How is Peeta Mellark selfless?

He is a selfless person with his wishes to always please others and puts others happiness above his own. Prior to the games, Peeta was deemed unlikely to win due to his selfless personality and less emphasis on physical power and strength; however when in the games there is a change within others thoughts towards him.
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How is Peeta selfless?

During the Games, he is similarly selfless when he saves Katniss after she comes back to retrieve the bow but finds herself suddenly stunned by the tracker jacker stings. To allow Katniss to escape, Peeta fights Cato, the most deadly of the other tributes, and suffers a serious injury as a result.
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What are the positive qualities of Peeta Mellark?

He was a loyal and brave person, and while he might have been a bit more understated in his heroic moments, he was never shied from putting himself in harm's way. He especially did whatever he could to keep Katniss alive, and this was because he loved her.
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How is Peeta compassionate?


Peeta's compassion is demonstrated early in the film through a flashback which shows him throwing a loaf of bread to a starving Katniss. Before The Hunger Games commence, he admits to Katniss that he doesn't want the games to change him and doesn't want to be a “piece in their game”.
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Why is Peeta perfect for Katniss?

Peeta Mellark served as Katniss' crucial confidant, seeing as he went through it all firsthand, not once, but twice. Despite the terror he faced, Katniss viewed Peeta as a symbol of comfort and salvation.
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The Entire Life of Peeta Mellark (Hunger Games Explained)

Why is Peeta perfect?

Peeta is a much better fit for Katniss in so many ways. Through The Hunger Games, He is patient, empathetic and selfless in a way that Gale isn't. Peeta understands that Katniss is not in a position where she can make a definitive decision about whether she wants to be with him or Gale.
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How is Peeta kind to Katniss?

The Hunger Games

Even though they don't speak and Katniss doesn't consider Peeta a friend, he saves her life when they are 11 and she is starving behind the bakery. He gives her a loaf of bread, one that he burned on purpose, and ever since that moment Katniss has felt like she owes Peeta.
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What is Peeta's weakness?

Weakness: His Open Emotions

No one on earth could endure the torture that Peeta went through without being horrifically traumatized, but the fact that he was so forthright about his love for Katniss didn't do him any favors in that department either.
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What does Peeta want for himself?

Peeta, however, knows that the Games can change people, and he wants to at least die as himself. He wants to, in some way, rebel against the Capitol and show them that they don't own him, making the reader wonder how he might choose to do this in the Games.
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What does Peeta fear?

He has recognized all along how the Capitol uses tributes as pieces in their Game. Captured by the Capitol at the end of the Quarter Quell, Peeta gets turned into his greatest fear: a piece in the Capitol's Game to be used against Katniss.
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What makes Peeta kind?

Peeta's kindness is shown throughout the book, mainly because of Katniss. The things he is willing to do for the people he loves are undoubtedly courageous. For example, on pages 28–32, Katniss talks about the time Peeta gave her hope during a time of despair.
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Is Peeta Mellark attractive?

Peeta is said to be good looking, he is much more friendly and sweet than katniss, his family is much less poverty than average folk in district 12. the one who catch Peeta's eye would be one of the most lucky girl in the district.
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Who did Peeta push into the oil?

As they tried to escape a wave of oil, Peeta had a hijacking fit, which prompted him to push Mitchell. This triggered another pod and activated a barbed wire net, which killed him. After the crisis, Katniss and the team saw Mitchell's body, which was covered in oil and torn apart by the wire.
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How is Katniss selfless?

She puts family above all else.

"I volunteer as tribute!" With just four words, The Hunger Games' heroine selflessly proved that some things in life are worth getting hurt for. After her father died in a mining accident, Katniss becomes a maternal figure and sole provider for her younger sister, Prim.
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Is Katniss in love with Peeta?

Katniss's focus on survival and her family's safety prevented her from fully considering romance, but her feelings for Peeta and Gale diverged in the end. Katniss ultimately chose Peeta because he understood her trauma and she didn't want to lose him, proving her love for him.
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Has Peeta always loved Katniss?

Ever since he was five years old, Peeta had a huge crush on Katniss Everdeen.
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Why does she kiss Peeta?

Peeta thanks Katniss for finding him and she says that he would have done the same. He talks about what Katniss should do if he doesn't make it back. She's worried that he might die, and to keep him from speaking of such things, she kisses him.
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What is Peeta suffering from?

Peeta urges Katniss to run and stays to fight fellow tribute Cato while she escapes. He survives the encounter with Cato but suffers a stab wound on his leg. He camouflages himself into the rocks and mud alongside a riverbank, slowly dying of blood poisoning until Katniss finds him days later.
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Why did the girl sacrifice herself for Peeta?

Given that she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Peeta, it's safe to assume that the Morphling was committed to the rebel cause. Like the other victors, she knows the power that Katniss has as a lightning rod for the rebellion, and she knows that Katniss will not help without Peeta.
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Is Gale jealous of Peeta?

Gale is jealous of Peeta and the relationship he has with Katniss, and he wants Katniss to decide between them, though he doesn't press Katniss during her recovery in District 13. Gale is an excellent hunter and excels at setting snares and traps.
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Does Peeta turn evil?

Johanna clarifies, stating that Peeta has turned into his evil mutt identity given the way he verbally attacks Finnick and Katniss. Gale even sees a bit of himself in how Peeta acts and speaks.
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Why did Peeta turn bad?

Why so evil, Peeta? Well, as we learn at the beginning of Mockingjay (spoilers, obv), he's been brainwashed by a method called “hijacking,” in which Tracker Jacker venom is injected to create hallucinations. In this particular case, he's been brainwashed to hate Katniss.
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Who is better Peeta or Gale?

Ultimately, in Mockingjay, it was undeniable that Katniss was completely in love with Peeta. Even though both Gale and Peeta are great men who wanted the best for Katniss, there's no doubt Peeta was kinder, and more loyal and understanding. These qualities made Peeta way better as a character and as a love interest.
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What Peeta Mellark should look like?

Peeta Mellark:

How he's described in the books: "Medium height. stocky build, ashy blond hair that falls in waves over his forehead," and "blue eyes" with long eyelashes.
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