How did Vader feel about Obi-Wan?

While Anakin Skywalker is ultimately reawakened by the love of his son, Darth Vader is relentless in the disdain and loathing he holds towards his enemies - none more than Obi-Wan, who struck him down on Mustafar, leading to Palpatine rebuilding him as his cyborg servant.
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Did Darth Vader like Obi-Wan?

However, there is one other person who Darth Vader hates even more than his former master - and no, it isn't himself. Even before he fell to the dark side, Anakin Skywalker always held resentment for Obi-Wan.
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What did Darth Vader feel after killing Obi-Wan?

In the novelization version of episode 4 Vader was enraged by it. He knew Obi-Wan had dropped his defenses. That along with him disappearing made him feel as though he was robbed of his victory and would never get the chance to defeat him. Short version it pissed Vader off.
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Did Vader ever regret killing Obi-Wan?

He also has a whole thing where he thinks about what happened with Obi-Wan and their lost friendship, and regrets it.
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Did Vader forgive Obi-Wan?

Anakin Skywalker ultimately ended up hating Obi-Wan Kenobi for many misguided reasons, but Darth Vader's subconscious response to the Jedi's final declaration of love in the Star Wars prequels shows the real reason he could never forgive him.
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When Darth Vader Talked to Obi-Wan Kenobi's Ghost(Canon) - Star Wars Comics Explained

Did Vader regret turning to the dark side?

But did Vader ever regret his transformation? RELATED: Sauron vs. Darth Vader: Who Is the Greater Dark Lord? The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity.
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Why did Vader hate Obi-Wan so much?

However, as shown in Marvel's Star Wars: Darth Vader #5 (by Greg Pak, Raffaele Ienco, Neeraj Menon and Joe Caramanga) it wasn't envy of power that drove Anakin over the edge, but rather something far more personal: Skywalker believed that Padme and Obi-Wan might have had an affair.
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Did Anakin regret killing the Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred, and pain, fueling his descent even further into the Dark Side.
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Did Obi-Wan regret hurting Anakin?

Throughout the fight, Obi-Wan knew that killing Anakin would "burn his heart to ash." He also expressed regret at the thought of the man Anakin could have become.
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Who finally kills Darth Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master.
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Could Obi-Wan have beaten Vader again?

Could Obi-Wan have beaten Vader in A New Hope on the Death Star if he really wanted to? Most likely, yes. Obi Wan had already demonstrated that he was a comparable opponent for skill with a light saber on Mustafar where Obi Wan beat Anakin.
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Why did Luke beat Vader so easily?

And despite Vader's weaknesses, it's not as if Luke was unskilled, as he spent plenty of time honing his connection to the Force after Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and was likely the most skilled lightsaber-wielder Vader had faced in a long time.
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Who did Darth Vader love?

Star Wars Just Confirmed Darth Vader's Undying Love for Padme Amidala.
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Who had a crush on Darth Vader?

During the Imperial Era, a human female nurse served the Galactic Empire on board the Death Star under the supervision of a doctor. They both served the Sith Lord Darth Vader as his personal medical caretakers. The nurse became obsessed and psychotically in love with the Dark Lord of the Sith.
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Why would Obi-Wan spare Vader?

Seeing Anakin as Darth Vader understandably breaks Obi-Wan's heart. He couldn't bring himself to kill Darth Vader, however, because he continues to associate him with the Anakin he trained as a boy.
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Did Darth Vader ever cry?

In "Return of the Jedi", Darth Vader is seen shedding tears during the final confrontation between him, Luke Skywalker, and Emperor Palpatine. This moment occurs when Vader witnesses his son, Luke, being tortured by the Emperor's Force lightning, and he is torn between his loyalty to the Emperor and…
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Did Anakin regret betraying Obi-Wan?

After his redemption, after bringing back balance to the force, after the return of the Jedi, Anakin would have definitely held a bit of remorse, not to forget, it was Obi-wan who taught Anakin how to become a force ghost, to stray oneself from the cosmic force and assume identity with the living force.
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Did Padmé cheat with Obi-Wan?

This fell in line with various fan theories and non-canon novelizations that suggested Obi-Wan and Padmé had an affair sometime during the Clone Wars. In the Star Wars prequel movies, Obi-Wan often has a duty to protect Padmé, but there was never any sense of romantic feelings.
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Did Darth Vader forget he was Anakin?

Darth Vader did not 'forget' he was Anakin. He believed he was not Anakin Skywalker; a completely different person whom he killed. You will read in EU materials, that he referred to his memories as Anakin, as 'The Jedi'. He suppressed most of Anakin Skywalker's memories - his memories while he was Anakin.
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Did Vader regret betraying the Jedi?

Vader constantly regretted what he had done - he knew he made an unbelievable mistake. But, he also knew that it was much too late to change anything. He had to live up to what he had done - and the best way to do that was through embracing his hatred and anger, letting it grow and fester in him.
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Did Vader realize Palpatine manipulated him?

As soon as Palps told Vader, “in your anger, you killed her.” he knew he had been lied to and manipulated from day one.
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What if Anakin never fell to the Darkside?

In this timeline, Anakin would no doubt have become one of the most respected and powerful Jedi Masters on the council, joining the likes of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Yoda. However, Anakin's relationship with Senator Padmé Amidala would stand as a potential roadblock for the newly appointed master's Jedi career.
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