How does Jack feel about killing Piggy?

Jack exults in the kill and is unable to think about anything else because his mind is “crowded with memories” of the hunt. Golding explicitly connects Jack's exhilaration with the feelings of power and superiority he experienced in killing the pig.
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How did Jack feel about killing the pig?

Jack is extremely proud that he has finally killed a pig and that the boys will be able to eat meat. However, he is not met with praise from Ralph. Instead, Ralph is angry that Jack and his hunters let the fire die.
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How does Jack respond to Piggy's death?

Piggy's skull breaks open, and the waves quickly carry his body away. Jack begins yelling, telling Ralph that there is no tribe left for him, the conch is gone, and that he is chief. Jack cuts Ralph with his spear, and Ralph barely escapes into the forest.
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Why did Jack not kill Piggy?

What was the real reason he didn't kill the piglet? Jack says he was waiting to decide where to stab the piglet and promises he will do it next time. All three boys know he couldn't stab the piglet because of the knife cutting into flesh and the unbearable blood.
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What does Jack say about Piggy?

Key quotation: Jack's character

Jack's impatience with words and ideas is shown when he snaps at Piggy: '“You're talking too much,” said Jack Merridew, “Shut up, Fatty.”' (p. 17) This reveals his preference for action over thought, and highlights a key contrast between him and Piggy.
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Does Jack kill Piggy?

How does Jack feel about killing the pig in Chapter 4?

Jack, not realizing what's happened, is triumphant after killing the pig. Furious, Ralph tells Jack about the ship. Jack responds defensively: he says he needed more hunters to circle the pig. Savagery and civilization clash in the open for the first time.
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How does Jack act towards Piggy?

Ralph and Piggy confront Jack's group about letting the fire die out because they went hunting instead. With provocation, Jack reacts violently by punching Piggy and shattering his glasses- the first physical altercation in the novel so far. The event signals a turning point in the relationship of the characters.
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Why is Jack jealous of Piggy?

Piggy's intelligence and sensitivity lends him insight into Jack and Ralph's relationship, and he can understand how dangerous Jack would be if Ralph were ever removed. Jack's jealousy and anger toward Piggy culminates in Piggy's murder in Chapter 11.
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Why did Jack want to kill the pig?

Golding explicitly connects Jack's exhilaration with the feelings of power and superiority he experienced in killing the pig. Jack's excitement stems not from pride at having found food and helped the group but from having “outwitted” another creature and “imposed” his will upon it.
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Does Jack respect Piggy?

Jack shows dislike towards Piggy by ridiculing his physique by saying , “Better Piggy the Fatty”. (40) His intelligence is undermined by the fact that Jack makes fun of him.
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How was Piggy's death symbolic?

Piggy's death signifies the end of Ralph's fragile troop, and a victory by the forces of violence and brutality over the forces of wisdom, kindness, and civility.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end?

Why did Ralph cry at the end of ''Lord of the Flies''? Ralph cried because of the ''end of innocence'' and the ''darkness that lies in all men's hearts. '' He also wept for the loss of his friend, Piggy.
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Who killed Piggy LOTF?

Who Killed Piggy in Lord of the Flies. In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy.
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What is Jack's main obsession?

The first time he encounters a pig, he is unable to kill it. But Jack soon becomes obsessed with hunting and devotes himself to the task, painting his face like a barbarian and giving himself over to bloodlust. The more savage Jack becomes, the more he is able to control the rest of the group.
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What are 5 reasons Piggy is considered an outsider?

There are many things that mark Piggy out as "different". He comes from a lower social class than the others and has been brought up by an auntie. He wears glasses, is fat, has asthma and seems to be a bit lazy.
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How does Jack treat Piggy?

How does Jack treat Piggy? He verbally abuses him by calling him "Fatty." He hits him and does not allow him to have any meat. Why does Roger throw stones around Henry? He is still ruled by a moral compass and the taboo of the old life.
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Does Jack ever kill a pig?

Jack and his hunters kill a sow and decide to leave an offering for the beast. They cut off the pig's head, and Jack asks Roger to 'sharpen a stick at both ends'.
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Why does Jack miss his first opportunity to kill the piglet?

Early in the story, Jack misses his first chance to kill a pig. As a civilized young man, killing has never been part of his life. Though he wants meat to eat, he is unable to kill. His hesitation allows his potential prey to escape.
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Why doesn t Jack kill the first pig?

He didn't kill the pig because he still had goodness or a part of civilization ingrained in him. In 20th century England, boys were taught to dress, talk, and act a certain way. They had to display this persona, and be presentable to the public.
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What does Jack call Piggy?

Piggy, in his desire for friendship, makes his first mistake on the island by revealing the name given to him from former tormenters. Later during the first meeting, Jack calls him 'Fatty' but Ralph interrupts with a shout: 'His real name's Piggy! ' (23).
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Why did Jack hate Ralph?

Why does Jack hate Ralph? From the beginning, Jack, who is the head choir boy back home, thinks he should be the chief, but the other boys choose Ralph. The tension between Ralph and Jack grows because Jack has different priorities—to hunt and have fun—than Ralph, who wants to hold onto civilization and get rescued.
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What quotes prove Jack is a savage?

Jack says, ''Kill the pig, cut her throat, spill the blood. '' This becomes the chant every time a pig is killed; we see Jack's dominance over the boys growing stronger. He says, ''You should have seen the blood!'' His descent into savage behavior has begun.
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How did Jack feel about Piggy?

Jack is also at conflict with Piggy, because Jack relies on instinct to make his decisions. He does not like Piggy's logical way of thinking as he feels threatened by Piggy's knowledge and wisdom. To get rid of this threat, Jack gets Roger to kill Piggy and destroy the conch at the same time.
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Why is Piggy so afraid of Jack?

Why is Piggy so frightened of Jack? Piggy is confident that Jack would not hurt Ralph, but if Ralph were not there to protect Piggy, Jack would hurt the next thing, Piggy.
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Why is Piggy not afraid of Jack?

Piggy is not afraid of Jack because he knows that SamnEric will protect him. Ralph and Jack initially had a mutual respect for each other that diminished by the end of the book.
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