How much does a movie idea sell for?

If you sell an idea or a storyline, you can expect to get $5,000 on the front-end and about $20,000 on the back-end if the movie gets produced. If you sell a treatment, you should expect around $15,000 on the front end and $30,000 on the back-end.
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Can I sell an idea for a movie?

You can't just conjure a movie idea and expect to sell it to studios. That doesn't happen. You can either try writing the script yourself or take the necessary steps to become a producer.
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How much does Netflix pay for a movie idea?

Netflix typically allocates between $100 and $250 million for a single movie. This amount can fluctuate based on the specific film and the desired streaming rights, but it serves as a reliable estimate for the average blockbuster. In some cases, the streaming service may spend even more.
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Can you sell a movie idea to Netflix?

If you have an idea, game, script, screenplay, or production already in development that you'd like to pitch to Netflix, you must work through a licensed agent, producer, attorney, manager, or industry executive, as appropriate, who already has a relationship with Netflix.
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How much can I sell a movie script for?

This is your standard feature film. For this type of screenplay, the Writer's Guild of America pays anywhere from around $70,000 and upwards of $150,000, meaning the average feature film script clocks in at just over $100,000.
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I Have A Great Movie Idea, What Do I Do? by Thunder Levin

How much do Netflix pay for scripts?

How much will Netflix pay for a script? The WGA reports that the median total pay for a screenplay deal with Netflix was $375,000, and the highest salary was reported as $4,000,000. As for rewrite deals, Netflix paid a median of $150,000, and the highest pay totaled $1,600,000.
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Who can buy my movie script?

One of the best ways to find someone who might be interested in purchasing your screenplay is to contact a producer or production company. If you don't already have contacts in the industry, you can start by researching development executives and potential buyers based on what type of script you are selling.
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How do I pitch an idea to Hulu?

Have an idea for a new feature? Want to request a show? Head on over to the Hulu Community and share your suggestions with us in the Ideas forum — we're always listening. Before you jump right in with your suggestions, make sure you know the ground rules.
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How do you pitch a movie idea?

How Do You Write a Movie Pitch?
  1. Create a captivating logline.
  2. Make the key moments stand out within the synopsis.
  3. Keep the synopsis short and succinct.
  4. Make your characters stand out and create a familiarity with them.
  5. Explain your personal connection to the idea or material.
  6. Make the themes clear.
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How do you pitch a show idea?

Your TV show pitch should include a pitch document that outlines the series overview, the target audience, a summary of the pilot episode, character descriptions, a play-by-play of the first season, and how many episodes you envision for the entire series. Having a TV show pitch template can greatly help this process.
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How much does Amazon pay for a script?

Amazon Studios' prior policy, until today, stated it had the exclusive right to buy a movie script for $200,000 or TV script for $55,000 from the day it's uploaded up to 45 days out. It can then pay $10,000 to extend that option for 18 months, which it can do up to two times, according to its FAQ.
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How do I sell my movie?

You can find a sales agent in pre-production, but unknown filmmakers will likely have to wait until project completion. Additionally, you can find sales agents by networking at film festivals and film markets. If you are looking for a worldwide VOD release, then you need an aggregator.
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How to sell a screenplay to Amazon?

Submitting your script to Amazon Studios is as simple as going to the Storywriter dashboard and clicking the three dots on the script you want to submit and choosing, “Submit to Amazon Studios”. Does Amazon want to hear your story, idea, and script even if you're not a professional? Amazon answers, “Yes.
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Who can I send a movie idea to?

Where to go to pitch a movie idea
  • Pitch sites. ...
  • Film festivals. ...
  • Writing competitions. ...
  • Pitch festivals. ...
  • Film investment companies. ...
  • Studios accepting unsolicited scripts. ...
  • Agents.
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How do I sell a movie I wrote?

7 Ways to Sell Your Story (Script, Book, Stage Play or Podcast) to "Hollywood"
  1. Sell/Option to a Producer or Production Company. ...
  2. Get Management Representation. ...
  3. Attend a Film Market. ...
  4. Get into a Development Program. ...
  5. Connect with an Up-and-Coming Director or Producer to Get the Film Made. ...
  6. Create Your Own IP. ...
  7. Use a Pitch Platform.
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How do I sell my movie idea to lifetime?

You Need an In. By policy and for legality purposes, Lifetime does not accept unsolicited pitches or materials. This is to protect them and you. They only accept pitches and materials from agents, managers, and through referrals from those they have worked with in the past.
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How long is a script for a 2 hour movie?

Feature film scripts usually run between 80-120 pages for an approximately 1.5 or 2-hour movie; each script page corresponds to approximately one minute of screen time.
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Can I sell story ideas?

The only way to develop and sell your story ideas is through solid research. It's through the research process that you'll uncover juicy facts about your story idea, and see whether it has enough “jam” to actually write an engaging story.
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How do I sell my life story on Netflix?

Get an agent

"Netflix only accepts submissions through a licensed literary agent or from a producer, attorney, manager, or entertainment executive with whom we have a preexisting relationship. Any idea that is submitted by other means is considered an unsolicited submission...
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Does Hulu accept unsolicited scripts?

10. UNSOLICITED SUBMISSIONS. It is Hulu's policy not to accept unsolicited submissions, including scripts, story lines, articles, fan fiction, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, ideas, or concepts. Hulu's policy is to delete any such submission without reading it.
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How do I sell a movie idea on Hulu?

You'd need to submit such an idea to a producer of content, such as ABC or NBC. Hulu only delivers content. Some streaming services (Netflix for example) also produce original content. I'd run a Google search for a contact at the producing organizations you want to pitch.
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How do I sell my movie to Hulu?

How To Get Your Video Distributed on Hulu
  1. Step 1: Get Clear on Requirements for Captions and Subtitles. ...
  2. Step 2: Create Closed Captions. ...
  3. Step 3: Approach Hulu by Email. ...
  4. Step 4: Team up with a Video Distributor (if necessary)
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Can I write a movie script and sell it?

Selling a script takes a lot of hard work, loads of planning, and little luck, but the good news is that people sell scripts every day. Hollywood is hungry for fresh voices and new stories. And while it can be challenging to get traction for your screenplay, there is a market for your script.
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How do I sell my script to Hallmark?

Hallmark does not accept or consider outside submissions of creative ideas, suggestions, or materials. Will Hallmark review my script for a movie? It is the Hallmark Channel's policy not to accept or consider unsolicited ideas, proposals and/or other creative materials (e.g. scripts, treatments, stories, etc.).
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Can you sell a script without an agent?

In fact, most working screenwriters sell scripts on spec less often than the past and instead get paid for OWAs, which means “Open Writing Assignment.” That means they're hired liked a freelancer to write an idea the production company already has. Still, yes — you can actually sell a screenplay without an agent.
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