How did Yoda not sense Darth Sidious?

Darkness beyond darkness. You can see nothing beneath the surface, because no light leaves from him. Yoda couldn't feel the dark side, because Sidious gives out nothing.
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How did Yoda never sense Palpatine?

Palpatine used his powers to hide his true nature from the Jedi, utilizing Force Concealment to completely hide his presence in the Force while clouding the Force for the Jedi. The Clone Wars also kept the Jedi busy and weakened, preventing them from realizing his true identity.
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Did Yoda know who Darth Sidious was?

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Yoda figure out Palpatine is Sidious (Yoda calls him that during their confrontation).
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How did Yoda disarm Sidious?

As the duel continued, Sidious found that his movements were being hampered by the small size of the Podium, while Yoda's Ataru style and diminutive stature allowed him to easily jump around the Dark Lord. Yoda ultimately managed to dislodge Sidious's lightsaber out of his grip, disarming him.
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Why couldn't Yoda sense Palpatine on Reddit?

An actual explanation is that Sidious could mask his dark side presence. Yoda never suspected Palpatine because he never felt any dark side presence from him. The clone wars would have been very short if Palpatine didn't disguise himself perfectly.
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Why the Jedi Couldn't Sense Palpatine was a Sith Lord...

Did Sidious fear Yoda?

The most damning evidence that Sidious was scared of Yoda comes from the little green Jedi himself: “If so powerful you are…why leave?” The only real answer at this point is because Yoda does indeed intimidate Darth Sidious.
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Could Yoda have killed Sidious?

Even if Yoda did not want to arrest Palpatine, with Mace there, the two could have killed Sidious before Anakin could stop it, given that Anakin only arrived on the scene moments before Mace had the chance to slice through him with his lightsaber.
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Why didn't Yoda beat Dooku?

Yoda had to shoulder that decision for years. However, he ultimately understood the importance of life, and the power he could have used to defeat Dooku would have been much better used to preserve two lives. Over the years, Dooku would commit countless atrocities and also suffer incredibly embarrassing defeats.
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Was Palpatine more powerful than Yoda?

In the long run, both Windu and Yoda outdid Palpatine. His belief that Mace Windu was more powerful than Yoda was of little account. After all, Windu himself knew Yoda was superior, and he had no qualms about admitting it.
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Why doesn't Yoda fight Vader?

Why doesn't Yoda go and fight Vader? Because there were bigger threats. Yoda knew that Sidious was extremely powerful and that Obi-Wan would not be able to fight him. He sent Obi-Wan to Mustafar to defeat Vader instead, as Yoda hoped Vader could be defeated and killed.
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Why didn't Yoda warn about Order 66?

So, it's likely Yoda didn't want to interfere and alter the future, as he'd be at risk of preventing the Sith from being defeated many years later.
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Why didn't Yoda warn the Jedi?

As for the evidence that came later, Yoda believed that the Jedi had already lost by participating in the Clone Wars. He wanted to prevent Order 66, but he also feared what would happen if the Jedi gave into fear over visions of the future. Still, it's unclear whether Yoda was right to ignore the warning.
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Did Yoda know Darth Vader was Anakin?

Return of the Jedi establishes that Yoda was aware that Anakin Skywalker had fallen to the dark side and become Darth Vader. When questioned by Luke Skywalker, he confided that Anakin was Darth Vader. Later, Obi-Wan Kenobi's Force ghost confirmed that Anakin had indeed fallen to the dark side and become Darth Vader.
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Did the Sith fear Yoda?

Most viewers have forgotten that Palpatine seems to have been afraid of Yoda in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - and even tried to flee from their duel.
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Which Jedi did Palpatine fear?

Qui-Gon is one of the most powerful Jedi in the saga: highly skilled in the Force and mastering abilities that other Jedi couldn't, including the ability to consciously manifest after death. But more than his abilities as an individual, it was his maverick philosophy that the Emperor feared.
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Could Yoda be a Sith?

Yoda was one of the wisest masters of the Jedi Order, yet even he was tempted by the dark side. If he had joined the ranks of the Sith, the events of Star Wars would have played out very differently. He could have toppled Palpatine's reign and claimed the Empire for himself.
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Why did Yoda stop using a lightsaber?

Yoda saw his lightsaber as a weapon and a meditative tool, and vowed to never use it again as an act of penance for his involvement in the Clone Wars. Yoda chose to teach Luke Skywalker to be a true Jedi Knight without relying on combat, emphasizing the importance of selflessness over fighting.
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What if Yoda became a Sith Lord?

What would have happened if Yoda joined the dark side? If Jedi Grand Master Yoda joined the darkside, then it would most likely spell the end of the Jedi order forever. Yoda was so in tune with the force as a Jedi, that he was at the pinnacle of being the greatest force weilder that ever lived.
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Could Mace Windu beat Yoda?

Windu has created and fully mastered Vaapad, a variant of Form VII. Yoda mastered the original variant known as Juyo. Both of them were able to fight with Palpatine on equal ground, matching him blow for blow. It is stated that Yoda beat Mace in a sparring match.
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Why did Yoda hate Dooku's lightsaber?

Dooku belonged to the aristocracy, and his weapon reflected an older, more chivalric style than the Jedi he faced. It also reflected his status as the head of the Separatists: the lightsaber looked far more ceremonial than practical, suggesting that he himself did not face combat nearly as much as the Jedi did.
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Why does Yoda scream when fighting Dooku?

It was a scream, of strong frustration, rage, or grief, emitted through the Force.
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Could Yoda beat Vader?

Yoda's presence on Dagobah was likely hidden due to his mastery of Force Stealth and the planet's connection to the Force. Yoda, with his enhanced Force abilities and potential home-field advantage, would have had the upper hand against Darth Vader if they engaged in a lightsaber duel.
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What if Anakin killed Palpatine after Order 66?

The Separatists Would Still Be A Major Threat

The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. Without Palpatine, the Separatists would continue to plague the galaxy, even with Dooku and Grievous dead.
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Why didn't Yoda help the rebellion?

Yoda Lost Hope After Palpatine's Rise

Yoda's admittance shows his defeat to the Emperor had a grander impact than the movies depict, convincing him that Darth Sidious had truly triumphed. Yoda considered the Imperial war machine genuinely unassailable and couldn't imagine any tactic that would free the galaxy.
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