How is Katniss a beacon of hope?

Through her act of 'love' or 'defiance', she implicitly suggested that the 'rules' could be broken, that the Capitol might not be impervious after all. She provided hope to the impoverished and oppressed that the tyranny of the Capitol could be challenged even overthrown and that freedom and justice could be achieved.
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Why does Katniss represent hope?

Katniss herself is a symbol of hope. Her strength and skill helps her win the Games against the odds. The odds are in her favour. She brings courage to the districts which is why President Snow views her as a threat.
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What are three examples of how Katniss showed rebellion?

' Poaching, trading on the black market, mocking the Capitol in the woods"(130) are but few examples of Katniss rebellious actions even before setting foot in the arena .
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What is the symbol of Katniss Everdeen's rebellion?

There can be no doubt Katniss' mockingjay pin was taken by Snow as a personal insult, leading to his launching a vendetta against her. In the end, Katniss - called the Mockingjay - became the leader of the rebellion and her pin became its symbol.
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Why is Katniss the face of the rebellion?

Katniss killed Marvel from District 1, but only after Marvel murdered Rue. Rue died in Katniss' arms, and the moment was the true catalyst for the beginning of the revolution. Not only did it facilitate the first instances of rebellion, but it continued to inspire people throughout the rest of the series.
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Katniss & Peeta [Catching Fire] Beacon of Hope

What does Katniss realize about her role in the rebellion?

While Katniss is hurt by Haymitch, Plutarch, and the others' plan, she fully grasps the magnitude of her role in the rebellion. She understands that her only job was to be the mockingjay. She knows the importance of keeping her alive was only because she is the face of the rebellion.
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Why is Katniss so special?

She's able to come up with plans in a crunch, and she's great at thinking on her feet. While Katniss sometimes makes impulsive grand gestures, it's generally when she's trying to protect the people she loves. She's incredibly loyal, but she's slow to trust new people. There is a special significance behind her name.
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Why was Katniss rude to her mom?

Katniss has a conflicted relationship with her mother. Following her father's death, her mother fell into deep depression and now rarely speaks. As a result, Katniss has a difficult time feeling love and affection for her mother, even as she recognizes that her mother is a kind and intelligent woman.
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What does Katniss hanging Seneca Crane symbolize?

Seneca Crane was executed after Katniss's and Peeta's suicide stunt at the end of the Games, and the act was intended to remind the Gamemakers of his fate and suggest that they could suffer the same. Katniss's act, in other words, was an attack on the Gamemakers and wasn't about maintaining her personal integrity.
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What does Katniss do that shows signs of rebellion against the Capitol?

Katniss performs the novel's greatest act of rebellion against the Capitol when she has the idea for her and Peeta to eat the poisonous berries. As Katniss explains, the Hunger Games are the Capitol's weapon against the districts, but they are also a popular form of entertainment.
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Did Katniss mean to start a rebellion?

But Katniss's primary intent wasn't to stage an act of rebellion, though she does recognize that there was some spirit of defiance in the gesture. Mostly she wanted to save Peeta and herself and she knew the Capitol wouldn't let both of them die.
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How does Katniss become more rebellious?

Katniss Everdeen's fight against the Capitol is motivated by a multitude of factors. Her experiences in District 12, the injustice of the Hunger Games, her personal losses and her yearning for peace all contribute to her own personal rebellion and the wider revolution that spreads throughout all of Panem.
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What does Katniss teach us?

After she is selected twice to be in the games and survives, she teaches her readers the importance of courage, nerve, and never, ever compromising yourself or your beliefs.
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How is hope represented in The Hunger Games?

Obvious ones are the bread, mockingjays, Peeta, Rue, Katniss herself(I think), sponsors, love/bonds.
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What quotes in The Hunger Games show hope?

It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as it's contained.
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What does Katniss hope to get from the Cornucopia?

Katniss was hoping for water, and she knows she won't last long without it. There was a lake by the Cornucopia, and she's worried it may be the only water source in the arena since it's sure to be guarded by Career Tributes.
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Why did Peeta say Katniss was pregnant?

Biography. During the interviews for the 75th Hunger Games, Peeta lied about Katniss being pregnant to try to protect her from the Games, and Katniss later stated that she miscarried due to an electric shock in the arena to avoid further questioning.
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Why did Peeta draw Rue?

Peeta used the dyes to paint a picture of Rue after Katniss covered her with flowers when she died. He says he wants to hold them accountable for killing Rue, and Effie tells him that that kind of thinking is forbidden. Katniss then tells the team she hung a dummy of Seneca Crane.
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What did the body Katniss Hung say?

Seneca Crane was the previous Head Gamemaker, who was executed for allowing two victors. Katniss painted his name on a dummy and hanged it to warn them that they're not safe and the same thing could easily happen to them.
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Why did Katniss stop liking Gale?

In the end, Katniss and Gale grew apart, as many childhood friends and young loves do. She needed something different in her life, and with Gale's link to Primrose's death, Katniss found a reason to cut ties. If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term.
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How old is Prim when she dies?

She was only 13 years old when she was killed in The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, and her youth only makes the tragedy that much harder for Katniss to bear after everything else she had suffered. Prim's death is a truly heartbreaking moment.
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Was Peeta's dad in love with Katniss mom?

Long before Peeta risked punishment from his mother by throwing Katniss some bread, his father had pointed the girl out to him and explained to his son that he had once been in love with her mother.
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What disabilities did Katniss have?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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How tall is Katniss?

How tall is Katniss Everdeen? Katniss Everdeen is 5 foot 9 inches (1.75 m) tall as portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence.
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How old was Katniss when she had her first child?

The only information the audience has about Katniss' future is that she and Peeta have a child together 15 years after their experiences in the Rebellion (at 33 years old) and that five years later, they have a second child.
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