How many F-words are in the Irishman?

5 'The Irishman' (2019) - 136 F-words Though it's not the most profanity-laden of Scorsese's crime films, it still manages to accumulate well over 100 F-bombs across its lengthy 3.5-hour runtime.
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Is The Irishman ok for kids?

Rated R for pervasive language and strong violence.
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Which Martin Scorsese film has the most F-bombs?

The Wolf of Wall Street once held the record for the most f-bombs in a film, with 569 instances and a rate of 2.81 times per minute.
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How many times is the f word used in Goodfellas?

used 321 times, for an average of 2.04 per minute.
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How many times does Casino say the f word?

In sixth place is Martin Scorsese's 1990 film, Casino, with 422 f-words. And while the documentary Swearnet: The Movie is technically first on the list with 935 instances of the word, Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street places first for scripted films with 569 f-bombs said in 180 minutes.
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The Best of Al Pacino Cursing in The Irishman | Netflix

How many F-words are in Deadpool?

Will he say it more this time?
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How many F-words are in Superbad?

Characters use the f-word nearly 200 times during the 110-minute film—one every half minute or so.
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How many f-words are in Scarface?

'F*ck' is said 207 times, including paired with the word 'mother' and used in a sexual context. 'Wh*re' is said at least once.
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How many F-words are in Big Lebowski?

It's one of the best loved films of the 1990s – but did you know that the Coen brothers' slacker odyssey is also one of the sweariest films ever made? Specifically, The Big Lebowski features no fewer than 280 F-bombs in its two-hour runtime, dropped by Jeff Bridges and co at a staggering swear-rate of 2.4 per minute.
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What actor uses the F word the most?

Believe it or not it is Joe Pesci has the record for most F-bombs in his movies, at 272.
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Is the f word used in Killers of the Flower Moon?

"Killers of the Flower Moon" is rated R, which I believe is the correct rating. The movie has three, maybe four F-words, which is shocking for a Scorsese film. "The Departed" had nearly 240.
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How much swearing in Goodfellas?

Almost every other word is the f-bomb in that flick. Goodfellas has 300 F-words used at 2.05/min rate stands in number 14 for the most number of F-word used in a non-documentary film.
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How many F-words are in Wolf of Wall Street?

The Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer 'The Wolf of Wall Street' has 506 f-word expletives, according to the Guinness World Records. In total, the film has 687 expletives- an average of 3.81 swear words per minute.
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Why is The Irishman so good?

One reason for Scorsese's success is he works with great actors. In this case, the stars are Robert De Niro as Frank “The Irishman” Sheeran, Joe Pesci as Mafia boss Russell Bufalino and Al Pacino as Teamsters Union leader Jimmy Hoffa. A few other fine actors have small roles, but these three dominate the screen.
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What age is Frank Sheeran in The Irishman?

The film covers decades in the lives of these characters. Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci are both 76 years old, and Al Pacino is 79, yet in the film, De Niro alone appears as Frank Sheeran aged: 24, 36, 41, 42, 47, 55, and then eventually his actual age 76.
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How old is deniro supposed to be in The Irishman?

As a viewer, it's hard not to be immediately taken out of the picture because De Niro's character, Frank Sheeran, is supposed to be around 35 years old in the scene. Instead, he seems more like a Madame Tussaud's figure of the actor in his prime, one that's been on display in a wax museum for 35 years.
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Who says the F word most?

It's Joe Pesci, who's said the F-word 272 times in his various movies. But check this out: 241 of those were from a single movie: “Casino”. Al Pacino is second, with 197, followed by Jason Mewes of Jay & Silent Bob fame and Jonah Hill with 183 apiece, Leonardo DiCaprio with 144, and Seth Rogen with 140.
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How many times did Joe Pesci say the F word?

Joe Pesci “is here to f–kin' amuse you” with a vulgar vocabulary. The Newark native, 79, reigns as the don when it comes to most “f–ks” uttered in his film career, with a staggering 272, according to a study by Crossword-Solver published on Oct. 4.
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How many F bombs are in a PG-13 movie?

Using the F-word in PG-13/12A movies - IMDb. The restrictions set by the Us ratings board mean the F-word can only be used once in a PG-13 movie.
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How many F-words are in Oppenheimer?

For the most part "Oppenheimer" has about as much language as many of Nolan's other films, like "Inception" or the "Dark Knight" saga. Where it differs is about eight to 10 F-words sprinkled throughout the movie. They do not come all at once, and they are not constant.
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Did anyone get injured filming Titanic?

"Titanic" Several actors were injured while shooting the famous sinking scene in "Titanic" (1997) after they fell and struck parts of the ship. The injuries suffered ranged from broken bones to ruptured organs.
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Is Scarface 18+?

Age Guidance: 18 - See more about BBFC ratings here.
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How many F-words are in Scream 3?

Profanity (2)

Moderate. 28 F-words, a profane finger gesture, 14 anatomical references, 19 scatological references, 17 mild obscenities and some insults.
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Which actor has the most F-words?

Joe Pesci, who is not from New England, but rather New Jersey, is by far the actor that has dropped the most f-bombs. He's so far ahead of everyone else, with 272 f-bombs in movies. But get this: 241 were in the film Casino alone. How hilarious is that?
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How many F-words are in Scream 4?

Crude or Profane Language

More than 40 uses of the f-word and nearly 20 of the s-word—not counting what might be said in the film's profane soundtrack.
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