How many years was Jason Todd dead for?

Jason remained dead for six months, his legacy haunting Batman. However, when the evil-alternate reality Superman known as Superboy-Prime punched reality itself, the timeline stuttered, and Jason was restored to life. Jason broke out of his coffin, but collapsed from exhaustion in the cemetery.
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How long was Jason Todd Robin for?

Now let's talk time served! Dick ended his time as Robin in 1984's New Teen Titans #39, bringing his tenure to forty-four years. Jason Todd's death in Batman #428 ended his Robin career after four years.
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How long was Jason Todd tortured?

How did Joker torture Jason Todd? Joker faked Jason's death & sent it to Batman, ensuring that Batman would never try and find Jason. Then, he kept him in Arkham Asylum and tortured him for almost 2 years.
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Why didn t Batman save Jason?

Jason was thrust into the world of heroes and villains by Batman. If he were to kill the Joker, Batman would feel a level of responsibility for that. Also, a major theme of Batman, in virtually any medium, is guilt. Batman doesn't want Jason to have to bear the guilt of killing the Joker.
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What did Batman do after Jason died?

On Earth- 51, Batman went on to kill the Joker after Jason Todd's death and eventually killed off a majority of his world's Supervillains in ways that looked like accidents. Because he was never caught, he simply went into semi retirement along with the majority of his world's heroes.
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The Full Story of JASON TODD | Robin / Red Hood

How old was Jason Todd when Joker killed him?

Jason Todd was killed at the age of 15 and was resurrected 6 months later, which didn't seem to change his physical age.
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How old was Batman when Jason Todd died?

Robin comes along in Year 3 (Bruce is 29). In Batman #416, which takes place shortly before Jason Todd's death, Nightwing hasn't seen Bruce in eighteen months. He also says that was Robin for a total of six years. So Bruce is 36 when Jason dies (midway through Year 10 according to DC).
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What is Robin's real name?

Robin the Boy Wonder was actually Dick Grayson, the youngest of a family of circus aerialists, who witnessed his mother and father plunging to their deaths from a sabotaged trapeze. This murder was also observed by wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne.
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Is Robins dad Batman?

Everyone knows Robin is Batman's son, but this moment from Action Comics introduces a bat-shaped paternity bomb via a Metropolis local. In DC Comics, Damian Wayne has held the title of Robin for some years now, and it's a matter of canon that he is the biological child of Batman and his former lover Talia al Ghul.
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Which Robin becomes Nightwing?

Dick Grayson became Nightwing after Batman fired him from his own mantle of Robin for getting shot by Joker.
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Why didn t Superman save Jason Todd?

TLDR: Superman didn't save Jason because he was being tortured by Lex Luthor at the time in order for Luthor to create Conner Kent/Superboy . This is why he wants nothing to do with Superboy once he appears.
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At what age did Bruce leave Gotham?

At the age of 14, Bruce leaves Gotham City to explore and obtain skills in martial arts and forensics.
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How old was Jason when he drowned?

His mother thought he drowned in Crystal Lake at age 11. Jason survived and became a hermit, living in the woods and feeding off plants, bugs and animals. (Some claim he did drown but came back to life to avenge his mother's death).
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Who killed Tim Drake?

While Tim manages to take down the first wave of drones, he is killed apparently by the second wave, devastating the Bat-family and his former Teen Titans teammates. However, just before Tim was blasted by the second wave, he is teleported to an unknown place by Mister Oz and kept prisoner.
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Who kills Red Hood?

He was killed by Joker, but was later revived by the League of Assassins, becoming an enemy of his former mentor; Batman, all in a scheme to kill the Joker.
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Who killed Jason Todd's dad?

Willis Todd was an affiliate of Two-Face, and husband of Catherine Todd and father of Jason Todd. He was later killed by Two-Face after double-crossing him.
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Why did Bruce Wayne leave Gotham for 7 years?

Bruce blames himself, and leaves Gotham so no one else he loves will be hurt. Before he leaves, he tells Alfred that he will be gone a long time, but that he will return once he is able to protect Gotham. Bruce decides to start his training for his war on crime.
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How old is Batman at 30?

Batman is around 30 years old and is not yet an experienced crime fighter, because director Matt Reeves wanted to explore the character before he becomes "fully formed".
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What year is Gotham supposed to be?

What time period does "Gotham" take place in? According to actor Robin Lord Taylor, producers are not establishing the series' time period. It is, however, visually influenced by the late '70s and early '80s in New York, although, the use of cellphones indicates a time period of late 90's or early 00's.
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Why did people hate Jason Todd?

If Grayson is the humanization of Batman, and Drake is the idealization of Batman, then Jason represents the perversion of Batman. He took Batman's ideals to the darkest extremes, and managed to make things both better (by putting fear of death into criminals) and worse (by attracting even worse villains into Gotham).
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Why did Batman disown Jason Todd?

Jason Todd's relationship with Batman turned sour as a result of his battles with criminals, which were almost suicidal. Batman decided to relieve Jason from his duties as Robin in order to allow him to mourn the death of his parents. Jason resented this and stormed out, refusing to discuss the issue of his parents.
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Did Batman apologize to Jason Todd?

Batman has apologized and attempted to help Jason move past his trauma several times; even as recently as last year's 3 jokers miniseries, but Jason wouldn't meet him halfway.
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Which Robin became Joker?

In Dark Knight Strikes Again, Frank Miller reimagines Dick Grayson as a Robin whose bitterness towards Batman turns him into a new terrifying Joker. In Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Strikes Again, the original Robin became a dark new Joker.
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Who is the strongest Robin?

Warning! Contains Spoilers For Lazarus Planet: Omega! Batman has trained many young heroes as Robin, and while they have all been impressive on their own, DC just confirmed that one stands above the others in terms of power: Damian Wayne is the most powerful Robin.
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