How does Ralph destroy the Lord of the Flies?

Knocking the skull to the ground and breaking it into pieces is a small victory over the beast for Ralph. More to the point, he takes the stake on which the head rested so that he has his own stick sharpened at both ends.
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What did Ralph do to the Lord of the Flies?

He stumbles across the sow's head, the Lord of the Flies, now merely a gleaming white skull—as white as the conch shell, he notes. Angry and disgusted, Ralph knocks the skull to the ground and takes the stake it was impaled on to use as a weapon against Jack.
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How does Ralph lose power in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph's failure to lead the group is due to his initial and chronic independence and inability to compete with Jack's followers, accounted for mainly by fear. His integrity enables a growing confidence in his ability to avoid reliance on leadership power in order to survive.
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How was the Lord of the Flies killed?

In Lord of the Flies, Simon was crucified through a beating from the rest of the boys. He was on his way to tell the boys about his revelation that what they thought was the beast was actually a downed parachutist. The boys mistook him for the beast, causing them to beat him to death.
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Why does Ralph smash the pig's skull?

Ralph hits the pig's head because, for him, it has become a symbol of everything that has gone wrong. The pig is a representation of the boys' hidden violent tendencies.
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Ralph Character Guide for Lord of the Flies: Summary, Key Quotes and Analysis for English Literature

Did Ralph cry when Piggy died?

Ralph cries at the end of the chapter over the loss of Piggy, who he considered a "true, wise friend," though he frequently failed to show it.
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How does Ralph betray Piggy?

This quote shows how hurt and disappointed Piggy is when Ralph betrays him by telling all the other boys to call him Piggy.
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How many kids died in Lord of the Flies?

Three of the boys on the island die before the choir is rescued. Simon is killed by accident because the other boys mistake him for a beast. Piggy is murdered by Roger. An unnamed boy with a mulberry-colored birthmark is killed in the forest fire that is set by Jack and his compatriots during their search for Ralph.
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Who killed Simon in LOTF?

Simon is killed by the other boys on the island in a frenzied attack, mistaking him for the "beast" they fear. After Simon's death, his body is washed out to sea, and the boys continue to descend into savagery and chaos.
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Who did Jack killed in Lord of the Flies?

Jack does not directly kill anyone in Lord of the Flies. He is part of the frenzy that kills Simon, and one of the boys in his tribe, Roger, kills Piggy. Jack kills two pigs, and he decapitates one of them to leave the head for a peace offering; in doing so, he creates the Lord of the Flies.
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Is Ralph evil in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph's motivation throughout the book is to maintain order and civility, and to keep a signal fire lit in hopes of being rescued, but he is regularly thwarted by the antagonist Jack and the potential for evil inherent in mankind.
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Why was Ralph a bad leader?

While Jack very much wants to be obeyed and even idolized, Ralph is invested in notions of respect for authority. He is not a very imaginative person, but he has a strong sense of responsibility. One aspect of this tendency that undermines his position is that he confuses leadership with control.
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How did Ralph lose his innocence?

After Ralph regained his senses, he knew he murdered Simon and felt intense remorse. “That was murder.”(156) Ralph said this because he knew what he did was wrong and there was no coming back from killing someone. He lost an immense amount of innocence due to the murder of Simon.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end of the novel?

Why did Ralph cry at the end of ''Lord of the Flies''? Ralph cried because of the ''end of innocence'' and the ''darkness that lies in all men's hearts. '' He also wept for the loss of his friend, Piggy.
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Who betrays Ralph in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph finds a place to sleep for the night. The next morning, his hiding place, a dense thicket, is betrayed by Samneric. The tribe is unsuccessful at reaching him in the thicket, so they flush him out by rolling boulders into it and setting it on fire.
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What did Ralph do bad in Lord of the Flies?

In this case Ralph gave in to the temptation of raw human nature and joined in with the killing of Simon. He was scared of the beast as well as scared of what the other boys would of thought of him if he didn't do it. By this time civilisation was nearly completely gone and this would of been another factor.
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Does Simon get eaten in Lord of the Flies?

Shouting that he is the beast, the boys descend upon Simon and start to tear him apart with their bare hands and teeth. Simon tries desperately to explain what has happened and to remind them of who he is, but he trips and plunges over the rocks onto the beach. The boys fall on him violently and kill him.
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Who killed Piggy?

In Lord of the Flies, Roger is the one who kills Piggy.
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Does Ralph know they killed Simon?

This chapter reveals the boys' responses to their actions of the night before, when they beat Simon to death in a tribal frenzy. Ralph is the only character who names the deed as murder and has a realistic, unvarnished view of his participation.
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Was Lord of the Flies a true story?

This story never happened. An English schoolmaster, William Golding, made up this story in 1951 – his novel Lord of the Flies would sell tens of millions of copies, be translated into more than 30 languages and hailed as one of the classics of the 20th century. In hindsight, the secret to the book's success is clear.
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Who survived Lord of the Flies?

The only survivors are boys in their middle childhood or preadolescence. A fair-haired boy named Ralph and a fat boy nicknamed Piggy find a conch shell, which Ralph uses as a horn to gather the survivors. Ralph immediately commands authority over the other boys using the conch, and is elected their "chief".
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How old is the oldest person in Lord of the Flies?

Innocence is presented in Lord of the Flies with the narrative about young boys, the oldest being 12 years old, crashing on an uninhabited island.
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Why does Jack hit Piggy and not Ralph?

In Chapter 4, Piggy is still trying to be friendly with Ralph. He also chastises Jack for leaving the fire unattended after Ralph does. This causes Jack to punch, slap, and taunt him.
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How does Piggy lose his innocence?

Piggy, Ralph's biggest supporter and the most intelligent boy on the island, even loses his innocence by participating in the slaughter of Simon. Simon falls victim to the prevalent savagery on the island. By the end of the novel, all the boys on the island try to kill Ralph.
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Does Ralph turn evil?

During a meeting, in front of all the boys on the island, Ralph tells everyone “his real name's piggy” (21). Ralph is not becoming a savage or being controlled by his inner evil in this example, but it shows how the boys started off civilized but had a slow descent into savagery.
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