How does Victor regain his health?

But, weakened by months of work and shock at the horrific being he has created, he immediately falls ill with a nervous fever that lasts several months. Henry nurses him back to health and, when Victor has recovered, gives him a letter from Elizabeth that had arrived during his illness.
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How does Victor recover from his illness in Frankenstein?

Victor's recovery really begins after he writes a response to Justine's letter. He studies languages with Henry until he is healthy enough to return home since the thought of studying science makes him feel ill again.
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Who nursed Victor back to health?

Henry Clerval

Victor's boyhood friend, who nurses Victor back to health in Ingolstadt. After working unhappily for his father, Henry begins to follow in Victor's footsteps as a scientist.
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What would cause Victor to get sick again?

Many of his illnesses are from his regrets and stresses which cause him to separate from society. Months can be consumed from Victor with these illnesses. Victor also has the tendency to be ill whenever he feels guilt and holds a responsibility to do something.
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What happens to Victor's health Chapter 21?

Summary: Chapter 21

When Victor sees the body, he does indeed react with horror, for the victim is Henry Clerval, with the black marks of the monster's hands around his neck. In shock, Victor falls into convulsions and suffers a long illness. Victor remains ill for two months.
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Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!

What happens to Victor's health?

Victor is brought to the body and realizes that it is the body of Henry Clerval, his best friend since childhood. Victor becomes extremely distressed by this and is taken out of the room ''in strong convulsions. '' Victor develops a fever, becomes incredibly ill, and is bedridden and delusional for two months.
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What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers?

What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers? Who has nursed him during his illness? A letter from Elizabeth is waiting for Victor. Clerval nursed Victor back to health.
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Who helped Victor recover from brain fever?

Henry Clerval, Victor Frankenstein's close friend, helps the main character overcome months of fever in Chapter 5. To conceal the illness from his family, Henry takes on the responsibility of caring for sick Victor.
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What two deaths is Victor responsible for?

Victor feels extreme guilt for his part in the murder of William and the execution of Justine. He believes that both of these deaths are his fault. He is unable to sleep, he is restless, and he is tortured by guilt. Victor's father notices Victor is unwell and believes it is due to the loss of William and Justine.
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What mental disorder does Victor have?

Victor's hallucinations are so powerful that he can even feel the monster attacking him. The fact that Victor suffers from hallucinations and is socially withdrawn point to him having paranoid schizophrenia. There is one more symptom that is common among schizophrenics, and that is delusions.
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Who looks after Victor while he's ill?

Henry is Victor's best friend who looks after him when he is ill and accompanies him to England.
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Was Victor neglected as a child?

During his childhood, Victor received little affection from his parents, as when his father ignores his interest in natural philosophy. Because he received little support and attention from his father, then, he creates another being that “would bless me as its creator and source . . .
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Whose death brings Victor back to Geneva?

After a four-month recovery, he receives a letter from his father notifying him of the murder of his brother William. Upon arriving in Geneva, Victor sees the Creature near the crime scene and becomes convinced that his creation is responsible.
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In what way is Victor's recovery from his illness an example of romanticism?

His fever is brought on by nervousness he feels about his creature. How is Victor's recovery an example of Romanticism? He begins to heal when he sees the beauty of nature- the sky, the flowers, and the smile of children.
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What keeps Victor from killing himself?

Victor believes he deserves to die for creating a dangerous creature and letting it loose to terrorize people. Victor ultimately concludes that to kill himself would be even more selfish because he would be leaving the monster to continue harming people.
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What sudden decision does Victor make to restore his spirit?

One rainy day, Victor wakes to find his old feelings of despair resurfacing. He decides to travel to the summit of Montanvert, hoping that the view of a pure, eternal, beautiful natural scene will revive his spirits.
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Why did Victor not save Justine?

He knows she is innocent but cannot admit it. Doing so would mean either implicating himself or revealing the existence of the creature, which would lead to further problems. Justine is found guilty of William's murder and sentenced to death.
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How did Victor lose his innocence?

A young man on the cusp of adulthood, Victor leaves for university with high hopes and lofty ambitions. He aims to explore "unknown powers" and enlighten all of humanity to the deepest "mysteries of creation," but his success and his pride brings an end to his innocence.
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What was Frankenstein's monster's name?

Frankenstein. The monster … well he never really gets a name. The Monster is referred to in different ways throughout the book. The monster, the creature, fiend, demon, wretch…but never a name.
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How tall was Frankenstein's monster?

Frankenstein's Monster is described as being 8 foot (2.4 m) tall in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein (1818). Frankenstein's Monster was first portrayed by 5 foot 11 inch (1.8 m) tall Boris Karloff in Frankenstein (1931) with the assistance of lifted boots.
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What does Victor say on his deathbed?

On his deathbed, Victor also acknowledges that he is not just responsible for the creature but also responsible to him: “I … was bound towards him, to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well-being” (p. 181).
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What does Victor say kept him alive?

At the end of the novel, it is evident that Victor has only superficially learned his lesson. He makes claims such as “revenge kept me alive,” (Shelley 172) and he thanks his “guiding spirit” for sustaining him throughout his hopeless pursuit of the monster; still, he doesn't see the truth of the situation.
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What happens after Victor dies?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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How does Mr Kirwin treat Victor?

Mr. Kirwin treats him kindly, advising him that he'll likely be freed. He also tells Victor that his father has come to see him. Yet unlike the monster, Victor still does have connections to other men and a family.
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Who kills Victor in Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein travels to the Arctic icy waters in an attempt to escape from the monster he created. The weather conditions become dangerous when the ship goes North. Victor falls sick with pneumonia, and his health worsens. Soon after the boat reaches the land, he dies.
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