How long does the Beast have to find love?

According to the opening narration, the Beast has only until his 21st birthday to find love before the petals fall off the rose and he is doomed to remain a Beast forever.
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How long was the beast a Beast before Belle found him?

In the animated Disney version, Lumiere says the castle has been cursed for ten years. The prologue also says that the enchanted rose would bloom until the Beast's “twenty-first year.” So that means that during the main storyline, the Beast/Prince is twenty or twenty-one years old and was cursed when he was eleven.
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How long does Belle stay with the beast?

If you've watched Disney's animated "Beauty and the Beast" numerous times, one of the biggest plot holes of the classic tale is exactly how much time Belle spends at the Beast's castle. Belle falls for the Beast over what appears to be a few months — the seasons change and she's there through part of winter.
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Does the beast have a love interest?

Eventually, the Beast falls in love with Belle, and placing her happiness before his own, he releases her to tend to her sick father, a decision that disheartens him upon realizing that she had not yet returned his love which means that the curse remains unbroken.
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Does the beast really love Belle?

Being humble, kind, and caring are inner qualities that result in the love between Belle and Beast and allows Beast to regain his human form and marries Belle.
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Did Gaston really love Belle?

Gaston pursues Belle, determined to marry her, as she is the most beautiful girl in the village and thus the only one good enough for him. He also finds her independence to be a thrilling challenge, and shows disdain for the Bimbettes who constantly fawn over him purely because of his appearance.
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Did Belle ever kiss the beast?

Belle kisses the Beast when she tells him she loves him.

In the animated movie, the two don't kiss until after the Beast is transformed into a Prince, sealing the reversal of the enchantment over the castle. This time around, when Belle tells the Beast she loves him, she offers him a quick kiss on the lips.
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Does Beast have a happy ending?

Despite his injuries, Nate survives thanks to the arrival of Banji, an employee of the reserve. Beast's ending sees Nate reuniting with his daughters. Although their trip didn't turn out like they planned, the family was back together and closer than ever because of their ordeal.
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Why did The Beast take Belle?

Belle begs the Beast to let her father go. When he does not relent, she offers to become the Beast's prisoner in exchange for her father's freedom. The Beast accepts her offer and has Maurice escorted out before Belle can say goodbye.
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Was The Beast abusive to Belle?

It's ok to get angry—it's an emotion we all experience—but when a person lashes out physically or verbally because of their anger that is abusive behavior. In the Beast's case, he tries to intimidate Belle into submission by threatening to withhold food.
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Who did Gaston marry?

Before "Me" in the Broadway version begins, Gaston mentions to the Silly Girls that their "rendezvouses" will continue after he marries Belle, suggesting that he would be unfaithful and that he is an adulterer. He is the first Disney villain to conspire to commit adultery, at least in a Disney musical.
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How long did it take for Belle to fall in love?

Most people think it takes months for her to love the beast, but if you pay attention, it's only three days from the first morning to his transformation. Day 1 Belle goes to town in the morning, says her father is going to show off his machine at the fair "tomorrow" so it can't be too far away.
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Why did Belle marry the beast?

Belle runs back to the forest to take his fathers penalty and the Beast immediately falls in love with her and asks her to marry him, every night she refuses, every night he insist. Belle chooses to take this to hand only because she refuses anything bad to happen to her father.
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Which Disney couple has the largest age gap?

This couple from Tangled are thought to have an eight-year age gap, with Rapunzel being 18 and Flynn being 26.
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Which Disney Princess has the fewest lines?

However, with only 18 spoken lines, Aurora speaks less than any other main character in a full-length Disney animated feature – aside from Dumbo, who is completely silent – and has absolutely no dialogue once she is awakened from her deep sleep.
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Who is the oldest Disney Princess?

They were given an official number in the franchise line-up based on the chronological order in which their films were released, starting with Snow White as the first and original Disney Princess, with Cinderella being the second, followed by Aurora and so on.
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What disorder does Belle from Beauty and the Beast have?

The original Beauty of Beauty and the Beast did suffer from Stockholm syndrome. She developed feelings for the Beast under duress, alone and unsupported, rather than through genuine connection. However, as the story has been altered for modern audiences, elements of Stockholm syndrome have all but vanished.
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Did Belle ever marry the beast?

The queen left him in the care of an evil fairy who tried to seduce him when he became an adult; when he refused, she transformed him into a beast. Only by finding true love, despite his ugliness, could the curse be broken. He and Beauty are married and they live happily ever after together.
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Why did Belle ask for a rose?

In the Disney movie, the rose symbolizes how much time the Beast has left to break the spell. However, in the original tale, the rose is actually what gets Belle into trouble in the first place. In Villeneuve's story, Belle asks her merchant father to bring her back a rose from his business trip.
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Is Beast based on a true story?

Though Beast was likely inspired by the story of the Tsavo Man-Eaters, it is not based on the real-life events. There are many differences between the stories, such as Beast's village setting rather than a construction site and the focus on Idris Elba's character and family.
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Why did Beast turn evil?

Beast's descent into darkness began with his desire to develop a cure for the Legacy Virus. Believing that he should be able to solve any solution with time and effort, Beast's pursuit of a cure became an unhealthy obsession.
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Who was the killer in Beast?

Serial Killer: One has been operating in Moll's community for a number of years, raping and killing young women. Pascal is suspected of being the killer, forming one of the main plots of the film. In the end, it's revealed he really was the killer all along.
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Did Beauty sleep with the Beast?

Beauty finally agrees to sleep with the Beast and marry him in the original Villeneuve. The Beast then sleeps beside her during the night, although no other activities beyond Beauty's mysterious dreams are described.
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How old was the beast when he married Belle?

Though the Beast's official age is not mentioned in the movie, it is strongly indicated by the narrator's statement that the rose "would bloom until his 21st year." As the rose has already begun to wilt by the time Belle arrives at the castle, it is very likely that the Beast is 20 years (i.e. on their 21st year) of ...
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