows Flash to defeat the villain Darkseid and his best-known device to attain power, the Anti-Life Equation.
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Can the Anti-Life Equation control the multiverse?

The anti-life equation is a source of power great enough to end reality itself. More impressive than most people realize. The Anti-Life Equation can actually undo reality. It can end the entire Multiverse if used correctly.
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Why does Darkseid hate life?

Put simply, the Anti-Life Equation is a mathematical formula that proves the futility of existence and free will. In the wrong hands, that formula is a terrible weapon with the power to brainwash and enslave entire worlds. That's why Darkseid is so obsessed with Anti-Life.
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Who can survive the Anti-Life Equation?

The Anti-Life Equation is the cruelest force in the DC Universe. Always pursued by Darkseid, only top heroes like Superman can guard it effectively. DC Comics' Multiverse is full of different ways to attain nearly ultimate power. Sometimes, it's through objects created by the most powerful beings in existence.
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Who defeated Darkseid?

As prophesied, Orion returns to Earth via boom tube for his final battle with Darkseid. During the massive fight, Orion ultimately kills him by ripping his heart out, which created a firepit of Apokolips from Darkseid's chest cavity (in reference to the prophecy of their final battle).
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Is the Anti-Life Equation a virus?

As a techno-organic virus, the corrupted Anti-Life Equation has two parallel modes of infection, digitally through the internet via compromised digital devices or biologically through infected bodily fluids via bites and scratches.
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Is Darkseid stronger than Superman?

While Superman's reputation as DC's strongest hero is important to the themes that make him work, Darkseid isn't just more powerful, he's a higher level of being.
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Can Darkseid beat Thanos?

Just looking at the numbers, Darkseid would win. His Omega Beams wipe out anything they hit from existance, or in the case of Batman send that person back in time.
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Who solved the Anti-Life Equation?

In the Grant Morrison series Final Crisis, Darkseid finally succeeds in finding the Equation and using it on the population of Earth. Grail also got a hold of it, but didn't do much with it. Here's a visualization of what it looks like. Originally Answered: What is the Anti-Life Equation in the DC Universe?
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Why is Lobo immune to Anti-Life?

His ability to heal around any injury could be the reason he's able to bounce back so easily, and why the Anti-Life is unable to fully consume him. It could even be argued the result of Lobo's unique mentality and darker mindset gave him an impervious edge against the otherwise unstoppable Anti-Life Virus.
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Is the Anti-Life Equation an object?

In the DC Universe, the Anti-Life Equation is a concept and a powerful force that grants its wielder control over the minds of sentient beings. It is often associated with the villain Darkseid, who seeks to obtain and harness its power.
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Is Anti-Life Equation a weapon?

In the hands of the iconic Justice League villain, the Anti-Life Equation might just be the most dangerous weapon in the entire DC Universe.
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What happens if Darkseid gets the Anti-Life Equation?

This version of Darkseid spent his life seeking the Anti-Life Equation, only to lose it at soon as he gets it. The effect on him is profound, humbling him and reducing him to a shell of what he once was as he watches it destroy a universe.
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Why couldn t Darkseid use the Infinity Gauntlet?

Marvel Comics established that the Infinity Stones only work in their universe, and Darkseid threw away the Gauntlet because he found it unimpressive compared to his own power.
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Can Dr Manhattan beat Thanos with Infinity Gauntlet?

While Manhattan could someday prove to be more powerful than Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet, for the time being, Thanos has proven to be slightly more powerful, making him the victor between the two.
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