How many F-bombs were in Good Will Hunting?

Lots of language throughout: About 150 F-words, including “f-ck you” “motherf-cker” “go f-ck yourself” and sometimes used more than once in a single sentence.
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What actor has used the most F bombs?

More On: al pacino

Starting with the F-word, Newark, New Jersey-born Joe Pesci has dropped the expletive 272 times in all of his movies – more than any other actor. While the thespian was infamous for his F-word rant in “Goodfellas” as gangster Tommy DeVito — “You said I'm funny.
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Who dropped the most F bombs in a movie?

And believe it or not, it's NOT Samuel L. Jackson…

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”.
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How many times does strays say the F-word?

129 uses of "fuck".
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Why is the F-word used so much in movies?

As one commentator notes, Hollywood “uses the f-word as a sort of signal to attract the audience it wants: the 15-to-25-year-olds who rush out to opening weekends and put a movie on the map.”
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How many F bombs can a movie have?

Using the F-word in PG-13/12A movies - IMDb. The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie.
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How many F bombs are in Deadpool?

There is also about 85 F words, and about 30 S words. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, Deadpool gets very drunk in one scene, and there are a few smoking scenes. Overall, it's a very funny superhero movie and I love it, but it's absolutely not for kids. 6 people found this helpful.
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What actor holds the record for swearing in movies?

Hill has used a total of 376 curse words in film history, followed by Leonardo DiCaprio who has cursed 361 times. Jackson came in third with 301 curses used throughout his career.
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What country swears the most?

Cursing countries which swear the most - and the least

Coming out on top as the most likely to use explicit language online is France. The French have 7.59% - or seven in every 100 people - using curse words online per year.
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How many times does Good Will Hunting say the F word?

He's said the word 126 times, with the most in Good Will Hunting, at 38 times. Boston's own Mark Wahlberg is next, with 84 career f-bombs, 37 of which were in The Gambler. Finally, Matt Damon of Boston made the list with 75 f-bombs; 30 in just The Departed.
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What was the first movie to drop the F bomb?

If we're talking about mainstream Hollywood cinema, which is a decent enough place to start, the answer is the 1970 Robert Altman film M*A*S*H.
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What is the oldest swear word?

What is the first swear word? The word fart is the first and therefore, the oldest swear word in the English language.
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What movie has 400 swear words?

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut hold the record for the most swear words in an animated feature film. The movie has an incredible 399 swear words, more than any other cartoon characters have ever spoken on the big screen.
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What song has most f words?

The 1980s group, 2 Live Crew, made everyone sound like they were just writing the encore for the school play and Lil' Jon (see below) holds a Guinness World Record with 295 cusses in just one song: 2004's "Real N----- Roll Call," with Ice Cube. A special gold star, however, goes to Welsh rockers Super Furry Animals.
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Has there ever been an F-bomb in Marvel?

James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 holds the honor of having the Marvel Cinematic Universe's first F-bomb, but there's a better place they could have used the word for greater emotional impact.
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Has there ever been an F-bomb in a Marvel movie?

Summary. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 breaks the MCU's cursing trend with its first uncensored F-bomb, adding a fitting touch to the emotional and humorous film. Audiences can now catch the moment on Disney+ after the movie's release, as Star-Lord frustratedly drops the uncensored F-bomb on Counter-Earth.
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Has Deadpool survived a nuke?

Deadpool can survive a nuclear bomb -- how hard could it be, right? The merc has been known for being indestructible, but you would have never guessed that he could survive his very atoms being blown to bits.
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How many F bombs are in Scarface?

Ironically, Scarface ranks a bit low in terms of total F-bombs, with just 226 to its name. It feels like more when watching the film, perhaps due to the gritty subject matter, but Scarface is actually one of the lightweights when it comes to profanity.
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Is the F-word in Beetlejuice?

Profanity (6)

"Hell," and "damnit," can be heard a few times. Two uses of "fuck", one isn't clearly heard like the other, and two of "shit". "Goddamn" is said at the very beginning of the film.
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How many F bombs are in R-rated movies?

How many F bombs are in R-rated movies? A common thing that people tell you about the MPA is that for PG-13, you are only allowed one F-bomb in a non-sexual way (though there have been films with two or more uses), as they say that two uses can get a film rated R.
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How many F-words are in Scream 5?

Nearly 80 F-words and other strong language. 12 uses of a-s 5 uses of b-tch 8 uses of d-mn.
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Which actors say the F word the most?

Believe it or not it is Joe Pesci has the record for most F-bombs in his movies, at 272. He's followed by Al Pacino with 197, Jason Mewes and Jonah Hill with 183 apiece . . . and Leonardo DiCaprio with 144.
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