How is Beauty and the Beast resolved?

The resolution was that Belle did fall in love with the Beast, breaking the curse and restoring the castle and its inhabitants to their original forms. The problem was solved in a way that satisfied both parties as Belle was free to go and the Beast was restored to his true form.
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How does Beauty and the Beast end?

The Beast dies in Belle's arms before the last petal falls. Belle tearfully professes her love to the Beast, and the spell is undone, reviving the Beast and restoring his human form along with his servants and castle. The Prince and Belle host a ball for the kingdom, where they dance happily.
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What is the conclusion of the beauty and the beast?

The fairy-tale has a happy ending because the love between Beauty and the Beast is real, and when Beauty declares her love for the Beast, he transforms into a beautiful prince.
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What is the outcome of Beauty and the Beast?

The Beast dies just as the last petal falls, and the servants become inanimate objects. As Belle tearfully professes her love to him, Agathe reveals herself as the enchantress and undoes the curse, restoring the Beast and his servants to their human forms along with the villagers' memories.
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What is the happy ending in Beauty and the Beast?

Again, she returns to him dying and restores his life. The two then marry and live happily ever after.
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What is the moral of the story of the Beauty and the Beast?

The moral of Beauty and the Beast is that we should value inward characteristics such as kindness over other superficial qualities, such as wit and appearance. This moral is presented by showing that Beauty valued the inward characteristics of Beast, and fell in love with him despite his outward appearances.
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What is the summary of the story Beauty and the Beast?

Beauty and the Beast is a story about a young prince that was cast under a spell. His spell could only be broken with true love. Through many ups and downs, he found love with Beauty, and she, in time, returned his love. They marry and the prince's spell is broken, and they live happily ever after.
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What is the main problem in Beauty and the Beast?

The main problem in Beauty and the Beast is that Belle is too easily convinced. All of a sudden, the Beast's past behavior is easily forgotten about, or even forgiven, and suddenly Belle is charmed and decides that she does love him after all.
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Why did Beauty and the Beast end?

While this sounds like a horrific tale, Cat and Vincent fell madly in love with one another as they tried to put an end to the horrendous experiment for good. Unfortunately, the less desirable ratings spelled out the end for Beauty and the Beast with the drama being cancelled as a result.
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Why did beauty marry the beast?

Although she would not marry him, the Beast still treated her with extreme kindness, and let her go home to visit her sick father as long as she promised to return in a week. She returned late and found the Beast close to death, then realized she loved him, and agreed to marry him.
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What is the climax of Beauty and the Beast?

Climax: Beast aggressively questions Belle and banishes her in a rage. Resolution: Belle flees from the castle in fear. Beast immediately regrets his actions and slumps over the enchanted rose, ashamed.
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Is Beauty That Killed the Beast?

Because it wasn't the planes that killed Kong, it was beauty that killed the beast. Through no fault of her own, Ann reawoke a paternal instinct in Kong. A creature that for years on end lived alone on the most hostile island on Earth.
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Why did Belle fall in love with the Beast?

Indeed, he treats Belle like a queen, "It is I who should knee and take orders from you," said Beast when Belle kneeled in front of him to let her go for a while. In fact, his good heart is what makes Belle fall in love for him and breaks the spell which he has been the victim.
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Why did beauty return to the Beast?

There, she dreamt of the Beast dying from heartache in his garden. She immediately returned to the Beast's castle and found him in the same state as in her dream. While the Beast was on the brink of death, Beauty realized her love for him and promised to be his wife.
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Who is the woman at the end of Beauty and the Beast?

Agathe is a resident of Villeneuve who, in reality, is a beautiful enchantress responsible for cursing the Prince. She watches and manipulates the events between Belle and the Prince, secretly acting as their guardian. She is portrayed by Hattie Morahan.
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Did Beauty sleep with the Beast?

Beauty finally agrees to sleep with the Beast and marry him in the original Villeneuve. The Beast then sleeps beside her during the night, although no other activities beyond Beauty's mysterious dreams are described.
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What is the hidden message in the beauty and the beast?

If Belle falls in love with a beast and he turns into a man, it reinforces the moral that beauty is only skin deep, and we should look beyond physical appearances.
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Why Belle has Stockholm syndrome?

Belle puts the Beast's needs and desires ahead of her own as a means of survival in a society where her freedom to choose has been taken. This is both a very sexist view of romance and marriage and an extreme case of Stockholm syndrome.
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Why is Beauty and the Beast so good?

The Romance

They have a very mutual, well-developed, touching romance. They don't instantly fall in love at first sight, they both have to come halfway with each other. Belle helps the Beast regain his humanity and will to live. The Beast shows Belle that there is more to him than meets the eye.
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How is Beauty and the Beast a love story?

Beauty and the Beast has the right idea about love, too. Belle is beloved not because she's beautiful but because she's gentle and kind. The Beast is a little slower on the uptake, but he gets there, too, making sure he earns her affection by the time that last rose petal falls.
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What are the characteristics of Beauty and the Beast?

Character Sketches: Belle, Beast, Gaston, and Others
  • Belle = Intelligent, Loving, Kind and friendly. ...
  • Beast = A figure haunted by his past mistakes. ...
  • Gaston = Very egotistical and in love with himself. ...
  • Maurice = father of Belle. ...
  • Lumiere = turned into a candelabra after the curse. ...
  • Cogsworth = Turing into a clock. ...
  • Mrs.
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What kind of story is Beauty and the Beast?

Fairy Tale; Romance; Folk Tale, Legend, and Mythology; Quest

Beauty and the Beast is based on a classic 18th-century tale involving magical curses, handsome princes, enchantresses in disguise, and a pure-hearted girl who makes everything right.
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What is the moral of this story?

The moral of a story is the lesson that story teaches about how to behave in the world. Moral comes from the Latin word mores, for habits. The moral of a story is supposed to teach you how to be a better person. If moral is used as an adjective, it means good, or ethical.
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What can we learn from Belle in Beauty and the Beast?

6 Things I Learned From Belle in Disney's Beauty and the Beast
  • Reading is cool. ...
  • Being smart can scare. ...
  • Dating someone just because they're attractive isn't a good idea. ...
  • First impressions are often inaccurate. ...
  • You really have to know someone to love them. ...
  • It's not always the man that does the rescuing.
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What is the spiritual meaning of the beauty and the beast?

Union with God means union of love because God is love. Turing again to the story, Beauty can symbolize Jesus Christ, based on the fact that she transformed the Beast to a “New Being” in the presence of her love. In others words, the love of Beauty made the animal Beast evolve into a real human being.
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