How did the TVA find Loki and Sylvie on Lamentis?

How did TVA find Loki and Sylvie's (Lady Loki) location on Lamentis-1 and arrest them? - Quora. They fell in love with each other, creating a nexus event, naturally giving away their position to the TVA as it is literally there job to prune alternate realities.
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How did the TVA find Loki on Lamentis?

On Lamentis, Loki holds Sylvie's hand and they affectionately gaze at each other while the destruction comes closer to them, but two Time Doors then appear and the TVA arrives to capture them both.
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How did Loki get caught by TVA?

No. Loki is arrested by the Time Variance Authority (TVA) when he creates a new timeline after escaping from the Battle of New York with the Tesseract in 2012.
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Why did Loki and Sylvie cause a Nexus event on Lamentis?

In episode three, after their TemPad broke, Loki and Sylvie were left stranded on Lamentis-1 facing an apocalypse with no way out. However, they touched hands and shared a moment before what looked like inevitable death, and this caused a Nexus event.
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Why did Sylvie get caught by TVA?

The TVA had taken Sylvie from Asgard as a child because she caused a Nexus Event that threatened the stability of the Sacred Timeline, meaning she had spent her entire life on the run from the omnipotent organization, though the exact nature of her Nexus Event wasn't actually revealed.
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How Loki and Sylvie Created A Devastating Branch In The Sacred Timeline

How did they find Loki and Sylvie?

In 2077, amidst the destruction of the moon Lamentis-1, a stranded Sylvie and Loki form a romantic connection. This creates a unique branched timeline, a "Nexus Event" perpendicular to the Sacred Timeline, which alerts the TVA who come to rescue and arrest the pair.
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How did Loki and Sylvie get to the Citadel?

Millennia later, Loki and Sylvie were transported to the Void, where they discovered that Alioth guarded the access to the ruler of the "Sacred Timeline". After battling and enchanting Alioth to pass through him, Loki and Sylvie reached the Citadel.
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What crime did Sylvie commit Loki?

Despite warnings from Loki about the consequences, Sylvie enacted her revenge and killed He Who Remains, causing the Multiverse to expand.
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Did Sylvie cause the Multiversal War?

It wasn't just an army approaching in the way that we've seen in past MCU films. By killing He Who Remains, Sylvie caused the Sacred Timeline to begin to fracture, resulting in branched timelines. This sets the stage for the second Multiversal War.
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What was Mobius' life before TVA?

Mobius was originally a jet ski salesman named Don from a branched timeline. He lived in Cleveland, Ohio in 2022 and was a single father of two young sons, named Kevin and Sean. Mobius' timeline was eventually pruned, and Mobius was taken by the TVA, serving them for at least the next 400 years.
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Why doesn t Loki turn into a frost giant in the TVA?

However, Odin must have used stronger magic than a simple illusion. Otherwise, Loki would have turned blue in Loki when he entered the Time Variance Authority (TVA) Office, where magic and powers did not work. This means that Odin must have used a formal spell on Loki, which did not require constant magical upkeep.
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How did the Avengers not get caught by the TVA?

In other words, while the Avengers did create new branches in the timeline, they then pruned them, in a fashion. The TVA chose not to interfere in the Avengers' actions because they knew these new branches would be erased by the Avengers themselves.
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Why can t Loki use his powers in the TVA?

Loki's lack of magical powers in the TVA is a deliberate narrative choice to force him to face his character and responsibilities.
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Why Mobius didn t recognize Loki?

When Sylvie kicked Loki through the Time Door he went to the same TVA's own past. That's why Mobius and B-15 didn't recognize him at the end of season one. That's also why Loki saw those massive statues. Earlier in the TVA's history He Who Remains did not hide his identity behind robot Time-Keepers.
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What was Sylvie holding at the end?

It turns out Sylvie has He Who Remains' talisman device, which she presumably took after killing him at the end of Loki's first season. The object combines the qualities of a TemPad (generating timeline-crossing Timedoors for its users) and a Time Twister (a teleportation device often used by the TVA).
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Is Lamentis-1 real?

Technically Loki's Lamentis-1 does not exist in the comics. However, the planet Lamentis does.
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Why is there a Kang statue at the end of Loki?

This, along with the Kang statue in the middle of the TVA, gave the idea of Loki landing in a future where another He Who Remains variant, most likely Kang the Conqueror, had taken over the TVA.
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Why did Kang say we just crossed the threshold?

In Loki's season 1 finale, He Who Remains talks about a threshold being crossed which many of us have long suspected was an indication the Multiverse had just returned. Sylvie killing the Kang Variant seemed to cement that, hence why it began branching off uncontrollably.
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Is Sylvie also a frost giant?

Unlike in Loki, Sylvie is related to the adopted Asgardian Frost Giant, but not exactly another version of her.
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Is Sylvie Odin's daughter?

In Loki, Sylvie is the daughter of the frost giant Laufey (Sylvie's last name is Laufeydottir) in her universe, just as Loki is the son Laufey (Loki's last name is Laufeyson) in his own universe. They were each adopted by their respective universe's Odin variant.
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Did Loki become God of Time?

By saving and organizing every existing timeline, Loki has become the God of Time — a higher being who keeps the past, present, and future of every universe from being erased by outside forces. However, Loki has also become the God of Stories, as he has placed everybody's personal journey above his own.
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Does Loki love Sylvie?

During season 1 the two had an obvious romantic relationship growing. By the middle of season 2 it seems that the feelings ended, and while Loki still cared about her, though perhaps platanocly, she didn't seem to care him anywhere near as much.
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Which Kang is in Loki?

Prior to his appearance in Quantumania, though, Majors made his MCU debut in the Season 1 finale of Loki, playing one (of many) variants of his villain Kang the Conqueror named He Who Remains.
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What happened to Mobius at the end of Loki?

The final scene represents the culmination of Mobius' character arc, with him taking agency over his own life and charting his own path, leading to a happy ending for the character.
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