How many times is the F word used in Goodfellas?

Goodfellas ends up hitting 300 F-words, which is an impressive feat for a movie that's less than 150 minutes long. Much of that swearing is courtesy of Joe Pesci, who definitively proved here that few actors have ever been as good at swearing as him.
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Which actors say the F-word the most?

Believe it or not it is Joe Pesci has the record for most F-bombs in his movies, at 272. He's followed by Al Pacino with 197, Jason Mewes and Jonah Hill with 183 apiece . . . and Leonardo DiCaprio with 144.
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How many times is the F-word used in Scarface?

Scarface (1983)

Ironically, Scarface ranks a bit low in terms of total F-bombs, with just 226 to its name.
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How many F bombs are in Deadpool?

There is also about 85 F words, and about 30 S words. There is a lot of drinking and smoking, Deadpool gets very drunk in one scene, and there are a few smoking scenes. Overall, it's a very funny superhero movie and I love it, but it's absolutely not for kids. 6 people found this helpful.
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How many times was the F-word used in Wolf of Wall Street?

The Leonardo DiCaprio-starrer 'The Wolf of Wall Street' has 506 f-word expletives, according to the Guinness World Records. In total, the film has 687 expletives- an average of 3.81 swear words per minute.
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Every F-Word in Goodfellas

Who said the first F word on TV?

1965: First use of the f– word on TV is on 13 November 1965 by literary agent Kenneth Tynan (UK) during a satirical discussion show entitled BBC3.
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What actor swears the most per 1,000 words?

The star recently discovered that Jonah Hill holds the record for most curse words said by an actor on film, and he was very surprised about it.
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Who was the first person who said the F word?

In 2015, Dr. Paul Booth argued he had found "(possibly) the earliest known use of the word 'fuck' that clearly has a sexual connotation": in English court records of 1310–11, a man local to Chester is referred to as "Roger Fuckebythenavele", probably a nickname.
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How many times did Joe Pesci say the F word?

Starting with the F-word, Newark, New Jersey-born Joe Pesci has dropped the expletive 272 times in all of his movies – more than any other actor. While the thespian was infamous for his F-word rant in “Goodfellas” as gangster Tommy DeVito — “You said I'm funny.
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How many F bombs are allowed in R rated movie?

From the MPAA rating guidelines, it reads, ""A motion picture's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, initially requires at least a PG-13 rating. More than one such expletive requires an R rating, as must even one of those words used in a sexual context."
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Why does Hollywood use the F word so much?

As one commentator notes, Hollywood “uses the f-word as a sort of signal to attract the audience it wants: the 15-to-25-year-olds who rush out to opening weekends and put a movie on the map.” But if this were true, every movie would be a Scream or a Wild Things-movies directed solely at 15-to-25 year olds.
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What song has most f words?

The 1980s group, 2 Live Crew, made everyone sound like they were just writing the encore for the school play and Lil' Jon (see below) holds a Guinness World Record with 295 cusses in just one song: 2004's "Real N----- Roll Call," with Ice Cube. A special gold star, however, goes to Welsh rockers Super Furry Animals.
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How many times does breaking bad use the F word?

Profanity (11)

"Jesus", "Christ" and "Jesus Christ" are said multiple times throughout the show. 28 uses of "fuck" throughout the whole series. "Fuck" is said 15 times in Season 1 (there is at least one or two F-bombs per episode), but is seldom used in the rest of the series.
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Which country swears the most?

Cursing countries which swear the most - and the least

Coming out on top as the most likely to use explicit language online is France. The French have 7.59% - or seven in every 100 people - using curse words online per year.
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How many times does Leonardo DiCaprio swear in Wolf of Wall Street?

DiCaprio's Jordan Belfort, the star of “Wolf of Wall Street,” ranks as the “sweariest” film character with 332 swears in the three-hour movie. Hill's supporting character Azoff has the highest rate of curse words of any character, totaling 74 swears per 1,000 words.
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Who swears 23 times per 1,000 words?

Who swears 23 times per 1,000 words? According to the study, Hill says a curse word in “The Wolf of Wall Street” 22.9 times every 1,000 words.
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Is the F word allowed on TV?

Federal law prohibits obscene, indecent and profane content from being broadcast on the radio or TV.
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Who has said the most curse words in movies?

Hill has used a total of 376 curse words in film history, followed by Leonardo DiCaprio who has cursed 361 times. Jackson came in third with 301 curses used throughout his career.
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Is the F word allowed on British TV?

Swearing is acceptable on television in the U.K. but only after 9:00pm. This is the time when it is generally accepted that children are not watching; if children are watching after 9:00pm it's the responsibility of the parents to make the decision on what is and what is not suitable.
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How many F-bombs are in good will hunting?

This is not to mention the 150 or so F-bombs throughout the film. I would not recommend this movie for anyone who wishes to avoid such things.
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What movie has the world record for the most F-bombs?

'The Wolf of Wall Street' Broke the Record for Most F-Bombs in a Film.
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What was the first movie to use profanity?

Then in 1970, Robert Altman's comedy M*A*S*H became the first major studio film to use the f-word, a passing comment during a football scene. It was only a matter of time before cuss works became common in films...and more common in everyday language.
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