How long does Victor remain ill after seeing the dead body?

When Victor sees the body, he does indeed react with horror, for the victim is Henry Clerval, with the black marks of the monster's hands around his neck. In shock, Victor falls into convulsions and suffers a long illness. Victor remains ill for two months.
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What happened to Victor after being shown the corpse?

Victor is brought to the body and realizes that it is the body of Henry Clerval, his best friend since childhood. Victor becomes extremely distressed by this and is taken out of the room ''in strong convulsions. '' Victor develops a fever, becomes incredibly ill, and is bedridden and delusional for two months.
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How long was Frankenstein sick?

But, weakened by months of work and shock at the horrific being he has created, he immediately falls ill with a nervous fever that lasts several months. Henry nurses him back to health and, when Victor has recovered, gives him a letter from Elizabeth that had arrived during his illness.
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How long is Victor ill in Chapter 5?

Victor soon collapses into a fever through which Clerval has to nurse him. For several months, Victor is very ill. Though he rants and raves about his creature, Henry either does not understand him or does not believe him.
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How does Victor recover from his illness in Frankenstein?

Victor's recovery really begins after he writes a response to Justine's letter. He studies languages with Henry until he is healthy enough to return home since the thought of studying science makes him feel ill again.
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Can We Actually Build FRANKENSTEIN's Monster?

Why is Victor recovering from illness?

The illness allows him to temporarily escape from any responsibility he has and also to talk about his guilt, soothing his conscience. He always regains his health, of course, because he has obligations to the people around him to appear normal and also to himself to stop the monster.
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What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers from his prolonged illness?

What is waiting for Victor when he finally recovers? Who has nursed him during his illness? A letter from Elizabeth is waiting for Victor. Clerval nursed Victor back to health.
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Who looks after Victor while he's ill?

Henry is Victor's best friend who looks after him when he is ill and accompanies him to England.
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What happened to Victor in Chapter 7?

Near where his brother died, Victor sees a figure resembling the monster. He realizes that the monster killed William, which means that he, Victor, is really responsible since he created the monster. Victor realizes the cost of his arrogant assault on nature and begins to lose his innocence.
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What happens to Victor in Chapter 6?

Near the end of term, as Victor and Clerval wait to travel back to Geneva, they take a tour around Germany which rekindles Victor's love of nature and raises his spirits. Victor views nature as a Romantic poet would: sublime, impenetrable, free from the burdens of fallible human life. It provides him with relief.
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How long was Frankenstein sick after creating the monster?

Earlier in the novel, after completing his studies, and after much experimenting, Victor discovered 'the secret of life. ' With this knowledge, he built a human body from parts, then animated the body. However, he was so appalled by his work that he ran from it and collapsed into a months-long nervous fever.
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What is Victor Frankenstein's illness?

In Frankenstein, Victor's dual diagnosis of monomania and antisocial personality disorder bridges the historical gap between early eighteenth century and modern society's perception of insanity, while the attribution of these two diagnoses can enable the audience to sympathize with Victor.
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How long does Frankenstein live?

Frankenstein is depicted as being a narcissist who, after drinking an immortality serum he invented, has lived for more than a thousand years.
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How long does Victor remain ill after seeing the dead body in Chapter 21 and 22 of Shelley's Frankenstein?

Victor remains ill for two months. Upon his recovery, he finds himself still in prison.
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Does Victor marry the corpse?

Emily, now freed from her torment, releases Victor of his vow to marry her and returns his ring, allowing him to marry Victoria.
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Why did Emily turn into butterflies?

After getting her freedom and finally being at peace, Emily gained the ability to turn herself into a swarm of butterflies, likely symbolizing her ascent into Heaven. Emily is great at singing and dancing, being skilled at both nostalgic and enthusiastic songs and step-sequences.
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What happens to Victor in Chapter 8?

Summary: Chapter 8

Victor becomes consumed with guilt, knowing that the monster he created and the cloak of secrecy within which the creation took place have now caused the deaths of two members of his family.
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What happens to Victor in Chapter 9?

In Chapter 9, Victor, Elizabeth, and Alphonse leave Geneva to seek solace at the Frankenstein home in Belrive, a quaint village surrounded by natural beauty on the shores of Lake Geneva. After contemplating suicide briefly, Victor finds that he is not able to lift his depression by spending time on the lake alone.
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What happened in Chapter 8 of Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein witnesses Justine's trial and is racked with guilt. He knows she is innocent but cannot admit it. Doing so would mean either implicating himself or revealing the existence of the creature, which would lead to further problems. Justine is found guilty of William's murder and sentenced to death.
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Who nursed Victor back to health?

Henry Clerval

Victor's boyhood friend, who nurses Victor back to health in Ingolstadt. After working unhappily for his father, Henry begins to follow in Victor's footsteps as a scientist.
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What did Victor do after he saw Elizabeth dead?

Summary: Chapter 23

Victor finally breaks his secrecy and tries to convince a magistrate in Geneva that an unnatural monster is responsible for the death of Elizabeth, but the magistrate does not believe him. Victor resolves to devote the rest of his life to finding and destroying the monster.
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How does Mr Kirwin treat Victor?

Mr. Kirwin treats him kindly, advising him that he'll likely be freed. He also tells Victor that his father has come to see him. Yet unlike the monster, Victor still does have connections to other men and a family.
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What causes victor to become sick and near death for two months?

The monster kills Henry out of revenge because Victor did not create a companion for him. This death is tremendously upsetting to Victor because Henry was his childhood friend. It's so traumatic, in fact, that he becomes gravely ill and is rendered insensible for two months after seeing the corpse.
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What does Victor say on his deathbed?

On his deathbed, Victor also acknowledges that he is not just responsible for the creature but also responsible to him: “I … was bound towards him, to assure, as far as was in my power, his happiness and well-being” (p. 181).
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What excuse does Victor make on his deathbed?

On his deathbed, Victor admits that he had an obligation to make sure his creature had a happy life.
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