How did will end up in The Upside down in the first place?

While attempting to evade the monster, Will hid in his backyard shed. He shot at the Demogorgon with a hunting rifle but was still transported to the parallel dimension. Will spent nearly a week in the Upside Down, and it was a miracle he managed to stay alive.
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Why is will connected to the upside down?

Due to some particles from the Upside Down latching onto Will, the Mind Flayer was able to possess Will, allowing Vecna to use him as a human spy in Hawkins, though Will's family and friends eventually drive the creature out of Will and Eleven closes the interdimensional portal, cutting off the Mind Flayer's control.
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How did the demogorgon take will into the upside down?

Interdimensional Travel: The Demogorgon was able to move between dimensions. It repeatedly entered Hawkins by creating temporary tears in space-time. It could pull individuals, such as Will Byers and Barbara Holland, through these temporary gates and into the Upside Down.
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Was will the first person in the upside down?

Will Byers. Young Will Byers was the first person to unwittingly visit the Upside Down. After playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends, he embarked on the trip home only to be abducted by the Demogorgon and taken into the alternate dimension. The disappearance of Will set off the events of Stranger Things.
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Why did the demogorgon take will?

He then rushed to his house looking for help, but there was no one there. He hid in the shed but the Demogorgon caught him and took him to the Upside Down. Now, some fans believe Will hurt himself enough to bleed even if slightly when he crashed his bike, and that's why the Demogorgon went after him.
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Why The Upside Down Is Stuck In 1983 | Stranger Things Season 5

Did Vecna get will in Season 1?

Will's disappearance, marked by the chiming of a grandfather clock, runs parallel to the clocks heard by the victims of Vecna. Stranger Things, season 4, volume 2 will likely be the chapter in which Vecna's full past is revealed - a past that may have included taking Will all the way back in season 1.
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Did the Demogorgon eat barb?

Although the Demogorgon's attack on Barb remains unseen, her screams indicated the monster may have more than merely drag her away and consume her. When viewers later see her body she's long dead but doesn't appear to have been eaten, even partially.
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Is Will Byers a Demogorgon?

The course of events would then go as the author of the theory says: a portal is opened in the 1980s, the Demogorgon – a mutated Will Byers – goes back and brings his past self to his world (the Upside Down) to keep him safe, without taking into account that he's actually causing a lot more damage.
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How did the Demogorgon open Will's door?

The Demogorgon Has Telekinetic Abilities

The monster somehow unlocks the chain on the door of Will's house when it could have easily smashed through it.
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How did will survive in the upside down without water?

It's unclear how Will survived the week in the Upside Down without food and water. The comics made it clear that Will began feeling weaker the longer he spent in the parallel universe.
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How did Will know about Vecna?

Will's Connection To Vecna & The Mind Flayer Explained

While trapped in the Upside Down, Will either ingested enough of its particles to gain a connection to the realm or was purposefully granted a connection to Vecna in a way not yet fully established.
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Why is the upside down stuck in 1983?

With Eleven opening a gate and the Demogorgon's actions in Hawkins, this was likely the first time that elements from both dimensions mixed. The events of the dimensions bleeding together likely locked the Upside Down in November 6, 1983, in some kind of endless time loop.
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Did Eleven create the upside down?

Summary. Millie Bobby Brown confirms that Eleven did not create the Upside Down, but rather opened a gateway to it, putting an end to the debate. The reveal aligns with the majority opinion, as evidenced by the Russians' prior knowledge of the Upside Down and their own attempts to reach it.
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What did 11 do to the Demogorgon?

Eleven also defeated another one by blowing it to smithereens with her powers, blasting herself into the Upside Down in the process. Just when we thought we were free of Demogorgons, though, we find out that assumption is a little bit too presumptuous.
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How did Eleven know will?

"Stranger Things" begins with the disappearance of Will Byers. He was in the Upside Down, far out of reach of any regular human in Hawkins. But when Mike brought Eleven to his house, she saw a photo of Will and recognized him.
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Why are there no demogorgons in the upside down?

Demogorgons appear to be solitary creatures, potentially reproducing asexually as seen when Will was impregnated with a larva. The Upside Down has proven to be an inhospitable place, so there is a chance that the two Demogorgons seen in Stranger Things are rare examples of the creature making it to adulthood.
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What does Vecna want with Will?

Vecna probably won't take Will's body as his own, but is likely that Vecna will try and utilize Will in some capacity. Maybe he'll try and make Will his lieutenant. Maybe Will has dormant powers. Maybe Will has to die before Vecna can be killed.
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What was in Will's mouth?

Will Byers: Will was found in the Upside Down with a tendril extending down his throat following his capture by the original Demogorgon (see Stage Six below). A month after returning home, Will coughed up a larva and washed it down his bathroom sink drain.
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Why was Will not killed in season 1?

Why didn't the "Mind Flayer" take over Will in season 1 of Stranger Things? Logically, because it hadn't been introduced to the show yet and the main monster was just the demogorgan. Plot wise, the mind flayer just could've not been created/existed/made itself yet.
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What was the egg the demogorgon was eating?

A large yellow egg was featured in Stranger Things season 1, but the mysterious object's existence has yet to be explained. The egg resided in the Upside Down, but unlike popular belief, it was not connected to the Demogorgon's lifecycle.
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Why was Barbara killed but not will?

Barb's death implied that whatever the slug does didn't take, so the Mind Flayer reached out to Will instead. It could be that the Mind Flayer needed a younger host, or Barb may have simply died while the Demogorgon was attempting to infect her.
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Who kills Vecna?

At his empire's height, Vecna was betrayed and destroyed by his most trusted lieutenant, a vampire called Kas the Bloody-Handed, using a magical sword that Vecna himself had crafted for him, now known as the Sword of Kas.
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Why did 1 turn into Vecna?

However, after revealing his true nature as a misanthropic and nihilistic sociopath to Eleven, the latter succeeded to overpower him and sent him to the Upside Down, where he was gradually disfigured by its abnormal lightning and toxic atmosphere, triggering his transformation into the being known as Vecna.
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Did Vecna originally kidnap Will?

There is a lot of evidence suggesting both frightening villains were behind the vanishing of Will Byers, but we have to give the win to Vecna. There is much more evidence suggesting that it was the super-powered bad guy, and even if Vecna sent a Demogorgon to kidnap Will, it would still be Vecna who is responsible.
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Is 11 stronger than Vecna?

Vecna successfully stole Eleven's powers when controlling the Mind Flayer in Stranger Things' season 3 ending, which finally allowed him to emerge stronger than Eleven and enact his plan to take over Hawkins with the Upside Down.
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