How historically accurate is Napoleon's film?

There are the numerous inaccuracies: details of Napoleon's coronation; French bombardment of the pyramids on the Giza Plateau; Wellington's use of topography at Waterloo; Napoleon leading cavalry charges in person; his presence at the execution of Queen Marie Antoinette; and so on and so forth.
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Is the movie Napoleon historically accurate?

Originally Answered: Is Ridley Scott's Napoleon movie historically accurate and correct? As everybody already pointed out: it isn't. As long as Ridley Scott is open about it, that's no biggie. “Gladiator” wasn't either.
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How much of Napoleon's film is true?

Napoleon true story: What is fact and fiction in the historical epic? The simple answer to this question is that, while the film does offer a broadly truthful overview of Napoleon's life, a great degree of artistic license has been taken at almost every stage of the process.
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What do the French think of Napoleon's film?

The film has been slammed for omitting that Napoleon reinstated slavery in the French West Indies after it had been abolished following the French Revolution. “That was Napoleon's biggest regret,” says Marsily, “because like any revolutionary, Napoleon was in favor of abolishing it.
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Why did Napoleon's movie fail?

Summary. Napoleon's failure in theaters was predictable due to historical inaccuracies and lack of interest in history genre films like Waterloo. Director Ridley Scott's reputation takes a hit with Napoleon's flop, given his iconic past films and upcoming Gladiator 2 release.
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What was untrue in Napoleon's movie?

Historians have called out many scenes that are factually untrue, like Napoleon's presence at Marie Antoinette's public execution (he wasn't), for example, or how he led an attack at the Egyptian pyramids. Historian Dan Snow called out the scene in Egypt on TikTok soon after the trailer was released in July.
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How close to history is the movie Napoleon?

The movie certainly played fast and loose with some historical details, but in broad strokes, Napoleon aligned with history. The lengthy Napoleon movie played like a highlight reel of the French emperor's life, focusing on his best-known political stunts, battles, and personal relationships.
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How many horses died filming Napoleon?

Although roughly 150 horses are thought to have died at the actual Battle of Austerlitz, none were harmed on set. “I love animals, so I protect them like crazy,” says Scott. “Any horse you see flying through the air in this film is a dummy.”
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Was Napoleon a hero or villain of France?

Despite his many accomplishments, Napoleon's legacy is still debated and contested today. Some see him as a hero, a visionary leader who brought order and stability to a turbulent era. Others see him as a tyrant, a power-hungry dictator who trampled on the rights and freedoms of his subjects.
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Will the new Napoleon movie be good?

This lavish production never feels like an incredible story, nor does it ever feel particularly intimate. Truthfully, Napoleon rarely feels like anything; perfunctory emotions that are adequately portrayed by talented actors adrift in a sea of tedium.
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What were Napoleon's last words?

His last words were 'France, the Army, the Head of the Army, Josephine'. Napoleon's body was returned to France and in 1840 was interred in Les Invalides along with the bodies of his brothers and son.
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Did Napoleon really love Josephine?

Napoleon said it over and over again that the only woman he ever really loved was Josephine. Her real name was Marie-Joseph-Rose de Tascher de La Pagerie, and she was six years his senior.
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Did Napoleon Bonaparte have a son?

Marie-Louise of Austria (1791–1847) was the second wife of Napoleon Bonaparte and therefore the second Empress of France (between 1810 and 1814). She would later become ruler of Parma, Piacenza and Guastella until her death. She bore Napoleon his only son; Napoleon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte (1811–1832).
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What do French people think of Napoleon?

The French tend to see Napoleon's legacy as positive overall, with 37% saying so compared to 10% who think it was negative.
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Why is Napoleon rated bad?

Dreadful from its silly font giving indications on the screen to its sloppy scenes and irrelevant battle staging. To paraphrase Napoleon, it's worse than a bad film, it's a mistake.
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Did Wellington and Napoleon meet?

Ridley Scott's latest film, Napoleon, includes a scene that is sure to get a few history buffs talking: Wellington meeting Napoleon onboard HMS Bellerophon. Although this scene is fictitious and no such meeting between the two men ever took place, the setting is based on historical fact.
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How tall was Napoleon?

At the time of his death, the French might have recorded his height in French inches, which were a little longer than English inches. They put him at five-foot-two, but this was probably more like 5 feet and 6.5 inches, a perfectly normal height for a man of his time.
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Who defeated Napoleon?

The Battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815 between Napoleon's French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher. The decisive battle of its age, it concluded a war that had raged for 23 years, ended French attempts to dominate Europe, and destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever.
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Why are we still so fascinated by Napoleon after more than 200 years?

It is no easy thing to render final judgment on Napoleon, considering his impressive highs and dismaying lows. He was undoubtedly one of the most talented generals in history (he won more than 50 battles), and the greatest conqueror Europe had seen since the days of Charlemagne, or even the Romans.
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Whose head was cut off at the beginning of the Napoleon movie?

In the movie, Marie Antoinette (played by Catherine Walker) is taken by cart through a jeering crowd, where she is pelted by fruit and vegetables, to the guillotine where she is beheaded. As the scene unfolds, Napoleon Bonaparte (Joaquin Phoenix) watches on in silence.
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Were real horses used in Napoleon's movie?

Over 100 real-life horses were used for the film's epic combat sequences, but when it came to some of the most dangerous and bloody moments, VFX crews stepped in.
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What breed was Napoleon's horse?

While most cavalrymen rode Thoroughbreds, Napoleon liked Arabians and Barbs, which were short enough for him to mount unassisted, as well as being hardy, fast and brave. He also preferred stallions, so Marengo, a 14.1 hand high Arabian stallion, was ideal.
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Why was Moscow abandoned?

This kind of war without major battles weakened the French army at its most vulnerable point: military logistics. On 19 October 1812 the French army, lacking provisions and being warned by the first snow, abandoned the city voluntarily.
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Who won the Battle of Waterloo?

And yet almost every historian since 1815 has stated unequivocally that the battle was won by the armies of the Duke of Wellington and his Prussian ally General Gebhard Blücher, and that France's defeat at Waterloo effectively put an end to Napoleon's reign as emperor.
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What is short man syndrome?

The Napoleon complex, also known as Napoleon syndrome and short-man syndrome, is a purported condition normally attributed to people of short stature, with overly aggressive or domineering social behavior. It implies that such behavior is to compensate for the subject's physical or social shortcomings.
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