How fast is Barry Allen?

Dividing the speed of light by 80 reveals Barry Allen's top speed as The Flash to be roughly 8.3 million mph (13.5 million km/h ) or Mach 10,925. It's possible this is a measure of how fast Barry is without fully tapping the Speed Force, which he presumably did to protect Big Sir and himself in the aforementioned case.
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What is The Flash's top speed?

The Flash can run up to 8.3 million mph in The Flash Season 9 without tapping into his extra energy source.
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What is Barry Allen super speed?

Most humans can perceive things in as little as . 013 seconds. But at a rate of 186,000 miles per second, Barry's synapses are firing at a rate most can't even comprehend. There's no doubt the Flash is fast, but seeing his speed laid out like that really drives home what being a speedster means.
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Who is faster Barry Allen or Godspeed?

In the comics, Godspeed is a few notches faster than Barry Allen as shown in the above photo where he struggled to keep up with him. The only way Barry was able to stop the villainous speedster was to "short-circuit" both their connections to the Speed Force, which temporarily cuts off their super speed.
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What is Barry Allen's speed limit?

The comic version of The Flash is so fast that his top speed generates a multiversal constant power, existing in every time and dimension. In practical terms, even in the comics, Allen is restricted by the speed of light, only achieving 186,000 miles per second as his top speed.
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How Fast is the Flash?

What is Godspeed's top speed?

Like other speedsters, Godspeed can run up to 10 times the speed of light by entering the Speed Force.
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Is Wally faster than Barry?

Wally West Surpasses Barry Allen with New Flash Power

Originally, Wally could run slightly faster than the speed of sound, while Barry could run at the speed of light. Over the years, Wally caught up to his mentor's top speed and eventually surpassed him... only to be kicked out of reality.
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What is Godspeed?

Godspeed. noun. God·​speed -ˈspēd. : a wish for success given to a person on parting.
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Who is the fastest speedster ever?

However, fans have met quite a few different speedsters in the DC universe over the years that have challenged or joined the Flash over the years.
  1. 1 Wally West/The Flash.
  2. 2 Barry Allen/The Flash. ...
  3. 3 Hunter Zolomon/Zoom. ...
  4. 4 Black Flash. ...
  5. 5 Black Racer. ...
  6. 6 Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash. ...
  7. 7 Clark Kent/Superman. ...
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Who is faster, Flash or Goku?

If it really took him 0.00001 microseconds, this meant the Flash traveled 2.5 quintillion miles per hour -- or roughly 3.7 trillion times the speed of light. This means that Wally West traveled 111 million times FASTER than Goku as of the Buu Saga, based on their maximum recorded speeds.
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Who is the slowest speedster?

Who is the slowest speedster in all of fiction? Honestly, it's Zoom. He is completely slow because he doesn't actually run, rather he travels through time.
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How fast is Barry in mph?

Dividing the speed of light by 80 reveals Barry Allen's top speed as The Flash to be roughly 8.3 million mph (13.5 million km/h ) or Mach 10,925. It's possible this is a measure of how fast Barry is without fully tapping the Speed Force, which he presumably did to protect Big Sir and himself in the aforementioned case.
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Why is Barry Allen so fast?

Barry Allen is the fastest man alive. He should have died when he was struck by lightning and doused in chemicals, but instead, he gained access to the Speed Force — a cosmic force of time and space.
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What is Sonic's max speed?

Despite his small appearance, Sonic the Hedgehog has a max speed of 186,000 miles per second and travels at a speed of 767 miles per hour. His light-speed shoes allow him to run faster than the speed of light and fight the evil genius who wants to use him in an experiment.
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Can Flash beat Superman?

At base levels — i.e. the levels of power that Wally and Superman have both showed when it comes to foot speed — Wally would take the race. With Superman's newly enhanced power, he'd likely win. But if there were no rules against how Wally used the Speed Force, then Wally would win.
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Is Shazam as fast as Flash?

Shazam can fly at the speed of light, which makes him faster than almost any other hero, but both Barry Allen and Wally West are able to move at speeds faster than light, meaning that while they would have to push themselves, at least two Flashes are faster than Shazam.
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How fast is Godspeed?

What is Godspeed's (the Flash) top speed? Well, he doesn't really have a top speed, if you've read the comics you'll see this guy: August Heart, Godspeed, Steal the speed from fellow speedsters, thus he has no top speed, he can gain as much power as he possibly wants by taking it from other speedsters.
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How is Godspeed faster than Barry?

Godspeed can separate speedsters from the connection they have to the speed force. While, he separates the speedsters connection he can kill a speedster. Barry Allen's power is super speed but Godspeed may be faster than Barry.
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Is it rude to say Godspeed?

If saying "Godspeed" brings a sense of peace and ease to the loved ones of the deceased, then it could be a suitable way to offer sympathy. If the person expressing condolences didn't have the same religious or cultural background as the deceased, it might be a good idea to keep the sympathy expression more neutral.
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Is Godspeed evil?

Godspeed is the sixth villainous speedster to appear in the show. The first being Eobard Thawne, the second being Zoom, the third being Trajectory, the fourth being The Rival, and the fifth being Savitar. Additionally, he is the fourth one to be a main villain.
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Is Godspeed Hispanic?

Now that his powers are more in check, Godspeed needs redemption if he's ever going to tap into his true speed." Joshua Williamson revealed that August and his brother Jorge's mother is white and their father is Latino. Their last name was originally Corazón but it was changed to Heart when they came to Central City.
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Who is the slowest Flash?

9 Jay Garrick

Garrick became one of the elder statesmen of the DC Universe, a member of the Justice Society, and an all around role model. His years of experience made him a great hero, but speed wise, Jay is the slowest Flash.
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What is Barry Allen's top speed?

This would make Barry's top speed in The Flash at around 8.3 million mph, though it's possible this is how fast Barry is without tapping into the Speed Force.
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How fast is Kid Flash?

Teenage Wallace became Kid Flash during the New 52 era of DC Comics, and inspired the Kid Flash we saw in the CW Flash series. Wallace has thus far proven to be pretty fast, able to move at superhuman speeds equal to the speed of light, or 186,000 miles per second.
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