How long do Romulans live?

Yes, Romulans have a maximum life expectancy of 250 years, but the average appears to be 200 to 230 years. The same is true for Vulcans, with the average being about 220 years. Spock's father, Sarek, lived to be 202 years. A good deal longer than his half-Vulcan son, Spock, who only lived to be 162 years old.
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What species lives the longest in Star Trek?

The Trill live about 550 years. The El-Aurians live over 700 years. So, other than the “immortals” like Q, I'd say the El-Aurians. How old is the Borg species in Star Trek?
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How long do Klingons live?

Memory Alpha notes that there is no canonical maximum estimate for Klingon lifespans, but several Klingons are known to have exceed a century, and some may have made it past 150 (earyh) years. That makes them pretty comparable to 24th century humans.
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What is the average lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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What is the average human lifespan in Star Trek?

According to the Star Trek canon, the average human lifespan will reach 100 years during the early 22nd century. By the mid-24th century, the mean crested 120 years. This gradual increase in longevity is mostly thanks to advanced medical technology.
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What if the Romulans Never Entered The Dominion War? | Star Trek

What race on Star Trek can live forever?

Changelings had an expected life span of at least several centuries. (DS9: "Emissary", "The Search, Part II") However, the female changeling noted that changelings were "timeless" and thus may never die of old age.
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Who is the oldest human in Star Trek?

The oldest I'm aware of was Admiral Leonard McCoy in the first TNG episode: no time travel, no transporter shenanigans, no cryogenic sleeper ships, just a healthy lifestyle and the best medical care Starfleet could provide and he lived to be at least 137 years young.
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What is the lifespan of a Ferengi?

Ferengi physiology is similar to that of their distant relatives, the Dopterians. Average life-span: 140-150 years.
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How long do Andorians live?

The average life expectancy for a male Andorian was 129 years, while the average for a female was 134. One adaptation the species featured was a redundant circulatory system which allowed them to survive comfortably in their environmental conditions. Andorians efficiently metabolised nutrients and regulated body heat.
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Who is stronger Vulcans or Klingons?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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How old is Worf supposed to be?

He was 24 at the start of TNG, and he celebrated his 30th birthday with the crew in the season 7 episode "Parallels." Michael Dorn was 35 when he began playing Worf and 42 when TNG ended, although he continued to play Worf in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, creating the record for most Star Trek appearances.
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How old is Worf?

Worf was born in 2340. In TNG, he's in his 20s. In Picard, he's around 60.
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How many organs do Klingons have?

Yes, It's True: Star Trek Klingons Have Two Of, Uh, Every Organ - IMDb. A great deal of the aliens in the "Star Trek" franchise are humanoid for pretty practical reasons (they have human actors!), but that doesn't mean that they have the exact same anatomy.
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What is the most evil species in Star Trek?

  1. 1 The Borg. A species of faceless, voiceless cybernetic zombies, the Borg are the most threatening villains in all of Star Trek.
  2. 2 The Cardassians. ...
  3. 3 The Klingons. ...
  4. 4 The Changelings. ...
  5. 5 The Romulans. ...
  6. 6 The Jem'Hadar. ...
  7. 7 The Gorn. ...
  8. 8 The Breen. ...
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What is the smartest species in Star Trek?

Synths like Data or Soji from Picard are also able to do things that seem like magic, though they retain their corporeal form. Since one of the main tenets of Star Trek isn't just the acquisition of knowledge but sharing it, androids and other sentient computers are likely the smartest beings out there.
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Who is the longest running character in Star Trek?

The most obvious choice is Michael Dorn, who played Lt. Commander Worf for all seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the last four seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and all four of the Next Generation feature films, plus a brief cameo in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
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Do Andorians have four sexes?

They establish the notion of four sexes, as well as the rather complicated specifics of how Andorian reproduction occurs in 2003's Avatar: Book Two. The four sexes consist of two loosely defined "male" types known as chan and thaan, and two "female" types known as zhen and shen.
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Do Andorians have 4 genders?

Andorians have 4 genders, 2 of which resemble males and 2 of which resemble females. These are called Thaan, Chan, Shen and Zhen. This can result in some confusion among outsiders. Sometimes it is difficult to tell what gender an Andorian is on sight.
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How long do Tholians live?

Mating rituals also reportedly involve three individuals to contribute genetic material. While the novel The Sundered depicts Tholians living for only six to eight months, the novel Vendetta indicates they perceive time at a different rate than most humanoids, meaning their subjective lifespan is quite long.
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Can the Borg assimilate the Ferengi?

Reputation aside, there is little in the Ferengi for the Borg to wish to assimilate. Physiologically, they are fragile creatures and do not have traits that the Borg are interested in. Aside from a passing interest in their auditory capabilities, it's doubtful the Borg would assimilate the Ferengi.
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How old is the Borg species?

The origin of the Borg is never made clear, though they are portrayed as having existed for hundreds of thousands of years (as attested by Guinan and the Borg Queen).
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How long do Bajorans live?

Bajorans lived to roughly 120 years, but during the Occupation they had a life span of an average Bajoran at 70 years. The gestation time for a Bajoran infant was just five months.
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How old is Guinan?

According to her profile on, Guinan is characterized as being "well over 600 years old". While this estimate seems fairly accurate for her current age, evidence from several episodes in TNG suggests Guinan was somewhere in the 500-year-old range when she was first introduced.
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How old are Kirk and Spock?

Kirk was born in 2233 which was canonized in both Star Trek (2009) and the TOS episode, “The Deadly Years,” where he said he was 34 years old, and that episode took place in 2267. Spock was born on stardate 2230.06, or in the Earth year of 2230 which was canonized on Star Trek: Beyond on Ambassador Spock's obituary.
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