How many C sections has Angelina Jolie had?

Actress and philanthropist Angelina Jolie As well as three adopted children, Angelina Jolie has three biological children, Shiloh and twins Knox and Vivienne, who were all born via c-section. Shiloh was breech, and born by a c-section in Namibia in 2006.
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Did Britney Spears have C-section?

"I have a feeling I'm going to have an operation. I don't know why. But I hope so, as I don't want to go through the pain," said Brit. Britney went on to have both her sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James, delivered by caesarean.
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Who had the most C-sections?

Kristina House (USA) has given birth to 11 children (six girls and five boys) all by Caesarean section between 15 May 1979 and 20 November 1998.
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Which actress gave birth through C-section?

​Kareena Kapoor Khan

Kareena's both the boys were born via C-section delivery.
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Did Beyonce give birth by C-section?

The star had to undergo an emergency caesarean, and gave birth to the twins on 13 June 2017. In addition to the emergency caesarean, Beyoncé opens up in the film about experiencing preeclampsia during her pregnancy. "I was 218 pounds the day I gave birth.
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How many biological children does Angelina Jolie have?

Did Beyoncé give birth to any of her kids?

Rumi and Sir, 6. Following an "extremely difficult" pregnancy, Beyoncé gave birth to daughter Rumi and son Sir in L.A. on June 13, 2017. Exactly one month after their birth, the couple made their first public appearance together since becoming parents to three on July 13.
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Did Angelina Jolie have C-sections?

Angelina Jolie

Jolie has been outspoken about her C-section births and certainly not ashamed of the way that these three of her children came into the world. "I had a C-section, and I found it fascinating," she told Vanity Fair.
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What is the golden hour of C-section birth?

The Golden Hour is the time right after delivery where mom and baby have uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact for at least the first one to two hours. As long as mom and baby are well, immediate and continuous skin-to-skin contact is recommended.
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Has anyone had a natural birth after 3 C-sections?

The limited evidence we have says that 79% of those who plan a vaginal birth after three or more cesareans will have one, and as we don't have firm data on the likelihood of uterine rupture, we can't say for certain where that particular risk lies.
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Has anyone had a natural birth after 4 C-sections?

Giving birth to your baby vaginally after several caesareans (VBAC) is possible. Most women who have had up to four caesarean births are able to have a successful VBAC without any complications (NHS 2019, NICE 2021, RCOG 2015). Although it is achievable, there are some risks that increase with each caesarean.
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What is more painful C-section or natural birth?

Recovery times following C-sections are also typically longer than those following natural birth. Ultimately, a natural birth may be more painful than a cesarean section. However, the pain after your cesarean section combined with the heightened risks to you and your baby may outweigh the initial pain of childbirth.
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What's the most C-sections a woman can have?

There's really no set rule when it comes to the number of C-sections you can have. "I have performed a woman's sixth C-section with virtually no complications or difficulties, and I have performed second cesarean sections with many adhesions and potential complications," says Jason S. James, MD, an OB-GYN in Miami.
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Why did Angelina Jolie have C sections?

Angelina Jolie has three biological children (as well as her three adopted children) and she gave birth to each of them via c-section. Shiloh Nouvel was breech, and as a result was born by caesarean in a hospital in Namibia in 2006.
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Did Julia Roberts have ac section?

"Once he threatened to come early, the doctor planned a C-section, but he came a week earlier than they had planned," she says. Julia Roberts' twins Hazel Patricia Moder and Phinnaeus "Finn" Walter Moder were born prematurely in 2004 by C-section after Julia was confined to bed rest.
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Did Kate Hudson have ac section?

In an interview with Cosmopolitan, the actress was asked "What's the laziest thing you've ever done?" She responded, "Have a c-section!" The actress' first child, Ryder, was born via cesarean in 2004.
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Do they cut the same scar for a second C-section?

If you're having a second C-section, normally your surgeon will attempt to cut through the same scar. This might not be possible if there's lots of scar tissue in the area, or if the scar tissue is too thick to cut through.
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Can C-section cause problems years later?

Long-term gynaecological complications include a scar defect which can be associated with postmenstrual spotting, dysmenorrhoea, caesarean scar ectopic pregnancies, and pelvic adhesions which are associated with chronic pelvic pain and a decreased fertility rate.
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Do you lose weight after C-section or natural birth?

C-sections themselves don't affect weight loss after birth, however a longer time of remaining less active will make weight loss more challenging.
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Is labor faster after C-section?

Compared to primiparous women having a vaginal birth, women having their first vaginal birth after a cesarean section have a shorter 1st stage of labor (particularly if the cesarean was performed in advanced labor), a higher risk of sustaining cervical lacerations and perineal trauma.
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Why are C-section babies sleepy?

Any anaesthetic in your system will not be harmful to your baby. However the anaesthetic may make your baby very sleepy during the first few days—you may have to wake them up and encourage them to nurse.
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Will the mother be awake during C-section?

Most women are awake and simply numbed from the waist down using regional anesthesia (an epidural and/or a spinal block) during a C-section. That way, they are awake to see and hear their baby being born.
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Did Megan Fox have natural childbirth?

I just said that I had a natural birth because I was so completely traumatised by the fact that I hadn't given birth. I felt like a complete failure. My whole life, I'd been told I had great child-bearing hips. There's this thing amongst women that if you can handle childbirth you can handle anything.
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Did Serena Williams have ac section?

When contractions began, baby Olympia's heartrate plunged. An emergency cesarean section was performed, and Williams' delivered her first child.
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Did Chrissy Teigen have C-section?

Specifically, the 37-year-old had a cesarean section instead of a natural birth. But for Teigen, this was exciting news, so much so, that she even took pictures throughout the process and still has them.
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