How is Chucky alive in Curse of Chucky?

Curse of Chucky doesn't actually show how Chucky was revived, the film simply has a Good Guy doll sent to the home of Nica Pierce (Fiona Dourif). Though the film does have a different vibe than the previous two films, so perhaps the ambiguity was intended.
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Who brought Chucky back to life in Curse of Chucky?

Nica, after stalling by taunting him about his inability to kill former target Andy Barclay, manages to plunge the knife into Chucky's back. Chucky remains motionless for a while before springing back to life. Officer Stanton, the same officer who found Father Frank's body, arrives at the house and sees Barb's body.
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How is Chucky alive in Chucky series?

Although Norris finds Charles' dead body, his soul successfully transferred into the doll, which is found by a peddler. The ritual being performed by Charles on a Good Guy. The next morning, Chucky is bought by a woman named Karen, as a last-minute birthday gift for her son Andy.
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How did Chucky come back to life?

The first film sees Chucky brought home by Andy, who he manipulates and frames for his actions. Andy's mom discovers the truth and the pair kill Chucky, but like Jason Voorhees before him, he is resurrected by electricity just in time for the sequel. Chucky follows Andy to his next home, then to military school.
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What happened to Chucky in Curse of Chucky?

Chucky lunges at Nica and is stabbed in the back. Nica attempts to leave the elevator, but Chucky springs back to life. A police officer arrives at the house and hears Nica scream. He enters the house and sees Nica in the elevator still holding the bloody knife.
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The Origin of Chucky | Curse Of Chucky

Why does Chucky look so weird in Curse of Chucky?

The Babyface Is Back – Curse of Chucky

Let's be honest, he's gained some weight on his face. Turns out it's a clever ruse. In a dramatic moment, it's revealed that Chucky put on some makeup to hide his facial scars. He's still the same killer doll that was put through an industrial fan and sewed back together.
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Does Curse of Chucky follow seed of Chucky?

Curse of Chucky (2013)

Curse of Chucky was released nine years after Seed, though the narrative picks up only four years after Seed's epilogue (and 25 years after the first movie). Chucky finds himself in a new home, tormenting Nica Pierce and her family.
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Why does Chucky nose bleed?

Kyle follows Chucky and Andy to the factory, where Chucky knocks Andy unconscious and attempts the ritual to transfer his soul into Andy. However, Chucky is able to finish the chant until suddenly, his nose starts to bleed.
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Why was Chucky obsessed with Nica's mom?

Nica manages to break the restraints and attack Chucky but gets pushed over the balcony. Nica begs to know his motive, and Chucky reveals himself as a family friend who was secretly in love with Nica's mother Sarah. He says he killed Nica's father and kidnapped Sarah.
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Why is Chucky obsessed with Andy?

Unfortunately, as is so often the case, that Good Guy doll has been possessed by the spirit of a serial killer, the notorious Charles Lee Ray. After gruesomely murdering several people in Andy's life, Chucky attempts to transfer his soul into Andy so that he can be a real boy.
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Why did Chucky start killing?

He only became evil due to his sadistic desire to hurt and kill others, shown when his father was killed by the Hackensack killer, and decided to become just like him because he was inspired by the killers actions.
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Was Good Chucky Faking It?

“Yes, in a way [he was real]. I mean, some people have asked if he just playing them all along. And that was not my intention. I feel like if you watch closely, you can see that there are moments where Chucky has no reason to maintain an imposter as Good Chucky with Dr.
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What's Chucky's weakness?

Weaknesses. Chucky isn't without his flaws, as he is known to be very impatient and rather arrogant. Chucky's Voodoo abilities only work under specific circumstances and have requirements for them to work. Despite being a doll, he has spent so long in his doll body that he has turned anatomically human.
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Who finally killed Chucky?

At the end of the film, Andy, his mother Karen, and two police detectives, Mike Norris and Jackie Santos, try to fight off Chucky. After he's lit on fire and loses both an arm and a leg, Karen shoots him repeatedly, and he is even beheaded. It isn't until Norris shoots Chucky in the heart that he finally dies.
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Who did Chucky impregnate?

Seed of Chucky (2004)

Now going by "Tiffany Ray", she hopes to transfer her soul into the body of a fictionalised version of Jennifer Tilly, and Chucky plans to transfer his soul into Redman. They also plan to impregnate Jennifer and put Glen/Glenda's soul in the baby's body.
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How did Chucky get Tiffany pregnant?

Bride of Chucky: Chucky Gets Tiffany Pregnant

After she angers him, Chucky kills Tiffany, and transfers her soul into a female doll. The duo then goes on a cross-country rampage, during which they have sex.
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Why can Chucky walk in Nica's body?

To her surprise and horror, Chucky reveals that he was never gonna kill Nica and that there are worse fates than death. Chucky then chants a voodoo ritual transferring his soul into Nica, which also gives her the ability to walk.
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Is Chucky in Nica's body?

Cult ends with Chucky taking over Nica's body, his voodoo magic allowing him to make use of the woman's paralyzed legs, and escapes with Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly). Season 1 of the TV show, which takes place after Cult, revealed that Nica can sometimes regain control of her mind, prompting Ms.
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Why Glen is female in Chucky?

Chucky insists the child is a boy and should be called Glen, while Tiffany argues that they're a girl and should be named Glenda. When asked, the doll replies they don't know what they are. During the film, the doll switches between identifying as Glen and Glenda and changes their pronouns and presentation accordingly.
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Did Chucky take Alice's body?

In the next film, Alice learns she has been put under the guardianship of Chucky's girlfriend, Tiffany Valentine, who tells Nica that Alice died. Later in the film, it is revealed that Chucky was able to possess Alice but she "died" after one of Chucky's intended victims fought back.
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Why was Andy's mom not in Child's Play 2?

Summaries. While Andy's mother is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, the young boy is placed in foster care, and Chucky, determined to claim Andy's soul, is not far behind.
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Why was Chucky trapped in a doll?

Also known as the Lakeshore Strangler, we first meet Chucky in his original human form as he's running from the cops in Chicago. Upon being shot, he uses voodoo and an amulet, the Heart of Damballa, to transfer his soul into the closest vessel: a Good Guy doll. And thus, the Chucky we all know and fear came to be.
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Why was Seed of Chucky bad?

Well, because they tried a bit too hard to incorporate way too much comedy. Don't get me wrong here, it is still an adequate movie, and the other "Child's Play" movies also do have elements of humor in them, but it was just a bit too much in "Seed of Chucky".
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Does Andy show up in Curse of Chucky?

Curse Of Chucky (2013)

Andy is now a full grown man and did not appear until the end of the film after the end credits in the unrated version. He answers the door receiving a package from an unknown source.
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Is The Curse of Chucky Based on a true story?

Fascinatingly, Chucky also is a homage to a real-life story concerning an equally creepy doll from 1906. The doll is named Robert, and he had been gifted to a young boy from Key West, Florida, by the name of Robert Eugene Otto. Otto had a profound love for Robert and was said to have kept him right up to his death.
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