How many Jedi died in the sacking of Coruscant?

During the fighting, six members of the Jedi High Council were killed.
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How many Jedi were killed in the Jedi Temple?

For more than 1,000 years, the temple housed hundreds of thousands of Jedi and served as the Order's base of operation. Although the exact number isn't known, it's said about 9,500 Jedi died during the first days of Order 66, with the majority meeting their end in the temple itself.
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How many Jedi were on Coruscant during Order 66?

As detailed in a related question, it was estimated that there were around 10,000 Jedi at the time that they were wiped off the face of the galaxy by Clone Troopers.
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What happened after the Sacking of Coruscant?

The Sacking of Coruscant placed the Republic's capital firmly under the control of the Sith Empire, and gave the Imperial delegation on Alderaan the leverage they needed in order to demand the Republic's surrender of the war.
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How many times was the Jedi Temple sacked?

These, then, are the five times that the Jedi Temple was invaded, taken from The Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith, one novel, and one comic-book series. The story they collectively tell is the Star Wars narrative in a microcosm: deceptions, betrayals, disillusionment, destruction, and, ultimately, hope and redemption.
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You Will Never Be a Jedi Master !

How many Jedi died in Order 66?

But these complaints often ignore the sheer number of Jedi who did die during Order 66 and shortly afterward. We are talking about, at least, a few thousand. Considering how few survivors there are—less than 100 as of 2023—the actual death toll is probably closer to nine thousand or so. That's still a lot of dead Jedi!
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Who killed the 4 Jedi Masters?

Vader and the 501st Legion stormed the Temple and proceeded to slaughter nearly every Jedi within its walls, murdering both esteemed Masters and defenseless younglings. The Temple was set ablaze while all of Galactic City watched.
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Why didn't the Empire destroy Coruscant?

Coruscant's potential destruction may have been planned, as recent comics revealed a system called Protocol 23 controlled by Palpatine himself, suggesting it could have been employed during Operation: Cinder. However, the Empire withdrew for Jakku before fully completing the operation, leaving Coruscant intact.
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Did Coruscant get blown up by the first order?

When the First Order annihilated the New Republic in J.J. Abrams' The Force Awakens (2015), Starkiller Base blew up the galactic capital Hosnian Prime rather than Coruscant. Lucasfilm executive Hidalgo was recently asked on Twitter about the decision to make Hosnian Prime the capital in Episode VII.
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Why was Coruscant never destroyed?

Abrams and Bad Robot wanted to blow up Coruscant, whereas Lucasfilm tried to preserve it. Pablo Hidalgo's tweets have since been deleted, but he commented below some of what he commented. “Basically, BR (Bad Robot) wanted it blown up; LFL (Lucasfilm Ltd.) didn't.
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Who is the deadliest Jedi?

10 Deadliest Jedi High Council Members
  • 8 Yoda.
  • 7 Mace Windu.
  • 6 Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • 5 Saesee Tiin.
  • 4 Kit Fisto.
  • 3 Agen Kolar.
  • 2 Depa Billaba.
  • 1 Anakin Skywalker.
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Who killed the most Jedi in Order 66?

Nearly all the surviving Jedi Knights were hunted down and killed by Darth Vader, while Order 66 remained in effect indefinitely among the ranks of the Galactic Empire's newly christened stormtroopers.
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What was order 67?

Execute Order 67." "Yes, my lord." Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance and clean their armor.
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What was the saddest Jedi deaths?

Either way, some of these deaths were much sadder losses for fans than others.
  1. 1 Order 66. Order 66 is definitely the saddest moment of the entire Skywalker Saga.
  2. 2 Han Solo. ...
  3. 3 Padme Amidala. ...
  4. 4 Rogue One's Ending. ...
  5. 5 Qui-Gon Jinn. ...
  6. 6 Mace Windu. ...
  7. 7 Obi-Wan Kenobi. ...
  8. 8 Shmi Skywalker. ...
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Did the 501st ever lose a battle?

On Coruscant, the 501st was defeated by Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi who infiltrated the Temple, while Sidious declared himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
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Who was the female Jedi killed in Order 66?

Aayla was killed, along with many other Jedi Generals, when her troops turned on her in reaction to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's broadcast of Order 66.
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How many people died when Coruscant was destroyed?

It was estimated by both Sith and Jedi that the death toll lay somewhere between the tens of thousands and one hundred thousand.
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What happened to Coruscant in 10,000 Aby?

At the start of the year 10,000 ABY, during the celebration marking the anniversary of Luke Skywalker's defeat of the Sith and the fall of the Galactic Empire, all contact with Coruscant was lost.
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Why is Coruscant not in the sequel trilogy?

Coruscant serves as the galactic capital for the New Republic government in Ahsoka, but by the time of the sequel trilogy, the New Republic has left the planet and relocated to Hosnian Prime.
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Did Coruscant get destroyed by Starkiller?

In the final version of The Force Awakens, Starkiller Base destroys “the Republic,” which we later learn is in the Hosnian system. At the time of the movie's release in 2015, this was a new star system in Star Wars lore and indicated that the New Republic didn't set up shop on Coruscant after beating the Empire.
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Why was the Coruscant Guard hated?

Fox LED the elite Coruscant Guard shock troopers. organized to serve as a military police force. so why is Fox so hated? first of all, he shot one of the most beloved clone troopers in fives.
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What happened to the Coruscant Guard after Order 66?

After the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Coruscant Guard was retained by the New Order, and thus continued to serve as a security force on Coruscant, albeit with the new mission of enforcing the reign of the self-declared Emperor Palpatine.
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Who is the weakest Jedi master?

Sha'a Gi lacked Force awareness, physical ability, and an enduring spirit, making him the weakest Jedi in the Star Wars franchise.
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Who could beat Palpatine Jedi?

Versus: Who are some characters that could beat Emperor Palpatine besides Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and Yoda? Well, for one, Anakin at his full potential could demolish Palps. In fact, Anakin at his peak is shown to be able to take on the entire Jedi Council.
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Which Jedi fought Palpatine?

In the final days of the Clone Wars, Windu turned to Kolar again, calling on him, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto to arrest Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Confronted by the Jedi, Palpatine threw off his guise and revealed himself as Darth Sidious.
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