How many people died when Coruscant was destroyed?

It was estimated by both Sith and Jedi that the death toll lay somewhere between the tens of thousands and one hundred thousand. With the Republic's capital securely in their grip, the Empire was able to take command of the negotiations on Alderaan.
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How many people died on Coruscant?

9,890 total, minus the 15 Jedi previously counted and not including Mace Windu since his death was before Order 66 was given. Jedi Padawan Whie Malreaux - Slashed by Darth Vader with his lightsaber on the orders of Darth Sidious, shown on a hologram recording.
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What were the losses in the Battle of Coruscant?

The Separatists were dealt a crippling loss from Coruscant, with an entire third of the fleet they had deployed into the battle lost. Worse than that though was the loss of their leader, Count Dooku.
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When did Coruscant get destroyed?

The Destruction of Coruscant was an event that took place in the year 10,000 ABY.
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How many people live in Coruscant underworld?

The population of Coruscant is officially 1 trillion beings, but the real numbers is 2–3 trillion. That rounds out to 500 million to a billion beings in each level. But the lower levels are much more densely occupied that the upper levels.
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What planets did Starkiller Base destroy and why?

What is the very bottom of Coruscant?

Coruscant's lowest level is called level zero, which is the ground on which Coruscant was built. This has long since been buried under 5,000 city levels. The only part of level zero left was the tips of the Manari mountains, which formed the base of Monument Plaza.
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What is the level 1 of Coruscant?

Level 1 was the lowest megastructure level constructed on the planet Coruscant and was deemed uninhabitable. Level 1 was one of the very first levels of Coruscant constructed in 100,000 BBY that eventually rose from the soil into a world-spanning city.
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Why didn't the First Order destroy Coruscant?

Lucasfilm executive Hidalgo was recently asked on Twitter about the decision to make Hosnian Prime the capital in Episode VII. According to Hidalgo, Abrams and company at Bad Robot wanted to blow up Coruscant while Lucasfilm wanted to preserve the legacy planet. Hosnian Prime was the compromise.
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How many Jedi died in the sacking of Coruscant?

During the fighting, six members of the Jedi High Council were killed.
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Did Naboo get destroyed?

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
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Why was the Coruscant Guard hated?

Fox LED the elite Coruscant Guard shock troopers. organized to serve as a military police force. so why is Fox so hated? first of all, he shot one of the most beloved clone troopers in fives.
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How many Jedi died on Jabiim?

After the Republic left Jabiim, it finally ended up in the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the battle on the surface of the planet, the Republic lost 27 Jedi, at least 9,000 clone troopers, two transports, and many AT-ATs, whose trial-by-fire did not go well.
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What species attacked Coruscant?

In a climactic showdown, the Jedi are faced with having to save the lives of millions of innocents on Coruscant by destroying the Zillo Beast, the last of its kind.
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How many Jedi died in Order 66?

But these complaints often ignore the sheer number of Jedi who did die during Order 66 and shortly afterward. We are talking about, at least, a few thousand. Considering how few survivors there are—less than 100 as of 2023—the actual death toll is probably closer to nine thousand or so. That's still a lot of dead Jedi!
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Could a planet like Coruscant exist?

Coruscant. An exoplanet possessing some Earth-like properties, Kepler-452b, might make a good stand-in for Coruscant – the high-tech world seen in several Star Wars films whose surface is encased in a single, globe-spanning city. Kepler-452b belongs to a star system 1.5 billion years older than Earth's.
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What is the richest planet in Star Wars?

Coruscant has 5127 levels, with the 5127th being the wealthiest and the 1st being the poorest. Coruscant has four moons and is the sixth planet out of the eleven that make up the system of the same name. It lies within the Coruscant Subsector of the Corusca Sector, located in the Core Worlds galactic quadrant region.
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Which Jedi died the most?

The majority of Star Wars' Jedi have met a grim end, yet none have died as often as Jedi Master Shaak Ti, who has a quartet of on-screen deaths.
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Who killed most of the Jedi?

Nevertheless, most Jedi died. This included in the Jedi Temple, where almost everyone, including younglings, were killed by Vader and his clone forces.
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How many Jedi died at Geonosis?

Chee's blog also states that 11 Jedi survived outside the arena, putting the total amount of survivors at 31. Veekhoven's Meet the Geonosis Jedi estimated that about 170 Jedi of the strike team died on Geonosis, which would put the total number of survivors around 30.
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Did Yuuzhan Vong destroy Coruscant?

The Yuuzhan Vong eventually captured Coruscant and had it terraformed and renamed Yuuzhan'tar, after their lost homeworld.
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Is Finn Force sensitive?

Finn, formerly designated FN-2187 ("Eight-Seven"), was a Force-sensitive human male and former stormtrooper who served the First Order until his desertion and subsequent defection to the Resistance during the First Order-Resistance War.
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What happened to the Coruscant Guard after Order 66?

After the formation of the Galactic Empire, the Coruscant Guard was retained by the New Order, and thus continued to serve as a security force on Coruscant, albeit with the new mission of enforcing the reign of the self-declared Emperor Palpatine.
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What does the lowest level of Coruscant look like?

The Coruscant underworld, lower levels, undercity, underground, underlevels, or Lower Coruscant were the lowest regions of the city-planet of Coruscant, laid with a mixture of ancient and forgotten ruins from the planet's prehistory along with modern-looking, crime-ridden venues and clubs.
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What is the deepest part of Coruscant?

Coruscant's Level 1313 – so called because it was 1,313 levels from the planet's core – was part of the galactic capital's lawless underworld.
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Why was Coruscant never destroyed?

Abrams and Bad Robot wanted to blow up Coruscant, whereas Lucasfilm tried to preserve it. Pablo Hidalgo's tweets have since been deleted, but he commented below some of what he commented. “Basically, BR (Bad Robot) wanted it blown up; LFL (Lucasfilm Ltd.) didn't.
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