How is Ursula bad?

Hear this out loud
Triton received the trident while Ursula received the magic Nautilus shell. Though the two were meant to rule the seas together, Ursula's greed and use of dark magic to usurp Triton led to her being banished. The desire for revenge and power is her motivation for the show.
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Is Ursula a hero or villain?

Ursula doesn't bother hiding her villainy

Instead, she draws up a contract for Ariel, who fully knows that Ursula is a sea witch, and watches the mermaid sign it willingly. Later, she comes for Ariel after the mermaid tries to back out of the voice-for-legs deal. As evil plots go, that's as fair as you can be.
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What was the deal with Ursula in The Little Mermaid?

Ursula proposes, via the song Poor Unfortunate Souls, an agreement where Ursula will transform Ariel into a human for three days, in which time she must receive a "kiss of true love" from Eric. If Ariel fails, she will be turned back into a mermaid and bound to Ursula for eternity.
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How is Ursula manipulative?

Ursula makes deals where it's nearly impossible for the other party to keep up their end of the bargain, and she isn't above cheating to win. In fact, she seems to revel in manipulating other people. Ursula also has a high opinion of herself, even though she isn't conventionally attractive.
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What crimes did Ursula commit?

Ursula: Treason, conspiracy, attempted murder, usurpation, attempted world domination, theft, false imprisonment, sabotage, impersonation, brainwashing, abuse of power.
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The Heartbreaking Truth Behind Ursula’s Necklace In The Little Mermaid | Villain's Backstory

Which Disney villain would be the worst driver?

5 Disney Villains, aka 5 Terrible Drivers
  • Cruella De Vil driving like a maniac. more.
  • Medusa driving through ditches. more.
  • Sykes driving through a Subway. more.
  • Mcleach driving through a forest, destroying a ton of trees. more.
  • Edgar crashing into crap. more.
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Why is Ursula an octopus and not a mermaid?

Rather, Ursula's appearance is radically different from her family, and she sports tentacles that look like a permanent black dress. It's possible Ursula is not a mermaid in appearance because she and Triton did not have the same mother or father. If they're half siblings, Ursula's tentacles make more sense.
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Who killed Ursula in the original Little mermaid?

Ariel kills the Sea Witch at the end of the movie.

At the end of the 1989 animated film, Eric saves the day and kills Ursula. But in the new movie, Ariel is no longer the damsel in distress. She takes matters into her own hands and kills Ursula herself.
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What is Ursula afraid of?

Lettie is finally able to do away with Ursula when she learns the monster's real name—Skarthatch of the Keep—and what Ursula is afraid of: the hunger birds. Ursula reappears briefly after the hunger birds eat her to torment the narrator, making him feel friendless and alone.
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What conflicts does Ursula have?

Her conflict in The Little Mermaid is never with Ariel — it is a power struggle between her and King Triton. "She may be the key to Triton's undoing," Ursula remarks when she first sees Ariel. Thwarting one unlikely love affair between a mermaid and a human is never her endgame; it's the first move in her coup.
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Why did Ursula become skinny?

But in a desire to re-market these ladies to a chic clientele, it appears that they decided to shave more than a few pounds off of Ursula the Sea Witch and Alice in Wonderland's Queen of Hearts. Because in order to be fashionable, you must be thin. The fact is, Ursula was fashionable.
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Why is Ursula against Ariel?

Ursula's plan was not only to trick Ariel, so she could own her but also to get rid of her, so she could replace King Triton and thus rule over the oceans. However, her reasons to do so, for her resentment towards King Triton and company, and for her banishment and isolation weren't revealed in the movie.
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What was Ursula before she was evil?

In this novel, Ursula is King Triton's younger sister who was betrayed by him as a child for choosing a tentacled form instead of a mermaid's tail, and grew up as a human in the town of Ipswich with an adoptive human father.
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Why is Ursula the worst villain?

Ursula deliberately makes the terms of her deals with mortals nearly impossible to fulfill, because she wants her clients to fail and turn into polyps she's duly surprised and enraged when Ariel almost succeeds anyway.)
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Why is Ursula so scary?

Ursula: She's a Witch

This sea enchantress harkens back to myths of old, luring innocents to her lair and stealing their lives, or worse. Ursula captures perfectly that fear deep water creates as she lurks in the shadows. It's impossible to know what she's up to...or when she'll strike.
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Why is Ursula jealous?

Throughout the film, it's revealed that Ursula's fixation on Ariel is due to her jealousy of Ariel's beauty and “princess” title.
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What happened to Ariel's mom?

While it is known that her mother perished, there is no story attached to the event. However, much later, in 2008, an animated The Little Mermaid prequel revealed that Ariel's mother was crushed by a pirate ship during an altercation between humans and merpeople.
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Is Ursula a drag queen?

Ursula was initially going to resemble Joan Collins, however, basing the character on Divine made much more sense. "It just seemed like a funny and quirky idea," Minkoff added, "to take [Ursula] and treat her more like a drag queen."
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How scary is Ursula?

Ursula can be unsettling and creepy. Ursula is kind of harassing Ariel for her voice. Very creepy and unsettling lead up.
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Was Ursula really evil?

In the Disney animated film "The Little Mermaid," Ursula is portrayed as an evil sea witch rather than a vengeful sea goddess. Her motivations for being evil stem from her desire for power, control, and revenge. Ursula's main goal is to gain control over the underwater kingdom ruled by King Triton, Ariel's father.
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What happens if Ariel doesn't kiss Eric?

Ariel was offered by Ursula to become a human for three days and would become human permanently if she shares a kiss of true love with Eric, but will turn back into a mermaid and be bound to Ursula for eternity if she fails to kiss Eric.
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Is The Little Mermaid a dark story?

Mermaids Have No Souls In The Fairy Tale

One of the ways that The Little Mermaid's original story is dark compared to the Disney adaptation is that Hans Christian Andersen's story pays particular attention to the souls and the potential afterlife of the individuals in the story.
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Does Ursula have a daughter?

Meet Uma, fierce leader of the high seas, daughter of Ursula, the sea witch, and the newest villainess-in-training in Disney's Descendants 2!
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Why is Ursula black?

what makes Ursula black? She was based of Divine, who is white She was voiced by a white woman When she takes human form she's white," yet another well-versed Little Mermaid fan noted. "She was originally meant to be King Tryton's sister, and [he's] white."
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Is Ursula Ariel's aunt?

10 Ursula Is Triton's Sister & Ariel's Aunt

In the 2023 film version of The Little Mermaid, Ursula is presented as being Triton's younger sister, who had been exiled from their underwater kingdom. This also makes Ursula Ariel's aunt, bringing to mind Disney's long line of wicked matriarchs.
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