How is Elrond related to Aragorn?

The direct descendant of Elros is Aragorn. In terms of genealogy, Elros would be Aragorn's great grandfather with about 60 "greats." This makes Elrond Aragorn's great, great, etc. uncle, and since Arwen is the Lord of Rivendell's daughter, she and Aragorn are first cousins many times removed.
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How are Aragorn and Galadriel related?

This not only makes him Galadriel's son-in-law, but it means his daughter Arwen is Galadriel's granddaughter. This is why Arwen spent most of her life in Lothlorien, and Aragorn makes references to Galadriel as her caretaker when they meet in The Fellowship of the Ring.
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How is Aragorn and Arwen related?

So Arwen is a descendant of Elrond and Aragorn is a distant descendant of Elros, who are brothers, which shows their kinship. But Arwen is Elrond's daughter, whereas Aragorn doesn't appear in the family tree for many more generations.
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Is Aragorn a descendant of Elrond's brother?

Their son, Eldarion, succeeded him as king. In Eldarion the two bloodlines of the Half-elven were reunited, Arwen being the daughter of the immortal Elrond and Aragorn the 60th-generation descendant of Elrond's mortal twin brother, Elros.
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How is Aragorn related to Isildur?

"He was Aragorn son of Arathorn, the nine and thirtieth heir in the right line from Isildur, and yet more like Elendil than any before him." Aragorn was a descendant of Elros Tar-Minyatur. His ancestorArvedui was wedded to Fíriel, who bore their son Aranarth, making Aragorn the last descendant of Anárion as well.
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LOTR The Return of the King - Andúril - Flame of the West

Is Isildur half elf?

Isildur's father was Elendil, descended from Elros, founder of the Kingdom of Númenor. Since Elros was half-elven, from the marriage of Beren to the elf Lúthien, he and his descendants enjoyed much longer life than other men.
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Why is Aragorn called Isildur's heir?

"Heir of Isildur" was a title of forty known Lords of the Dúnedain, descended in right line from Isildur son of Elendil, from Isildur's son Valandil to Aragorn II Elessar, who reunited the Kingdoms of the Dúnedain in Middle-earth.
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Who is Legolas to Elrond?

Legolas first appears during the Council of Elrond, where he is sent as a messenger by his father, Thranduil, to give the council the news of Gollum's escape with the Elves of Mirkwood. He is then selected by Elrond to represent the Elves in the Company that sets out with Frodo on his quest to destroy the Ring.
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Is Elrond related to Galadriel?

First off, Galadriel was the first cousin of Turgon, who was Elrond's great-grandfather, which made them first cousins thrice removed. Furthermore, Elrond was the great-great-grandson of Galadriel's uncle, Fingolfin.
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How is Arwen related to Elrond?

Arwen was the youngest child of Elrond, lord of the Elvish sanctuary of Rivendell and leader of the High Elves remaining in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age, and Celebrían, daughter of Galadriel, ruler of the Elvish forest realm of Lothlórien. Her elder brothers were the twins Elladan and Elrohir.
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How are Aragorn and Legolas related?

Aragorn and Legolas are long-time companions and best friends since Legolas' father Thranduil sent him to live among the Rangers of the North. Aragorn and Legolas grew close, up to the point where Aragorn revealed his true identity to Legolas. Throughout his journeys, Aragorn and Legolas are as close as brothers.
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Are Arwen and Legolas siblings?

Arwen probably got to know Legolas as her husband's friend and as the leader of the Elven colony in Ithilien. As Mary Tower points out, it is possible that they are distantly related, but it's nowhere stated.
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Is Aragorn half-Elf?

Aragorn is not half Elf, although he is a descendant of Elros, who is half Elf (and the brother of Elrond, the half-Elf who raised him), which explains why Aragorn's life span is unusually long.
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How is Legolas related to Galadriel?

No. Legolas was not related to Galadriel at all. Except as they were both elves. Legolas was from the el who had never left Middle-earth to go to Aman Valinor.
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How are Elrond and Isildur related?

Yes, they are related. Isildur is a 24th generation descendant of Elrond's brother Elros. Isildur's father Elendil was the last Númenor-born Lord of Andúnië and was the leader of the Faithful who escaped the destruction of the island to Middle Earth.
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Do Gandalf and Galadriel have a relationship?

For those that haven't read Tolkien's work, it's easy to see why many audiences suspect Gandalf and Galadriel are in love. After all, many of their interactions in The Hobbit trilogy practically scream romance. However, their relationship remains purely platonic in Tolkien's source material.
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Did Elrond marry Galadriel's daughter?

Elrond married Celebrían, daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel, early in the Third Age.
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Who is stronger Galadriel or Elrond?

Though neither is someone you'd wish to annoy, Galadriel is generally considered more powerful than Elrond in Lord of the Rings. Not only is she older than her Rivendell counterpart, but Galadriel witnessed the light from Valinor's Two Trees, giving her a mystic quality.
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Who is Galadriel in love with?

Fans know from the later Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit tales, that Galadriel eventually finds, falls in love with, and marries Celeborn, the elf who accompanies her down the stairs when the fellowship first arrives in Lothlorien.
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Who did Legolas fall in love with?

Tauriel truly threw a wrench in Legolas' life when he fell in love with her. She was brave, fierce, and a protective leader of the guard. He was meant to be the dutiful son of King Thranduil, but in loving her, he became a stubborn, masterful archer instead.
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What is Legolas syndrome?

The actor is suffering from Legolas Syndrome — where you accidentally get cast into a role that suits you far more than your real-life looks, leaving you with a tricky predicament after the wrap party. Do you A) nick all the costumes and stay in character the rest of your working life, or B)
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How is Arwen related to Legolas?

Legolas. Legolas and Arwen might not ever interact in the books or the movies, but this couple does make a lot of sense if Aragorn is out of the picture. They are both elvish nobles, as Legolas is the son of King Thranduil and Arwen is the daughter of Elrond.
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Who is Aragorn's dad?

Aragorn was the son of Arathorn II and his wife Gilraen. Gilraen's mother, Ivorwen, prophesied that if Arathorn II and Gilraen "wed now, hope may be born for our people; but if they delay, it will not come while this age lasts". Aragorn was the heir to the throne of Gondor and of the lost realm of Arnor.
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Is Elrond Aragorn's grandfather?

In terms of genealogy, Elros would be Aragorn's great grandfather with about 60 "greats." This makes Elrond Aragorn's great, great, etc. uncle, and since Arwen is the Lord of Rivendell's daughter, she and Aragorn are first cousins many times removed.
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How many years were between Isildur and Aragorn?

There were 3000 years between Isildur and Aragorn. In that time, he would have had thousands, if not millions of descendants.
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