How many BORG drones are there?

"The Borg Collective is a vast civilization, estimated in the trillions, assimilating worlds and species, constantly growing and evolving. In 'Star Trek: Voyager,' they control 10,000 star systems and billions of individuals, hinting at trillions of Borg drones.
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How many Borg exist?

Whilst the Borg are primarily a nomadic space-bearing race they do however occupy planets with a typical population of nine billion drones primarily for the purposes of strip-mining the planets of all natural resources.
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Is there more than one Borg ship?

Other Borg ships, such as the Borg Sphere and Borg Tactical Cube, possess unique abilities and pose a significant threat to Starfleet. The Borg Queen's ship, known as the Singularity, is a more advanced Borg ship with the ability to tear a hole in space-time, showing the evolution of the Borg in the Star Trek universe.
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How long do Borg drones live?

There is no stated lifespan for the Borg; unless their ship or cube is destroyed they don't really die supposedly. Even the Borg Documentary doesn't have a lifespan for a Drone.
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Did V. Ger create the Borg?

In the game Star Trek: Legacy, it is said that V'ger itself created the Borg to gain the knowledge by assimilation.
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Borg Drone One enhances systems on Voyager

How many Borg queens are there?

Only one Queen exists at any given time; when she is destroyed, a new Queen takes her place. In Star Trek: Voyager, it's revealed that the Borg Queen isn't a singular entity, but the name given to any that serves as its host, possessing all previous Queen's collective consciousness.
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Are there two Borg collectives now?

The "Good Borg", Jurati's Borg, were established in the Alpha Quadrant in the 21st century, when the queen from the alternate timeline and Jurati merged. The Borg that are assimilating the fleet in Picard season 3 are the "Bad Borg", not Jurati's Borg.
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Who is more powerful than the Borg?

Star Trek: Voyager

The Borg discover Species 8472 in the Delta Quadrant and try to assimilate its biotechnology, which is more advanced than anything the Borg have seen. The Borg quickly realize that Species 8472 is immune to assimilation and that contemporary Borg technology is no match for it.
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What is the most powerful Starfleet vessel?

1 USS Vengeance (Dreadnought Class)

With the unholy pact that Khan made, helping to design this ship, and his heightened intellect, Starfleet was able to secretly create one of the largest and the single most destructive forces in Starfleet's history.
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Do the Borg know about Q?

And since the Borg did not know about Q, for them, it might have appeared as an untamed tease, baiting them into the alpha quadrant.
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How many Borg cubes did Voyager destroy?

In Endgame , Voyager used transphasic torpedoes to destroy three cubes. During the series, several other non cube vessels (probe vessel, sphere and Queen's diamond vessel) were also destroyed.
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Did the Romulans create the Borg?

Although any further details would be purely speculative, it fits with the established canon and timeline that the ancient Romulans could've started experimenting with artificial life forms, accidentally created the Borg and realized the terror their experiments had given rise to.
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Is there a Borg Homeworld?

Officially, the existence of a Borg homeworld is a hypothetical one as it has yet to be revealed in a canon Star Trek source. However, an identity for the Borg homeworld is given by the non-canon novel Lost Souls, which names it Arehaz.
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What species created the Borg?

The forced merging of the humans and the mostly decayed Caeliar results in the creation of the first Borg.
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What race is the Borg Queen?

The Borg queen was a member of Species 125. Note: This is NOT a PC and NPC rated species. Species 125 is the Borg designation for a species as yet unknown to the Federation outside of the Collective. However, it is likely that this species has been completely assimilated.
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Why can't the Borg assimilate Species 8472?

The Borg learn everything they know about an enemy through assimilating beings. The Borg couldn't assimilate Species 8472 because their immune systems were hyper-advanced.
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Could Q defeat the Borg?

The Borg, while still a powerful threat, are nothing compared to this type of power. The Q are not only able to defeat their entire race without breaking a sweat, but can also eradicate any trace of their existence altogether.
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Is data more advanced than the Borg?

However Geordi said that Data was able to move faster than Borg drones, who couldn't move any faster than a human; while Data could move fairly quickly over almost any terrain (but he couldn't swim at that time).
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Are there two Borg queens?

It was later revealed that the Borg Queen was merely an avatar for the true power behind the Collective. The Destiny trilogy also mentioned that multiple Queens have been known to exist simultaneously in the Collective, but they all possessed the same agenda.
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How did Janeway defeat the Borg?

Admiral Janeway allows herself to be captured by the Borg Queen, so that she can implant a neurological pathogen into the Collective. The pathogen cripples the Collective, destroying the Queen's ship, and allowing the USS Voyager to ride through the Borg's transwarp corridor back to Earth.
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Is Dr. Jurati the Borg Queen?

Jurati returns as the Borg Queen. Upon returning from 2024 moments before the explosion, Picard canceled the auto-destruct and allowed the Borg Queen to proceed after realizing that it was the same Queen from an alternate timeline who had merged with Dr. Jurati.
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Did the Borg join the Federation?

The borg collective as a whole didn't join the federation it was just a small splinter group of the borg that joined the federation the main borg collective is still an enemy of the federation and would mostly likely never join the federation instead would keep on trying to assimilate the federation.
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Is the Borg Queen Seven's mother?

Originally Answered: Is the Borg Queen 7 of 9's mother? We know for a fact that she is not. The Queen was a member of Species 125, Erin Hansen was human and therefore a member of Species 5618.
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What happened to the original Borg Queen?

The Queen was seemingly killed by the Enterprise-E crew before they returned to 2373. However, the Borg Queen was subsequently resurrected and returned in Star Trek: Voyager, where the crew of the USS Voyager did battle with her on multiple occasions while traveling through the Delta Quadrant.
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