How does Frankenstein's monster feel?

The Monster seems to be driven by an unstoppable force and is therefore unable to curb his own destructive nature. This is increased by his experiences of prejudice, fear and loneliness. He does, however, display the human quality of remorse or regret towards the end of the novel.
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How is Frankenstein's monster described?

Shelley described Frankenstein's monster as an 8-foot-tall, hideously ugly creation, with translucent yellowish skin pulled so taut over the body that it “barely disguised the workings of the arteries and muscles underneath,” watery, glowing eyes, flowing black hair, black lips, and prominent white teeth.
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What feelings does Frankenstein have?

Victor's guilt over his actions transforms into a desire for revenge. He thinks that if he can eliminate the Monster this will, somehow, excuse what he has done. As with everything else in his life Victor's emotions are extreme - 'I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed'.
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How did Frankenstein's monster feel when he first felt life?

How did the creature feel when he first felt life? He felt confused because of all of the new sensations. What was the reaction of the villagers the creature encountered? They shrieked, and threw rocks and other things at him, and drove him away from the village.
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How does the monster feel isolated in Frankenstein?

The monster's loneliness is particularly acute because he knows he will be rejected anytime he tries to reach out to anyone, since his size and appearance make him terrifying to human beings.
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Why does Frankenstein's creature feel lonely?

Loneliness is the state of one not having any friends or close acquaintances. In the text, Frankenstein's creature is seen to go through this emotion. And he feels lonely because everyone is afraid of him. Mankind has contributed to this because man is always afraid of the unknown.
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Why is Frankenstein's monster sad?

A recurring theme in Frankenstein is that personalities are impacted by life events. The creature that Victor brought to life had so much potential to show compassion but turned bitter due to not being accepted in society. Keeping the theme in mind, during Victor's childhood, he might have been too accepted.
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How does Frankenstein feel about his creature?

Immediately after bringing the Monster to life, Frankenstein feels overwhelmed by the Monster's ugliness, so he attempts to find relief by going to sleep in the next room, where his sleep is plagued by nightmares.
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How does the monster suffer in Frankenstein?

From the moment he is brought to life, the Monster is constantly rejected. He is abandoned by his creator who literally runs away from what he has done. Then he suffers prejudice from other humans he meets who cannot bear his hideous appearance; they assume that because he looks terrible, he actually is terrible.
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Does Frankenstein's monster feel guilt?

The creature realizes his guilt and contribution to the ultimate death of Frankenstein but also realizes that he is not the only 'monster' in the situation. He says, “Am I to be thought the only criminal, when all human kind sinned against me?” (Shelley 219).
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Did Frankenstein's monster fall in love?

In the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein's Monster does not have a specific love interest, although he does wish to love and be loved by someone. However, all humans seem to fear and hate him, so he asks Victor Frankenstein to create a companion, or wife, for him who is also a Monster.
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How does Frankenstein's monster behave?

The monster is responsible for many violent actions throughout the novel. He is also legitimately frightening and grotesque because of his enormous size and composition from parts taken from corpses. At the same time, the monster encounters persistent rejection and loneliness.
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Is Frankenstein's Monster sensitive?

Personality. As depicted by Shelley, the creature is a sensitive, emotional person whose only aim is to share his life with another sentient being like himself. The novel portrayed him as versed in Paradise Lost, Plutarch's Lives, and The Sorrows of Young Werther, books he finds after having learnt language.
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What is Frankenstein's monster afraid of?

Frankenstein's creature is afraid of fire because fire is deceptive. When he first sees it, he is delighted by its brightness, color, and warmth. It fascinates him, so he tries to touch it. Only then does he discover that its beauty is illusory, hiding a potential to cause great pain.
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Was Frankenstein's monster beautiful?

(Shelley 35) Victor's desire for the creature to have beautiful features fails, resulting in the creature's ugly “watery eyes” and “straight black lips” (35). Additionally, though “his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing,” something that could be understood to be beautiful becomes something ugly.
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How does Frankenstein's monster view himself?

In sum, the creature has an acute understanding of himself. He knows that he is innately good inside but that his appearance has made him repulsive to others. He knows that what he will become—either good or evil—depends on how the world treats him.
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Does Frankenstein's monster regret killing?

The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Is Frankenstein's monster good or evil?

While Victor feels unmitigated hatred for his creation, the monster shows that he is not a purely evil being. The monster's eloquent narration of events (as provided by Victor) reveals his remarkable sensitivity and benevolence.
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What was Frankenstein's mental breakdown?

Victor Frankenstein, like John Forbes Nash, Jr. endured experiences early in life which gradually tipped him over the edge from normalcy to insanity. As his mind spiraled out of control with his obsessive work, he neglected his family, health and all things previously dear to him.
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How does the creature in Frankenstein suffer?

The monster experiences severe loneliness for being an outcast. The monster is the greatest victim in this novel because of his creation, his loneliness, and everyone's general fear or lack of concern for him.
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What does Frankenstein's monster like?

A patchwork man sewn together from corpses and brought to life by arcane means, Frankenstein's Monster seeks nothing but peace and quiet in a world hell-bent on exploiting him.
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How does Frankenstein view the creature?

Frankenstein believes the Monster is evil, while the Monster insists that he would be good if he hadn't been so badly treated. In his final appearance, the Monster seems to confirm that he is good, after all.
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Did Frankenstein's Monster have feelings?

The creature from Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" displays many different human qualities. Some of these qualities include: the creature's ability to learn, his capability to feel pain, his desire to be accepted, and his need for affection and sympathy.
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What were Frankenstein's last words?

I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed. These are Frankenstein's last words. Throughout his conversations with Walton, he has warned Walton about the dangers of ambition, but at the last moment he takes his warning back.
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What is Frankenstein's Monster's weakness?

Weaknesses. Vulnerability to Electricity: Frankenstein can be "shut down" if hit with an electrical jolt of the same voltage and frequency as the jolt which first animated him.
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