How much was the blue diamond worth in Titanic?

Titanic: Heart of the Ocean Necklace ($500,750,000) At the end of the film, it is tossed into the ocean by Rose. While the studio fashioned the prop for about $9,400, the 56-carat heart-shaped blue diamond in white gold and a colorless diamond frame would have been worth more than $500 million had it been real.
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Was the blue diamond from Titanic ever found?

The diamond is, in fact, a fictional diamond. There never was a real version of this remarkable blue diamond in existence. However, a lot of details from this diamond necklace is similar to those from the Hope Diamond. The Hope Diamond was owned by Louis XIV.
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How much would the diamond in Titanic be worth today?

If Titanic's meaningful Heart of the Ocean were real, it would be priced at around $250-$300 million by most estimates (which are themselves often estimated using the Hope Diamon Titanic drew inspiration from). The prop necklace made for the movie, however, was put together with zirconia and white gold.
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What is the most valuable thing in the Titanic?

The most valuable single item onboard the Titanic was, however, a 1912 painting by Merry-Joseph Blondel, La Circassienne au bain.
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Did they ever find Rose's necklace Titanic?

This pendant did indeed come to be present inside the real Titanic, not the fictional one, as can be seen it is also a blue stone surrounded by small brilliants, although of a much smaller size than the Heart of the Sea.
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Titanic Uncovered

Was Rose and Jack real?

We hate to disappoint but the love story between Jack and Rose is purely fictional. While there was a J. Dawson on the ship — whose first name was actually Joseph — it is merely a coincidence. Meanwhile, Cameron's inspiration for Rose was American artist Beatrice Wood, who had no connection to the Titanic.
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Who owns the Hope Diamond now?

New York gem merchant Harry Winston purchased the diamond in 1949, touring it for several years before donating it in 1958 to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in the United States, where it is on permanent exhibition.
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What is the most valuable diamond in the world?

Topping our list of the most expensive diamonds in the world is the legendary Koh-I-Noor. Weighing in at a massive 105.6ct, the most expensive diamond in the world is oval shaped. Steeped in mystery and legend, the stone is believed to have been mined in India in the 1300s.
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Is The Heart Of The Ocean Real?

The Heart of the Ocean in the Titanic film is not a real piece of jewellery, but is hugely popular nonetheless. The jewellery is, however, based on a real diamond, the 45.52-carat Hope Diamond. The Hope Diamond is one of the world's most valuable diamonds; its worth is estimated at around 350 million dollars.
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What is the most famous diamond in the world?

#1 - The Hope Diamond

The diamond remained in the possession of French royalty until 1792, when it was stolen during the French Revolution. In 1830, the gem was bought by Henry Hope and was later sold by his ancestors to settle debts in 1901.
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Are there any Titanic survivors still alive?

There are no survivors of the Titanic alive today

The very longest-living person to have survived the Titanic died on the 31st of May 2009. Her name was Elizabeth Gladys 'Millvina' Dean, and she was just two months old when she boarded the Titanic with her family.
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Who is the real life Rose Dawson?

The real Rose from Titanic, Beatrice Wood, led a fascinating life that features more than a few similarities to Rose. Like Rose, Beatrice was born into a privileged family which she rejected as a young adult, leaving her home and pursuing a more independent life.
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Did Rose remarry after Jack died?

Rose married a man named “Calvert” and moved to Cedar Rapids, and that's the only information there is about her husband. Mr. Calvert passed away before Rose met Lovett and company, but Titanic's ending completely screwed him over.
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What is the rarest diamond color?

Red diamonds are the rarest of the colored diamonds, with only 20-30 existing in the entire world. They get their beautiful red color from a rare process during their formation, which changes the crystal structure of the diamond and causes light to pass through it differently than colorless diamonds.
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What is the rarest gemstone?

Named after its discoverer, Arthur C.D. Pain, and not after any kind of suffering, painite is the rarest gemstone mineral in the world. Although more than 1,000 have been found, only a handful are in quality shape.
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How much is a black diamond worth?

How much is a black diamond worth? A treated black diamond is worth around $300 per carat while a natural black diamond will be about $3000 per carat.
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Is there going to be a Titanic 2?

While James Cameron will never make a sequel to Titanic, and Shane Van Dyke's Titanic II has nothing to do with the historic ocean liner, there are still plenty of movies about the H.M.S. Titanic for viewers who want more.
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How cold was the water when the Titanic sank?

So, you might be wondering: how cold was the water when the Titanic sank? The water was exceptionally cold, averaging around 28°F (-2°C) when the Titanic sank. These freezing temperatures greatly affected the passengers and crew in the shipwreck, as hypothermia quickly set in for those exposed to the water.
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Who was the last survivor of the Titanic?

Eliza Gladys Dean (2 February 1912 – 31 May 2009), known as Millvina Dean, was a British civil servant, cartographer, and the last living survivor of the sinking of the RMS Titanic on 15 April 1912. At two months old, she was also the youngest passenger aboard.
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Who was the youngest Titanic victim?

Sidney Leslie Goodwin (9 September 1910 – 15 April 1912) was a 19-month-old English boy who died during the sinking of the RMS Titanic.
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Who was the most famous person that died on the Titanic?

John Jacob Astor IV's untimely demise on the ill-fated Titanic is a somber reminder of the lives lost during that fateful night in 1912. His accomplishments, wealth, and influence made him the most famous casualty of the disaster.
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Did anyone survive the Titanic that was not in a lifeboat?

In researching his genealogy he has connected with distant cousins who descended from his grandmother Evelyn Kearney Connors side of the family. It was her sister, Edna Kearney Murray who survived the sinking of the Titanic but it wasn't in an overloaded lifeboat.
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Who owns the rarest diamond?

Who owns the rarest diamond? The 12.03-carat Blue Moon of Josephine Diamond was bought by Joseph Lau and renamed for his daughter. His purchase set the record for any item sold at any auction, let alone diamonds.
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Who owns the biggest diamond on earth?

Today, the largest finished diamond is owned by the Royal Family of Thailand.
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