How durable is Luke Cage's skin?

He takes into consideration the velocity and mass of a bullet, how it makes contact with Cage's skin and what his skin-strength must be (2 billion newtons/square meter) or stronger. He places his skin at a strength level greater than spider-silk, diamonds and Kevlar.
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Can anything break Luke Cage's skin?

The one thing that can break through Luke's skin is adamantium, the world's hardest metal and the coating around Wolverine's bones and claws.
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What can Luke Cage withstand?

He can withstand up to one-ton impacts or blasts of 150 pounds of TNT without serious injury, and is highly resistant to extreme temperatures and electrical shocks.
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Is Luke Cage more durable than Hulk?

The Hulk is Much Stronger Than Luke Cage

This greatly increased his strength level and durability, making him superhuman in both categories. Most notably, his skin was made bulletproof, allowing him to effortlessly take down everyday gangsters and their armaments.
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Who is the most durable person in Marvel?

Most Durable Superheroes / Supervillains
  1. Juggernaut. The main superpower of the unstoppable Juggernaut. ...
  2. Superboy Prime. The Superman of Earth Prime was able to survive planet explosions, star explosions and galaxy explosions. ...
  3. Monarch. ...
  4. Destroyer. ...
  5. Ultimo. ...
  6. Ultron. ...
  7. Absorbing Man. ...
  8. Cyborg Superman.
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How Strong is Luke Cage’s Skin? (Because Science w/ Kyle Hill)

What is Luke Cage's strength level?

Officially he has been upgraded to the 50 ton power class. He used to be in the 25 ton class. However he does punch/lift above his weight from time to time and has defeated characters with 90 ton strength. Who is the strongest between Spider-Man and Luke Cage?
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Can Luke Cage survive a bullet?

He's super strong, like Jessica Jones and Danny Rand, but his defining physical trait is his impenetrable skin. You can't shoot Luke Cage — the bullets just bounce right off him. But Luke is certainly not unkillable.
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Can Luke Cage lift Mjolnir?

Each hammer carries a weak version of the Mjolnir enchantment; while the strongest can just about lift them, in truth they're made to be wielded by those who are deemed worthy. If the cover illustration is anything to go by, it looks as though Luke Cage is numbered among the worthy.
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Are Luke Cage's eyes bulletproof?

Some comic book writers have made Luke's eyes as impenetrable as his skin, but it seems that's not the case in the MCU. Aiming for his eyeholes, or any other body cavity, might be the way to bring him down.
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How hard can Luke Cage punch?

Now in full command of his powers, Luke's superhuman strength allowed him to lift thousands of pounds and punch through four-inch thick steel. His skin also proved to be impervious to bullets, thanks to the incredibly dense muscle tissues created by the experiment.
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What is Luke Cage's weakness?

Luke Cage's main weaknesses are that 1) his internal organs aren't any more durable than a normal human's and 2) that he needs to breathe like the rest of us. If you can manage to penetrate his skin and muscle tissue, you can severely injure or kill Luke Cage.
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How much can Hulk lift?

The Hulk Can Break The World

If the star's weight was equivalent to the weight of Sol, the Hulk is capable of lifting 2 octillion tons. These numbers are far beyond human comprehension, and the laws of physics as humanity understands them simply do not apply to the Hulk; lifting a mountain is a trivial matter.
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How tough is Hulk's skin?

The Hulk's skin is nearly impenetrable and his lung capacity allows for long periods of submersion in water, exposure to many forms of gases, and even to temporary survival in the airless vacuum of outer space.
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How fast can Luke Cage heal?

Accelerated Healing Factor: Luke's invulnerability is usually enough to protect him from damages. However, if injured, Luke's recovery time from injury or trauma is customarily one-third that of an ordinary human. This ability allows for him to rarely require medical attention after even his most tedious of fights.
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Why is Luke Cage so strong?

Luke Cage possesses superhuman strength and stamina, and has extremely dense skin and muscle tissue which render him highly resistant to physical injury. Cage possesses these abilities as a result of a cellular regeneration experiment which fortified the various tissues of his body.
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Can Groot lift Mjolnir?

groot was able to pick it up very easily in the movie and also use his arm as the handle.
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Who is stronger, Luke Cage or Captain America?

Cap wins in a fight but Luke is stronger. Cage can lift 10 to 25 tons that's normal Asgardians stats, cap can lift 800 Ibs to 1 or 2 tons at the most. Plus cage has almost unbreakable skin and a healing factor, unless cap uses the environment to help him, in a straight out fight cap loses.
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Can Colossus pick up Thor's hammer?

Colossus' ability to wield Mjolnir shows that he is pure of heart and ultimately good, despite recent actions calling into question his integrity.
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Can anything penetrate Luke Cage's skin?

Adamantium could certainly cut through Cage's flesh with relative ease, but it isn't the only thing. Unlike bullets, Cage cannot absorb or deflect laser blasts of significant enough energy. He has thrown off Iron Man's repulsors, but a "super-powered laser" can cut into him.
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What can hurt Luke Cage?

Attack on Luke Cage

In an attempt on Luke Cage's life, Diamondback shot Luke twice with these bullets, which caused near-fatal injuries for him with a shot to the gut and shoulder. They can penetrate Cage's skin because of the unique properties of the Chitauri metal which could drill into him.
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Is Luke Cage fire proof?

Cage's skin is also fire resistant, as demonstrated by him being able to withstand a point-blank explosion and not feel a thing when he emerged, while on fire.
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Who is stronger Luke Cage or Hulk?

In terms of how Luke Cage compares with his own superhuman strength, he seems to rank right between the two Avengers, being stronger (and more unbreakable) than Captain America while still behind the Hulk, whose power threshold is incredibly high.
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Is Luke Cage street level?

Another example is luke cage. Physically far above street level, but commonly operates with street level crime.
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How fast can Luke Cage run?

You know Luke Cage (Mike Colter) is tough. You know he's got super strength. You know he's got unbreakable skin. But did you know he's also faster than Usain Bolt (his 40-yard dash time is 3.72)?
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